Better Angels pt1

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A/N: never understand why better angels wasn't the season finale, it felt more like a season finale than beside the dying fire. Putting this into two parts for my own sanity. Chapter song is Back Stabbers by the O'Jays, I think it fits for this chapter specifically. Why you ask? Oh you'll see.

The next morning, Jaxx felt uneasy. As Rick gave his speech at Dales grave, a tension laid thick below them. Glancing over at Carl, the boy still had guilt masking his features. Tears fell from his eyes as his father spoke about Dale and the state of the group.

Daryl had an arm around Jaxx's waist, he too could feel the tension. "We do this his way... That is how we honor Dale." Once Rick's speech was done, Daryl followed Rick back to his truck to prepare for Beatrice's leave. Jaxx made his way over to the work shed to move wooden planks in the car for Shane.

"Hey Jaxx?" Carl called from behind him, Jaxx set the two planks of wood he had in his arms down. "Hey there Carl, you doing okay?" Jaxx asked, clearly knowing the answer. "If I tell you something.. Can you promise you won't tell my parents?" Carl asked, Jaxx rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh I'm not sure about that.. It depends on what it is, Lad." Jaxx answered honestly, Carl nodded and thought for a moment.

After the moment passed, he reached in his back pocket and pulled out Daryl's gun, handing it to Jaxx. "I took this off of Daryl's motorcycle.. If he found out I took it he'd kill me." Carl said, Jaxx checked the chamber and turned the safety back on. "Carl.. Why would you do such a thing?" Jaxx asked, Carl looked down at the dirt.

"It's my fault that Dales dead... That walker, I seen it before. When I was out in the woods it was stuck in the mud. I threw rocks at it and stuff.. And I was gonna shoot it but it came loose and I ran away..." Carls voice lowered with every sentence.

"And then the walker found Dale.." Jaxx ended the timeline of events for the boy, Carl nodded. "This isn't your fault, Carl. What happened to Dale.. It was my fault. I was out there with him, I saw it come for him... But I was too scared to get it off of him in time.. So please don't blame yourself, it was my responsibility to help him and I failed." Jaxx added, Carl gave him a puzzled look.

"Carl, I want you to take this. I know this gun I bought it for Daryl years ago, I want you to have it and keep yourself safe." Jaxx said, handing the gun back to Carl. Carl backed away in refusal.

"No, no way I'm never touching another gun again." Carl refused, Jaxx sighed. "Carl please just take it we don't have that option anymore-"

"Just give it back to Daryl!" Carl cut Jaxx off before walking away. Jaxx looked down at the gun, it wasn't Daryl's favorite handgun but it was his only handgun now... "He can have mine.." Jaxx muttered to himself as he pocketed the gun and finished his work. Once the wood was packed up, Jaxx made his way to the house to move his and Daryl's belongings into it.

"You and Daryl can have my room.." Beth said in her mousy tone, Jaxx shook his head. "Oh no lass, that wouldn't be fair to you." Jaxx replied, Beth helped him carry in a tote full of Daryl's tools.

"I'm sharing a room with Patricia, she doesn't like sleeping alone anymore.. And besides, it's my thank you for helping me..." She said, Jaxx smiled a bit.

"If you're so sure.. Thank you, Beth. Truly." He thanked, once all of his things were moved into Beths room he went to help Glenn move the RV, seeing the young man trying to fix the engine Jaxx picked up the tool bag to help.

"I let him down, Jaxx.." Glenn said, catching Jaxx off guard. "What? No you didn't." Jaxx replied, Glenn filed off the points. "I did.. I said I sided with him but I chickened out... Like I always do." Glenn said, pausing his work go cry. Jaxx set the tool bag down as Glenn closed the engine door.

"Glenn.. I'm sure he forgave you in his final moments." Jaxx said softly, pulling his friend in for a hug. Glenn hugged back, holding on tight for a moment before letting go. "Y'know, you're the closest thing I have to a brother." Jaxx added, getting Glenn to smile.

Inside the RV, Jaxx prayed for the damn thing to start. Hearing the engine roar to life, he and Glenn cheered on the RV and high fived. Dales hat sat on the dash between them.

Once the RV was parked, Jaxx made his way to Rick on the porch. Daryl stood on the ground below him, showing him where they should leave Beatrice. "Hey wonderboy," jaxx greeted, kissing his husbands cheek and making Daryl blush. "Can I talk to Rick for a second please?" He asked, Daryl folded up the map.

"Go ahead Clover." He said, walking away. Rick smiled fondly. "Dale was right... Seeing you two interact is always a mood lifter." Rick said, Jaxx chuckled.

"It's just funny to see Daryl flustered, isn't it?" Jaxx asked, Rick shrugged. "Yeah it kinda is. So what's up Jaxx?" Rick asked, Jaxx took a deep breath. "Well, Carl... He asked me not to tell you but I have to. He came up to me and he told me that he took this from our camp the other day." Jaxx said, setting the gun down on the patio fence post.

"He thinks hes the reason Dales gone, and he refused to take it back after I gave him full permission." Jaxx added, Rick picked up the gun. "You said he could keep it?" Rick asked, Jaxx nodded. "I did.. Bought that gun for Daryl years ago, I figured Daryl could just take my gun since I have Dales." He responded, Rick put the gun in his jacket pocket.

"I'll go talk to him.. Thank you, Jaxx." Rick said, Jaxx nodded and headed over to the slaughter shed where they kept Beatrice, he wanted to talk to her. Just as he began to unlock the door, Shane came stumbling out of the woods. "Jaxx! Thank god you're here man, Beatrice ran off!" He shouted, Jaxx looked at the locked door and then back at Shane.

"C'mon man, she's got my gun if we catch her now there won't be an issue!" He implored, foolishly, Jaxx ignored the bad feeling in his gut and ran into the woods with Shane.

"Shouldn't we get the others?" Jaxx asked, Shane shook his head. "Nah if they knew I fucked up this bad I'd never hear the end of it. I caught her tryin' to break out, I was just trying to move her to the other shed when she grabbed my gun and ran." Shane explained, Jaxx still felt something was wrong.

"She's five foot seven in heels and doesn't even weight a hundred pounds, how could she possibly get away?" Jaxx asked, turning to face Shane. Big mistake. In a moments notice Jaxx was on the ground, pain stung throughout his face as he realized that Shane had punched him. Before he could get back up Shane straddled the Irishman, and began to choke him.

Jaxx felt around for Dales gun, his knife, a rock, anything to get Shane off of him, but all he could find was leaves. He panicked as he felt his body slowing, Shane looked absolutely insane.

"It's like you said man, you'd do anything to protect Daryl. Well you gotta die to do that." He said in a menacing tone, Jaxx felt tears welling in his eyes. After a minute or so, Jaxx felt light headed as he passed out. Shane was the last thing he heard before blacking out completely.

"He'll forget about you and your damn nightingales."

Clover (Daryl Dixon X Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now