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Namjoon's pov

"No! I know that you're not fine. You're hurt. I know that. All because of me." Jina said, crying in my arms.

"No, I'm fine, Jina. I really am. Trust me." I said, cupping her cheek. I looked at her puppy face which was filled with such innocence. A tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped the tear away with my thumb. I felt my heart clenching as I saw her cry.

"Hey... please don't cry. I'm fine." I said, softly. She kept shaking her head and kept telling that I was not fine. I held her head to keep it in place. "Look at me..." I said, slowly. She looked at me and I said "I'm fine. It's okay. Whatever happened yesterday... just forget it. Erase it from your memory. Cause, I did. What you should worry about is the exam you're gonna write. Not about me."

She hit my chest and I winced in pain. "IDIOT! DID YOU JUST SAY THAT I SHOULDN'T WORRY ABOUT YOU!" She shouted.

"Nonono, that's not what I meant. I-"

"I will worry about you while I'm gone." She said as her eyes softened while my eyes widened. "You should eat properly. You should have enough sleep. Basically, you should take care of yourself. I will call you everyday."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Flight 22 will leave in 10 minutes." They said on the speaker.

"I guess, you should get going." I said, letting her go even though I didn't want to. She smiled at me before turning around and taking small steps away from me. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks and ran back towards me. She said, hugging me tight under her arms "Last hug... I'll miss you, Joonie!"

"I'll miss you too!" I said before hugging her back.

She then let go off me again and took her bags. She said a bye to everyone else. I saw her walk away from me. I didn't want her to leave. I saw her disappear through the crowds. I sighed out heavily before turning around with my head down.

It's just for 2 months, Joon. Just 2 months. It will just go by soon. OMG! IT'S 2 MONTHS!!

I straightened myself before diverting my gaze back to my friends who were staring at me.

"What happened?' I asked.

"Have you guys been secretly dating?" Jin asked, staring at me.

"Umm... no." I saw Kyuhyun cry. "Kyuhyun-ah, why are you crying?"

"Well, thanks to your girlfriend, she's made my girlfriend cry." Taehyung said, before pulling her into his embrace. I blushed as I heard the word - 'girlfriend'.

"W-What did she do?" I stuttered.

"WHAT DID SHE DO! She told you that she'll call you everyday and to take of yourself while she didn't even tell me anything like of that sort." Kyuhyun said, crying.

"She didn't! That's not so her." I commented.

"Well... she pretty much did, babe..." Taehyung said. She glared at him, making to zip his mouth.

"How will she? After what had happened yesterday, why wouldn't Jina only think about Joon?" Yoongi said.

"Nothing so big happened yesterday." I said.

"Yeah, not so big! You hitting a guy in front of Jina while he was confessing his feelings to her, isn't so big." Hobi said. I bowed down my head in defeat.

"Hey..." Jin hyung said, holding my shoulder. "We didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's fine." I said, pushing his hand off my shoulder slowly.

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