Machine Learning (Sage POV)

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"One Team, One Fight"

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"One Team, One Fight"

WARNING: Spoilers for Chapter 32 and Chapter 33 of Natural Selection

11 DEC 2038

A charred vehicle sat atop an ice-encrusted parking garage, the crime scene being battered with wind and light flurries. It'd been an active winter so far, but I'd wished mother nature would sit on her pompous arse and take a break. I thought about the hot, humid embrace of the Amazon and the dry, arid breeze of the desert. The balance of somewhere in between those on an African plain. The snowy leaves of evergreens in a chilling taiga. Through all the extreme biomes that I lived in, nothing quite compared to the frozen cityscape that was Detroit, at present.

"Talon, you good?" Captain Allen asked.

"Getting there." I sighed, rubbing my knee.

I'd taken a good fall, because no matter how deep my boot's treads were, nothing could cure being clumsy. In all my medical research, I'd looked for an answer far and wide, but to no avail. I'd be cursed with this disease forever. Aside from my nose being impossible to warm up, and falling flat, however, I was doing alright. We'd responded to a car on fire with suspicions of a car bomb, but there was no bomb, and thankfully, no charred body to pair.

I reached for the corner of the ledge lining the perimeter of the parking garage. My plan was to grab it and pull myself to my feet, but of course, I was too short. I rolled my weight over to one side, trying to extend my reach, but it was pointless. Should've asked David for help while he was here.

"Need a hand, doc?" Liam asked, and his glove slipped into my field of vision.

I grinned, taking his hand before he pulled me to my feet. I hobbled around on one leg, holding onto his shoulder for support.

"I've done myself in, this time." I groaned, "This'll hurt well and proper tomorrow."

"You've been through worse."

I smirked, testing out my weight on the injury in question. After some initial stinging, I was able to successfully stand on my own, and even managed to get a few steps in before wincing in pain.

"Could've called for help, you know. You do have a radio."

"Everyone's busy." I sighed, "I want to get out of here as soon as possible. That won't happen if everyone starts hovering."

"Are you tellin' me I hover?"


"Well, I'll be." He chuckled, "You're always lookin' after everyone else. Someone's gotta watch out for you."

"Jack does a good enough job."

"Yeah, but I was here first. And I do a great job."

"You'll get no argument from me."

Machine Learning (Captain Allen and DPD SWAT POV)Where stories live. Discover now