everythings going to hell

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A/N: I rejuvenated my clover Sims 4 file and remade Jaxx, y'all look at how cute this shit is. Soak in the cute, because after it it'll just be hell, as the chapter name implies. Playlist song for this chapter is and I love her, specifically Kurt Cobain's version. This is definitely a song Daryl learned on guitar to play for Jaxx before the apocalypse.

Jaxx couldn't tell how they got from point A to point B so quickly, one moment they were leaving the town in the dead of night and the next they were pulling up to the farm baked in morning sunlight.

Getting off the chopper with help from Daryl, he watched Rick hug his family, Maggie embrace Glenn, and Herschel walk towards the farmhouse to prepare for surgery. "Daryl, you never answered me earlier. Was Dave with her?" Jaxx asked, Daryl only looked at him with a puzzled look.

"Who?" He asked, Jaxx thought for a moment. "Oh, wait that's right you hadn't met Dave before.. All this. He's Bee's boyfriend. And one of my good friends." Jaxx explained, noticing Rick glance over towards him.

"Rick what's up?" Jaxx asked, Rick stepped closer to the two to keep his voice down.

"I...I killed him, Jaxx. He and his pal drew their guns, I panicked." Rick admitted, Jaxx froze in shock. Usually Rick was a level headed man, a man who asked questions first and shot later. "Well if you hadn't panicked you would have known that Dave doesn't even know how to use a fuckin' gun!" Jaxx retorted, raising his voice.

Daryl squeezed Jaxx's hand to calm him, but it didn't work this time. "Rick, David was my friend. Sure he had a weird vibe to him, but he was harmless!!" He continued, Rick hung his head in guilt. Daryl once again squeezed Jaxx's hand and pulled him closer.

"I'm sorry, Jaxx. I really am. But your friend Bee is safe with us, Herschel is about to come fix her up-" Ricks response was cut short by T-Dog.

"Who the hells that?" He asked, pointing to the back seat where a blindfolded Bee sat. "Seriously guys, a blindfold?" Jaxx asked, Rick sighed. "Beatrice. An old friend of Jaxx and Daryl." Glenn responded, Shane glared bullets at the couple.

"Group meeting. Now. Without those two." Shane commanded, leading everyone inside the farm house. "Fuckin' big nosed prick." Jaxx spat, before heading towards the back of the car where Bee sat.

"Bee.." Jaxx said softly, Beatrice looked in his direction. "Jaxx? Holy shit you're alive too.. Take this off me it smelled funny." She responded, Jaxx let out a sad chuckle. "I can't right now, Bee... I guess the others don't trust you enough to let you know where you are." He answered, he couldn't see it but he knew she rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, like I'd ever go back to those assholes. Without Dave to cover this fuck up they'll probably kill me.. Kinda glad he's gone though, he'd whine so much it made me want to kill him myself." Bee's reply seemed.. Off. Something about it didn't sit right with Jaxx. Walking back to Daryl, Jaxx kept his eyes on his hands. "Daryl... Do you think our new world can change people for the worse?" Jaxx asked, glancing back at his friend in the back seat of the white van.

"Sure. Hell it made Jenner, Amy, Andrea, and Jacquie crazy enough to want to blow up." Daryl responded, Jaxx nodded. "It did.. And I think it made Bee... Something. I don't know what yet but the Bee I know wouldn't shrug off her boyfriends death like she just did." Jaxx looked back at Daryl, who was watching the group talk through the farm house window.

"They think we ain't gotta say in this since we know her... But this ain't our Beatrice." Daryl responded, tossing his gun in his motorcycles storage and heading inside the house. Jaxx reluctantly followed, and they were met with dead silence the moment they entered.

"I said without you." Shane said sternly.

"You also said group meeting. We're in the group, so we come to the meeting. 'Sides, ain't gonna waiver any decisions. Ain't our friend." Daryl snapped back, Glenn looked on in confusion.

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