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- she is a gift from the love of my life.
Y/n said with a smile.
- I know but, my intention wasn't for you to become attached this much, but how can you not if she is cute as hell, she is beautiful just like her mother.
- like her father also.
The doorbell rang.
- that's probably the doctor, let me get it.
He said lifting her legs to get up from the sofa.
After the doctor gave both of them a thorough check up, Jungkook walked her to the door.
Few minutes later Taehyung and Jimin were walking through the door.
- we are back you two.
- we can see you Tae Tae.
Y/n said with a smile.
- here you.
Taehyung said handing Jungkook his car key.
- thank you bro, could I ask one more favor from you?
- of course what is it?
- let me borrow some sweats and a shirt, I need to wash up, I feel disgusting after coming out of our imprisonment.
- of course, follow me.
Taehyung said going up the stairs with Jungkook trailing up close.
- how are you feeling darling, did he bring you water?
- yes Jiminie, also brought me watermelon.
- did the doctor come?
- yes she did, she is amazing, just sweet as sugar.
- I know, she has been out doctor for a very long time, what did he say?
- Jungkook is fine, but I'm still somewhat dehydrated, so I have to drink more water.
- let me get you another bottle.
- no I still have some in here.
She said lifting the bottle.
- there isn't much in there finish so I can take it and bring you another one.
- ok, ok.
She said chugging the rest of the water handing him the empty bottle.
- baby, let's order some food.
Taehyung said as he made his way back downstairs.
- ok, is he washing up?
- yes, I gave him some clothes to wear, he insists that he smells, I can't smell anything on him but his cologne but is his body after all.
Taehyung said following Jimin to the kitchen.
- y/n are you going to eat lamb skewers as well, or would you like something else.
- lamb skewers is fine.
- perfect, how about you baby?
- Tae I'll eat whatever you know this.
- I know I'm just making sure.
They ordered the food then sat down with y/n in the living room to talk while Jungkook washed up.
- how about you y/n do you want to wash up?
- is ok Jiminie, I have bothered you enough today, I'll wait until we get home.
- don't be silly y/n, if you want to let me know.
- I would have to borrow some clothes as well Min Min.
- that's fine darling, come on.
They made their way upstairs to Jimin and Tae's room, where he went to find some clothes for her.

They made their way upstairs to Jimin and Tae's room, where he went to find some clothes for her

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Jungkook walked out of the bathroom.
- what's with the face handsome?
- Tae's clothes are a little snug.
He said trying to adjust himself.
- oh.
Y/n had to look the other way as she felt her cheeks heating up.
- are you ok darling?, your face is completely flushed, you are behaving like you have never seen that man naked, here take these.
Jiminie said handing her some clothes before walking out of the room.
- is my lady feeling shy?
Jungkook asked playfully as he made his way to her.
- baby, I'm not being shy.
- then, why won't you look at me my love?
- because I'm trying to go wash up, they already ordered the food baby.
- really?, I was going to help pay for it.
- well you talk to the owners of the house, I have nothing to do with that.
- I will, come closer I want to tell you a secret.
He used his index finger in a come hither motion, which she fell for leaning closer to him, not having a single clue of his intentions, his arms wrapped around her shoulders bringing her even closer to him smashing his lips against hers, his move took her by surprise, a soft moan escaped from her lips, into his mouth as their lips danced with each other, his thick fat thigh sneaked between her legs spreading them slightly.
- fuck baby, you need to go back downstairs, I'm supposed to be washing up.
- I know I'm sorry but I couldn't help it love.
He said unhooking his arms letting her free.
- I have been dying to get my hands on you.
- yah, you two better not being nasty in our room!!!
Jimin yelled from downstairs.
- shut up Jiminie, you are the nasty one just for thinking that!!
She replied making both of them laugh, her phone rang, so she looked at the screen, it was an unknown number, she looked at Jungkook as her unknown number flashed across the screen.
- what is it my love, who is it?
- I don't know baby.
- answer put it on speaker.
She nodded while answered the call.
- hello?
She said with a shy voice.
- is this miss y/n?
- yes this is she, who is calling?
- oh good, is Paul Kim, I'm mr. Kim's son, we met earlier when our father's had lunch.
Her eyes widened.
- ok, how did you get this number though?
- ah, I have my ways, I heard that you got locked up in an elevator today for thirty minutes with your bodyguard.
Jungkook didn't look too amused with what he was hearing.
- how did you find out about that?
- I have my ways like I said before, I'm glad to hear you, it seems that you are doing ok after that ordeal, I called you to make sure that you were ok, but I also call you to ask you on a date.
- I thought I was very clear earlier at the restaurant, I'm not interested so please stop trying to pressure me to do something that I don't want to do.
- but you haven't even given me the chance.
- I don't want to give you the chance, I said earlier so please do not call me anymore, if my father gave you my number I'll kill him too.
- do you have a boyfriend or something, is he jealous?
- yes he is very jealous, he wants to bust your face right now, so you stop harassing my woman.
Jungkook was on the verge of snapping on that asshole.
She saw his face, so her hand went up to his cheek.
- I don't think that's nothing of your business, who do you think you are to ask me stuff like that, is it because I don't want to go out with you?, that's my decision, I'm not interested in going out with you.
- but how can you make that decision without even get to know me?
- hang up the call baby.
He whispered.
- I'm going to hang up so please do not call anymore if you do I'll change my number.
- wait y/n, don't hang up...
But it was too late, she had already pressed the end call button.
- who that hell is that bastard, who the hell he thinks he is?!!!
Jungkook finally blew up, after having to refrain himself from yelling at the asshole that just called his girlfriend, when she already have told him that he wasn't interested.
- what's going on are you two arguing?
Taehyung said peeping his head through the door.
- no we are not.
Jungkook said trying to calm down.
- take him with you, he will tell you, I need to get cleaned up.
She said making her way in the bathroom.
He looked at her going in the bathroom not even caring about her phone, leaving it behind on the bed.
The two walked back downstairs.
- what happened Kook, what were you yelling like that?
He sat down with Jimin and Tae in the kitchen, letting out a big sigh before telling them what happened.
- me and my lady were just having a moment, we were just conversing, when a phone came through in her phone, it was and unknown number so I told her to answer it.
- ok, so who was it mr. president again?
- no Tae, is the mother fucking son on the main share holder of Hyundai motors.
- what, why, how?
- she asked him how did he get her number, the jackass had the audacity to tell her that he has his ways.

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