Chapter 3: lessons on being a werewolf

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Harry's POV:(2 hours later)

i slowly started to wake up when i heard my godfather say,"Are you sure he was bitten by a werewolf Moony?"

"i'm afraid so Padfoot,i know what werewolf bites look like sadly."

"who bit him?"

"my guess is Greyback but until Harry wakes up we can't be sure." i heard Remus sigh and a chair move so i assumed someone got up.

"I can't believe this happened to him! he's already been through a lot!" sirius yelled frustrated.

"I know Padfoot but keep your voice down or you'll wake Harry up." Remus said and i moaned as i tried to move.

Sirius's POV:

i heard Harry moan and sat down next to him.

"Harry can you remember who attacked you? can you remember anything that happened?" i asked calmly trying not to upset him. he looked up at me and then looked at Remus.

"it was Fenrir Greyback, h-he said he had been looking for me and then he pinned me to the ground and he bit me. after that everything went black."
i then took my godson's hand.

"Harry,Greyback bit you."

Harry's POV:

"what? so i'm a werewolf now?!" I said a little freaked out. Remus took my hand as he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Harry, i know this is a shock for you but I will help you through this and i'm sure that Professor Snape will be glad to make the wolfsbane potion for you like he does for me." I sighed as Remus let go of my hand wishing that he'd continue to hold it.

"where are Ron and Hermione?" I asked, realizing they weren't in the room.

"they're in the great hall with everyone else waiting for news on how you're doing. Sirius why don't you stay with Harry while i go get them and let the others know Harry's alright." Remus said and i couldn't hep but look into his beautiful brown eyes. why can't i just tell him how i feel? i tore my gaze away as i looked at my godfather and shook my head.

"Actually Sirius i think i need some time to think without anyone here,so can you go down with Remus please."

"Of course Harry. you've been through a lot its understandable you need some time." he stood up from the side of my bed and left with Remus. as soon as i was sure they left i sat up on the bed and put my face in my hands letting the tears fall. Man,i can't believe that now i have another thing to worry about on top of everything else. things were just starting to quiet down after the war now everyone is going to look at me different again and i'll be the center of attention all over again.

Remus's POV:

as soon as Sirius and i got Ron and Hermione, we started walking back to the hospital wing when my mind started to wander to Harry and how i could help him.i know what he's going through. but how can i help him through the pain he will go through when the full moon rises soon?

"don't worry mooney i know if anyone can help Harry its you." Padfoot said and i couldn't help but smile a little knowing he is right for the most part.

"you're right Padfoot, i just wish he didn't have to go through the pain of turning each full moon." i looked at my best friend and knew he was thinking about it too.

"i'm sure with your help he will be fine, Remus." Hermione said and i couldn't help but feel a little better knowing she was probably right. i nodded and opened the doors to the hospital wing and walked inside Sirius and the others close behind me. Hermione runs over to hug him as soon as she was in the room.

Harry's POV:

I hugged Hermione back, smiling softly.

"I'm fine Hermione really just a little shook up." i tried to lie, not wanting to worry her more.

"Now Harry you know you don't have to lie, it's ok to be scared or upset." Remus said and i looked up surprised.

"How did you know i was lying?" he chuckled and sat down next to me.

"its a wolf thing."

"Really? are there other abilities?"

"Well, we have really good hearing and a really good sense of smell." he said and i couldn't help but remember that from my 3rd year.

"I remember you saying that once during my 3rd year." i sigh and look down.

"Harry what is it? I can tell something is bothering you." Sirius asked and i took a deep breath hating to admit what i was about to.

"I'm not sure i can handle being a werewolf on top of everything else going on." i looked down and felt the bed dip down like someone sat next to me and realized it was Remus.

"Well, lesson number one on being a werewolf is you need to accept that it's who you are now and not to pay attention to what other people are saying about you." 

"That's gonna be kind of hard with everyone always talking about me." i sighed as i looked down at my hands again.

"Harry look at me." Remus said and i looked up into his eyes.

"I will help you in every way i can, but you are going to have to try not to let things bother you. If you get too worked up it could lead to a violent outburst."

"Ok Professor Lupin." i said softly trying to relax a little more. 

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