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The front door opens, revealing a tired looking man with glasses on. As he enters, he drops his keys onto the key hook, along with hanging up his jacket and putting his reading glasses onto the table that was sitting next to the door.

Hero lets out a heavy sigh. 'Finally... Home sweet home.' He had just gotten off of work and was ready to crash onto his bed.

Every day... Every single day was annoying, stressful, and tiring. Whether it's his job as a doctor to get things right, or having to deal with his barely responsive staff, everything was slowly driving him nuts.

He moves on into the hallway... Then the bedroom... Then to the bed. The only thing that was keeping him going was his insanely comfortable bed. He faceplants onto it and quickly gets under the covers.

For some reason, he was very tired today. Usually he would destress by watching a bit of TV or enjoying a nice cocoa, but he was so tired that he wouldn't have the energy to do either of those. He didn't care, since sleep was just as relaxing as either of those things. He just figured that he was exhausted.

And so, he drifts off into the world of dreams... But something was calling to him.


Along the floors of the white void, Hero appeared. He shoots his eyes open upon appearing.

Once he notices that he was... somewhere, he sits up and starts looking around. "... This is odd... Am I dreaming? If so, what type of dream is an empty void?"

Since he didn't see anything, he stands up and starts walking, hoping he would see something in the distance.


It took him a couple of minutes of walking until he finally saw something come into view. Now that he actually spotted something, he started walking in the general direction of that thing.


Once he finally arrives, he gets a good look at what this thing was. It was actually a few things, that being a red and white picnic blanket, a small tv, a basketball, and...

"M-Mari...?" Hero called out to her. "Is... Is that you?"

Mari stands up and turns around upon hearing her name being called out. She sees a young man, slightly older than Kel, wearing some professional-looking clothing. He looked very tired, despite being in a dream. She takes a couple of steps forward.

A smile was forming upon seeing her face. "Mari! It is you! I-"

Once she is close enough, she immediately slaps him. Hard. She looked royally pissed while Hero took a step back, trying to recover from being slapped.

Hero places a hand where he was slapped. 'Wait... Why did I actually FEEL that?!' He thought to himself.

Mari begins shouting at him. "AND THAT'S FOR HURTING MY LITTLE BROTHER, YOU JERK!!"

Hero just stared at her, in absolute shock over the slap, shouting, and situation he got himself into.

"AND THIS..." Mari quickly moves towards him, causing him to flinch, expecting another slap or something. However, that didn't happen. Mari pulls him into a hug. "... Is for going away too soon..."

Hero opens his eyes and looks down at Mari. At that moment, he couldn't hold his emotions in any longer. He wraps his arms around her and begins weeping.

Through his sobs, he spoke to her. "M-Mari... I... I missed you so much... I-It's really you..."

Mari is struggling with holding in her own emotions as she replies "Y-Yes... It's me... I... I missed you too..."

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