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~ Chit Chat ~

"Urgh I cannot believe that guy!" Alice scoffed angrily, "he didn't even let you touch the ingredients?"

Lily sighed, she was confused by the emotional rollercoaster that was her potions lesson. First, she has to sit next to the boy she hates, who's trying to get her to talk about their 2 minute conversation from the night before. Then, she's happy that her other friend, who she is still sort of mad it, is out in her group. Then, her friend becomes an annoying, snobbish, control freak who won't let her do anything at all. And after all of that, she actually has a lesson where she gets along with Potter more than one of her oldest friends.

"Please tell me this day will be over soon?" She groaned, rolling onto her stomach.

The girls were hanging out in their dorm. Lessons had finished for the day and after the late night party last night, they were exhausted.

"Lils, I keep telling you Severus is not a good guy," Alice sat up and looked at her meaningfully, "he's hanging out with some pretty shady people. They've all called you the m-word before, they're not good people."

Lily winced, but didn't reply. She'd known the people he'd hung out with for a while weren't great, but she had faith in Severus. They'd been best friends forever, plus he sort of had to hang out with them, they were in his house so he spend most of his time with them anyway.

Alice sighed and put her hand on Lily's, "you may want to believe he's the same boy you met all those years ago... but he's changed Lil, he isn't the same as he once was."

Lily opened her mouth to reply, but was startled by the door opening, and then suddenly slamming.

"You guys!" Marlene squeezed, jumping onto her bed, "you'll never guess what happened."

Lily and Alice sat up, and looked at each other in utter confusion, grinning and trying to suppress their laughter.

"There's still going to be a quidditch tournament! And there'll be more games than usual as well," she smiled so forcefully that Alice and Lily couldn't hold in their laughter anymore.

"Marlene what are you on about?" Alice giggled, then abruptly stopped and gasped, "wait they haven't cancelled the tournament have they?"

"Oh no no, nothing like that," Marlene was filled with joy, and took her time in answering, riling up her eager crowd, "the champions from the other schools and James have organised an unofficial tournament between their school teams and ours."

"Wait really? Marls that's so cool! Are you still on the team?" Lily asked, overjoyed for her friend who had been a little down recently. After not getting picked and not being able to do quidditch, Lily and Alice has started to worry about their friend, but this would solve, or at least help, that problem.

"'Course I'm on the team," Marlene said, gasping dramatically pretending to be offended, "but now of the other schools there'll be an extra 2 teams to play, so we get to play 2 more matches as well!"

"Wooooh!" Alice and Lily cheered for Marlene.

"When's the first match? Do you know when your playing?" Alice asked.

"Not sure just yet, but I think it's gonna be soon, definitely before the end of the month!" Marlene couldn't stop squealing every sentence she said, out of pure excitement.

After they'd all calmed down, and finalised Marlene's game plan, she sighed and asked, "so what were you guys talking about before I burst in with my magnificent news?"

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