Clover finds Wonderboy

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(A/N: I chose wonderboy for Daryl's nickname mostly because of this song. Don't ask why I listen to it I honestly don't know either. warning: there is some use of homophobic language.)

That morning as Jaxx sharpened his blade near the dead campfire he heard footsteps stop next to him, looking up he was met with the seemingly glowing eyes of Shane. "I knew you were a fuckin' fag." Shane commented, clearly looking for a fight. Jaxx sighed and rose from where he sat, placing his blade back into its holster on his belt and looking Shane straight in the eye.

"What's it to ya?" He asked, tying his hair back so it would not get in his face. "No wonder your mother's dead, with a fag like you for a son she had no-" Shanes sentence was cut short by a swift punch in the gut from Jaxx, followed by a fall to the ground and a boot placed firmly on his chest. "You say what you want about me all you want, one word about my Ma and you will not see the light of day again. I consider this camp my home, and these people my family. But you? you are Just a neanderthal with a thick skull and a happy trigger finger. Now, kindly fuck off."

Jaxx released Shane from under him, who quickly rose and stormed off. "Fucking paddy fag." He uttered as a last desperate attempt at pissing Jaxx off.

Hours later Jaxx found himself Babysitting Sophia, Carl, Louis, and Eliza. He had started a game of hide and seek with the four when he heard Carl and Sophia scream from the woods, Sprinting to where he heard the screams he was instantly met with the sight of a walker eating away at a deer. Jaxx swiftly pushed the kids behind him and checked each child making sure they were not harmed.

As he checked on Carl Shane, Rick, Dale, and Jim ran over, Knocking the walker down and chopping its head off. Jaxx then moved onto Sophia when the bushes nearby began to sway with movement, Caught up in the cut Sophia had gotten from falling into a thorn bush, Jaxx did not notice a man come from the bushes. "Son of a bitch!" blurted the man "That's my deer! Look at it, all knawed up by this disease barring, motherless, proxy-" He stopped kicking at the walker as he Looked towards the bright red hair glowing in the sunlight.

"Clover?" said the man in disbelief, Jaxx froze as he covered Sophia's cut with a band-aid. He knew only one man would ever call him that. Spinning around to face the voice, Jaxx smiled brightly and nearly tackled Daryl in his hug. they both fell to the ground in their hug, Jaxx crying into his husband's shirt. "I thought I'd never see you again wonderboy." he chuckled through his tears as they both separated from their hug to look at each other. "Can't get rida' me that easy." Daryl's remark made Jaxx only smile more.

and then, they remembered the people around them.

Jaxx looked back at everyone and laughed, getting up fro the dirt and helping Daryl. "Wait, Daryl is your husband?" Rick asked, smiling at them both. Jaxx nodded as Daryl wrapped an arm around his waist. "We had to take a long visit to canada to do it, but yeah. He's my wonderboy." Jaxx chuckled and glared at Shane who was holding in a laugh. Daryl noticed Jaxx tense and looked towards Shane. "Somethin' funny?" Daryl asked Shane, Shane only shook his head and walked away.

After Shane had left, everyone else had returned back to camp. "Merle! Deer got fucked but we got some squirrel!" Daryl called, looking for his brother. 'Merles here? I never saw the cunt...' Jaxx thought as Rick jogged over to them. "Daryl, Daryl he isnt here. There was a problem in atlanta." Rick said, Daryl turned and looked at rick. "He dead?" Daryl asked, Rick shrugged before answering. "We don't know... He got violent on a rooftop and we had to handcuff him up there. T-dog dropped the key down a drain but we managed to block the entrance to the roof-" Ricks answer was cut short by a rope of squirrels being flung at him, Daryl went to tackle him but Jaxx was quick to catch him.

"Best let me go clover!!" Daryl shouted, struggling to get out of his husbands grip. "Love please calm down! lig an fear labhairt roimh duit é mhar!" Jaxx pleaded, his rusty irish had calmed Daryl enough for him to stop struggling. "Daryl we're heading back out, I left a bag of guns out there and its two blocks away from where we left Merel. Lets just go and find him." Jaxx let Daryl go as Rick explained, and Daryl promptly stomping off to his own tent.

