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They gave their friends a hug before heading out, - it has been one hell of a day, hasn't it my love?He asked as he drove through the streets of Seoul

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They gave their friends a hug before heading out,
- it has been one hell of a day, hasn't it my love?
He asked as he drove through the streets of Seoul.
- yes it has baby, I'm thankful that you are always close whenever this human world turns into chaos.
- well I'm glad that I can be around you, to make it less crazy baby.
- we are always in some kind of adventure.
She said while laughing, then could not stop laughing.
Jungkook looked at her face all scrunched up because she was laughing hard, it made him smile too, her laugh was contagious so he couldn't help it.
- aigoo, my stomach hurts and my cheeks.
- you are laughing too hard there my love.
- it just tickled me, the other day was the heel of my shoe that broke, today is the elevator, what would it be tomorrow?
- don't jinx us baby.
He begged her as he pulled up at their house.
- I was joking baby.
- I know me too, come on let's go check on our princess.
He held her hand making their way inside the house.
They opened the door walking in to find princess sitting in front of it waiting for them.
- aigoo, my baby.
Y/n let go of Jungkook's hands reaching for her to pick her up.
- I'm so sorry baby, that it took us so long to come home, mom and dad had one hell of a day but we are here now.
- go get ready for bed I'll take care of her food and water.
- I have to check the litter box.
- do that quickly, then get in the bed, come on princess.
Jungkook said making his way to the kitchen, princess squirmed in y/n's arms so she put it down whom follow Jungkook to the kitchen.
- there is no loyalty, I'm the one who buys her food but as soon as he shows up she turns her back towards me.
Y/n as she went to clean the litter box.
- hello madame, how was your day?
Jungkook said stopping for a brief moment to pet princess whom was rubbing herself against his legs.
- I know we missed you too baby.
He could hear her purring as he dragged his hand along her head then scratched behind her ears.
- come on your majesty let's get you fed because I need to take care of mom.
He cleaned the food and water bowls then replenished them with both before walking back to the bedroom.
She had fallen asleep sitting down.
- what in the world little girl?
He could not help the chuckle as he fixed her the right way on the bed.
- my princess, how much I love you, I can't help getting upset when I think that there is someone trying to take you away from me, because you are mine, no one else's.
He took off his shirt keeping only the sweats.
- I hope this man doesn't come here tomorrow morning like today because I'm going to be pissed off, always ruining our time together.
He said making his way in the bed with her.
- come love cuddle up this way.
Few hours later everything was peace and quiet, everyone was fast asleep even princess whom was laying tucked in besides Jungkook's feet, y/n had laid on her side, her back was facing Jungkook whom was laying on his back, somehow she began to dream that they were still locked up in the elevator, and Jungkook was having difficulties to breath inside, the lack of oxygen made him lose consciousness, when they were finally taken out he was rushed to the hospital, but he wouldn't respond to treatments.
Y/n was letting out subtle whimpers, which you could barely hear, Jungkook was fast asleep, the dream lasted just a little longer, until she sat up abruptly on the bed, she looked to his side leaning closer making sure that he was breathing.
- thank goodness.
She threw her feet off the bed making her way to the kitchen.
- that dream felt too real.
She said while rummaging for a glass to drink some water when she moved her leg, she felt princess fur grazed along her ankle, which startled her.
- (gasp) (glass shattering)
Jungkook shot up on the bed immediately running to the kitchen to find the scene that was unfolding there.
- darling?
He stopped behind her to witness the pieces of glass scattered everywhere across the kitchen floor.
- don't move, you will cut your feet, let me.
He said picking her up bridal style placing her on top of the counter.
- why are you up?
He said looking for some slippers to wear quickly, then the broom and dust pan to pick all the glass.
- be careful baby.
She said as he swept the floor.
- what are you doing up baby?
- I had a bad dream Kook,..
- what about sweetheart?
- we were still trapped on the elevator baby.
He stop his movements when he heard the dream, getting rid of the broken glass then walking back to her.
- is that all baby?
- no Kook, you had problems breathing, due to the lack of oxygen inside the elevator, after they got us out they rushed you to the hospital, but you wouldn't wake up with any of the treatments that they were giving you...
Tears made her words slur, but he stopped her anyway.
- shhh, that was just a bad dream, see I'm right here standing in front of you, hmm?
She nodded running her fingers through his thick locks which were all over the place from laying down.
- I'm so relieved that you are.
Her hands were still shaking which he noticed, bringing both hands taking hers in his, bringing both of them to his lips one at the time.
- I'm fine my love.
- thank heavens.
She said letting her lips land on his forehead, then pressed her cheek against his head.
- what were you doing in here love?
- came to get some water.
- I'll get it for you.
- noo.
She said hugging him tighter.
- baby, I'm fine nothing is going to happen to me.
- how can you be so sure Kook, how?
- because I can take care of myself baby.
- I know you do but I'm still scared baby.
- aigoo.
He said bringing her closer wrapping his arms around her frame,
- promise that you will never leave me.
- I promise baby, I could never leave you, how could I leave you, if you are all I need to survive.
He patted her side with his right hand helping her to relax.
- let's go back to bed we don't have that many hours left.
- meow.
The cat's call made both of them look on the floor, but she jumped into the counter besides y/n.
- hey there your majesty, because we are in the kitchen that doesn't mean that is time to eat.
Jungkook said to the cat who was standing besides them.
- I think she isn't looking for food.
Y/n told Jungkook.
- no, then what are you looking for madame?
- (meow) (purr)
Princess bumped his hand.
- she is looking for her dad.
Y/n said while hugging her body closer to him, princess bumped into his arm wanting some attention as well.
- spoiled little ass.
Jungkook said scratching her head.
- let's go back to bed your highness.
Jungkook said while pulling back to get y/n some water before heading back to bad.
After drinking her water she left the cup on the counter.
- ready my pretty little fiend?
- yes sir I am.
- hold on.
He reached for her hips picking her from the counter.
- come on your majesty.
Jungkook called before walking back to the room, with princess following behind whom quickly jumped at the edge of the bed to find a spot where to settle down.
- come on beautiful let's get a few more hours of sleep under our belt.
He joked allowing her to get comfortable on the bed then he followed her.
Finally settled on the bed, she cuddled up to him, whom fell asleep right away.
- lucky you my love who can fall asleep right away, but I don't mind just lay in here in your arms until the sleep finds me.
Which never did, she laid awake being held by Jungkook for the rest of the time, finally giving up on getting any sleep she got off the bed.

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