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Jina's pov

"JINA! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!" Kyuhyun cried out, hugging me. I patted her back as she cried in my arms. "Jina! You told you won't leave me alone but now you are!"

"Yeah, but then it's just for two months and it has a reason behind it."

"Why not just do it from here? From Korea?"

"The exam is being held there so I have to go. I'll be back soon. I'll video call you everyday and talk with you everyday but for now please stop crying." I looked behind and saw Taehyung standing. I called out his name slowly and he looked at me. I pointed at Kyuhyun, signaling him to take her away from me.

He sighed out heavily before walking towards us. He held Kyuhyun's arm and pulled her away. She let go off me as she was being pulled away.

"YAH! WHY DID YOU PULL ME?" She shouted.

"I'm sorry, babe but you've gotta calm down." Taehyung said.

"Fine... But Jina, please do call me and text me back if I text you." Kyuhyun said.

"Okay, okay."

Kyuhyun and I had known each other since when we were nine-years old. I had known the others that is Taehyung, Yoongi, Hobi and Seokjin in college. Yes, we were in college and we were studying forensics. Namjoon and I had been friends since when we were fifteen-years old. I've always had a strong connection with him. He was my neighbor and that's how we came to know each other. Namjoon was studying forensics too. And he was the guy I was waiting for at that moment.

"Flight 22 will leave in 15 minutes." They announced in the loudspeaker.

"Alright Jina, All the best! Do your exam well and call me if you need anything." Hobi said.

"All the best, Jina. Take care of yourself and buy some good wine while coming back." Yoongi said.

"Of course, I will." I said, smiling weakly. I turned my gaze back at the doors.

Where is he?

I kept looking at the doors. I heard Hoseok call out my name. I looked at him and he said "Jina... Are you waiting for Namjoon?"

"Uh-uh-n-no. No. I-I'll get going." I said. He smiled. I smiled back but it was a fake one.

"Jina... you going?" Taehyung asked. Kyuhyun hit his arm playfully and said "Yah! Let her stay for a while. My best friend's going to stay away from me for 2 months."

"Okay, okay."

"Uh... I guess, I'll get going then. I don't wanna miss my flight." I said, walking backwards but then I still kept my gaze at the doors.

He's not coming. All because of what I did yesterday. I didn't even tell him a sorry.

I turned around and started taking small steps.

"JINA!" I heard someone shout my name from behind. I knew who's voice it was. I turned around immediately and he was standing next to the doors. He was Namjoon.

Namjoon' s pov

I was panting heavily as I had to run a long way. As soon as I called out her name, she turned around. I was so happy to see her face. She left her bags and ran towards me, pushing people away. I didn't have the energy to run but then after seeing her, I had the energy. I ran towards her and then we stood in front of each other. I was so happy to see her but at the same time I felt bad. She pulled me for a hug and hugged me tight. Heat was rising to my cheeks. I was blushing.

"Joonie, I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you whatever the reason was. I'm so-"

"Don't be. It's fine. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Just do your exam well." I said, patting her back.

"Have they been dating behind our backs?" I heard Hobi ask Jin hyung. I smiled as I heard that.

I really wish I could.... 

A/N :::: hey guys.... I'm really sorry for making a really short chapter. From next chapter onwards it will be long enough. I swear! Have a good day ahead!! Saranghe 💜 💜 💜 💜 

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