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Author's pov

"Babe..." She called out her boyfriend slowly.

"Yes?" He said back slowly as he scooted her closer.

"Umm... what do you think about it?"

"About what?" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"About Jina going to America." Her boyfriend sighed out heavily.

"She's going to America for just two months, Kyuhyun-ah."

"But isn't that too long, Tae?"

"Babe..." He made her look at him. He cupped her cheek and said "...You worry too much."

"But then-"

"She's not gonna settle down over there. She's just going for an exam and she'll be back soon. Stop worrying and sleep."


"Babe... I love you so much. So sleep. It's 3:00 a.m."

"Okay. I love you, Tae."

"Love you too." He said before pecking her lips. They both slept in each other's arms peacefully.


Jina's pov

"Taken my books, clothes, and all the stuff required." I said to myself as I looked at the luggage.

I can't wait to go to America!!!

I was keeping the luggage outside my house until when I heard someone honking from a car. I looked at the black car in front of my house and smiled. The window went down slowly, revealing a handsome young man. I smiled as I looked at him.

"Hey Jina!" He called out from the car.

"Hey Jin oppa!" I called back.

"Wait, I'll be there in a minute." I nodded. He got down from his car and made his way towards me. He stood in front of me and said "Jina's going to America, huh?"

"It's just for two months. Plus, it's just for an exam."

"I know. I'm so proud of you."

"I haven't written my exam yet but okay."

I diverted my gaze back to his black car. I couldn't see anyone else inside. My smile fell. I looked back at Jin as he took the bags and suitcases one by one and kept it in the trunk. "Jin oppa..." I called out. He hummed in response. "Umm... didn't anyone else come with you?"

He stopped himself from keeping a bag and turned his gaze towards me. I smiled. He kept the bag in the trunk and said "Yoongi, Hobi, Kyuhyun and Taehyung are waiting for you at the airport." He smiled. I smiled back. I wanted to ask about someone else too but then I didn't.

"Are you thinking about Namjoon?" He asked, keeping a suitcase in the trunk.

"Huh? Uh-No. No, I'm not."


"Alright, fine. What about him?"

"He'll be on his way to the airport too."

"Oh... okay." I said as I brightened a bit.

"Jina... are you thinking about what happened yesterday?" I nodded as I bowed down my head in defeat. "Hey, it's okay. He's fine."

"I didn't talk to him since yesterday after what happened. I feel awful."

"Hey... it's alright. Everything's fine. He told me he was fine when I called him last night."

"But then I know that he's not fine." I said, leaning against the car.

"Trust me... he'll be fine." I smiled weakly. "Cheer up! You're going to the States and you shouldn't look like this."


"Why not you guys start dating?"


"Namjoon and you. You guys make a great pair."

"Shut up, Jin! We're just friends. Get that? Just friends."

"You keep saying that but it doesn't look like that."

"We're just friends." I said, sternly.

"Whatever you say." He said, before closing the trunk and signaling me to get in the car. I got in his car and sat back. He started the engine and it roared to life. He started driving the car towards the airport while I just stared out of the window, thinking about him

A/N ::: Alright, so how was it??? Ummm... Sorry for starting off like soooo lame.... Ummm...yea hope u like the story. Dw the next chapter will be released soon 😊😊😊

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