Chapter 1: realization hits

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Author's note: hello fellow readers, now this is a story i wrote back in 2014 when i first started writing fanfiction so bare with me while i type and edit this as i post it some chapters may be short when they go up but will eventually either get longer or stay short i hope you will give it a chance and just know that constructive critques will help me improve my writing so feel free to point out mistakes and give pointers and ideas. now enough with me talking lets get on with the story shall we?

Harry's POV:

It’s another cold winter day, the wind howling as I, along with the rest of Gryffindor, huddle in the warmth of the tower. I lay back in the common room chair groaning as I shifted in the seat, body aching from quidditch practice yesterday. 

“Practice really took its toll” I comment as some of the others sigh in agreement. I stare at the roaring fires as the snow beats down lightly on the windows, their creaking one of the few sounds echoing through the room.

 “I think I'm going to retire to my room.” getting up I wave as some say their ‘good nights’ and ‘sweet dreams’. Once inside I closed the door with a thud before shuffling over towards the window seat wanting to feel the cold as I got rid of my hoodie, already sweating. As I looked out across the courtyard I noticed a figure wandering around in the snow. Professor Lupin stood there as he let the snow fall around him in a veil. The more I watched, the more my heart beat louder and faster as the seconds ticked by. I couldn't place this feeling at first but now I'm starting to wonder… Could this be love? 

Trapped in my own head I didn't realize that there was a commotion behind me as Ron's voice broke the silence.

“Harry,are you alright mate?” I jumped as Ron spoke and I looked over at him nodding my head.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just still a little tired from Quidditch practice yesterday.” I stretched as I got up from the window and walked over to my bed.

“oh, that explains why you’re not downstairs with the others. Hermione sent me up here to make sure you were ok.” I couldn't help but appreciate how much my friends cared about me. I sat down on my bed and looked up at Ron.

“I'm fine Ron, you can let Mione know I'm ok, just tired. I think I'm just going to turn in early tonight.” he nodded and left the room. As he left I took off my glasses and set them on the bedside table. i layed down and soon fell asleep thinking about Remus.

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