"We'll head out later. If you two are coming just hop in the truck when its time." Rick said, Jaxx nodded a silent thanks and jogged after his husband, Joining him in the tent and sitting beside him on the ground. "You okay, Daryl?" Jaxx asked, Wrapping an arm around him and letting Daryl lean into him. "'Course I ain't. All I had before you showed up was Merle, and they just leave 'em there to die." Daryl could only stare outside of the tent as he spoke, toying with Jaxx's rosary. a habit he picked up after Jaxx would return home from long shift at work, but a habit only Jaxx noticed. Jaxx kissed Daryl's head and pulled him closer. "We're going out later to find him. It'll be okay, Wonderboy." He assured.

Daryl hated his nickname, wonderboy. to him, he was no wonder. To him, he was nothing more than Daryl, Merle Dixon's snot-nosed little brother. But Jaxx looked at him as if he were the universe itself, to Jaxx Daryl was much more then Merle's little brother. Daryl hated his nickname just as Jaxx hated his own, usually to Jaxx clover would sound like a derogatory word. But when Daryl called him clover, it was a whole new meaning. When Daryl called him clover, he would always say it with love.

No one was allowed to call Jaxx Clover besides Daryl, and no one was allowed to call Daryl Wonderboy besides Jaxx. Jaxx traced Daryl's four leaf clover tattoo on his wrist as he held him, just like Jaxx's own crossbow tattoo on his wrist, they symbolized each other.

"that things the cheeziest lookin' tat I ever saw." Daryl muttered, Making Jaxx shake his head and smile. "At least I didn't let you get a tiny leprechaun. You were so wasted." Jaxx chuckled, making Daryl share a half smile. "I love you Clover." Daryl said looking up at Jaxx. "I love you too, wonderboy." Jaxx responded before Kissing his husband with a short and sweet peck before standing up, helping Daryl up as well.

"Well, lets not let the gang go without us." Jaxx said, grabbing his bag and tossing Daryl his own. "You comin' with us?" Daryl asked grabbing his crossbow from the ground. "Of course I am. Sure I never liked Merle, but he's still my brother in law, and I am not taking a chance in losing you." Jaxx felt Daryl grab him by the waist and kiss him in a deep loving kiss.

"What would I do without my clover?" Daryl asked after the long kiss. Jaxx chuckled and kissed Daryl's cheek. "Probably die. Or kill Rick and then die." Jaxx said before exiting the tent with his bag and Joining Rick, T-Dog, and Glenn near the moving van ready to head out.

"Your coming?" Glenn asked, sort of relieved to know Jaxx would be there for Daryl. "of course! Daryl needs me, and who am I to stay here all safe while he's out saving his bastard brother?"Jaxx's question made T-dog smile a little. "So you do know..." T-dog drifted off as he spoke, Jaxx nodded sympathetically. "Oh I know very well how Merle can be. Racist, Homophobic, Sexist, the entire hateful fruit basket. But I never let him get to me." Jaxx smiled and patted T-dog on the shoulder as he hopped into the back of the van. Daryl Joined soon after as well as T-dog. As those three sat in the back, Rick and Glenn sat in the driver and passanger seats.

"Mama make it to camp with you?" Daryl asked, Jaxx shook his head with a sad smile. "Ma turned before I got home. when I did get there she was chowing down on Murphy." Jaxx's response made Daryl pull him into a hug. "I'm sure their watching our asses." Daryl consoled, Jaxx nodded and wiped his tears away. Silence fell over the group as Rick drove to the outer parts of atlanta. Minutes later Glenn broke the almost tense air.

"So, how did you two meet?" He asked turning back to look at Jaxx and Daryl, Jaxx looked at Daryl and smiled before looking back to Glenn. "Well, Before I was a nurse I worked in a pub while in college. This idiot and Merle started a fight Inside and I broke it up before it got serious. Merle left Daryl in the bar and we talked the rest of the night, then the next morning when my shift was over I drove him to his place." Jaxx remembered that day perfectly, and that wasn't exactly how it went but Daryl got embarrassed by the real story.

"You forgot to tell em that you looked like the biggest goth I've ever seen." Daryl laughed, Jaxx covered his face in emberassment as the others laughed. "I thought I looked cool! Oh god the green dye with my red hair, I looked like a christmas ornimant!" Jaxx laughed. The five sat in less tense silence as the van stopped, getting out Jaxx made sure Rick locked the van doors. "Why? Theres no one that can drive it." T-dog said, gesturing to the empty town full of walkers. "You never know, So Merle first?" Jaxx asked checking his gun and knife where in their respected holsters. "Merle first, he's closer to us then the guns." Rick agreed along with everyone else. Jaxx took his rosary out of his shirt and land let it show proudly.

"Ma if your around, I beg you to protect us."

Clover (Daryl Dixon X Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now