Chapter 4: Harry's first full moon

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HPOV:(Two Weeks Later)

Well, tonight's the night,the night of my first full moon. I'm kinda of nervous about it and i keep second guessing everything. What if Remus can't help me with this? Or worse what if i let it slip that i'm in love with him?

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked as she walked up to me. I looked up and shook my head.

"I'm worried about tonight, it's my first full moon and i'm worried i might let slip that i'm in love with him. But i'm also worried that i'll accidentally hurt someone." i looked down and felt her pull me into a hug.

"You'll be fine Harry, i believe in you and i know Professor Lupin will keep you safe." i hugged her back with a sigh.

"Thanks Mione, you always know how to make me feel better." i said as i let her go and looked at the time.

"I better get to Professor Lupin's office its almost time." Hermione gave me another hug and i headed down the hall towards his office. As i was walking i saw Professor Snape.

"Professor? I wanted to thank you for making the wolfsbane potion for me and thank you for finding me when you did. I know we haven't always been on good terms but i owe you my life." I give him a small smile as I scan his face. Sometimes it's hard to tell what a person is thinking and with Snape it's no different.

"Potter," he begins after what felt like an eternity in silence.

"Though it is true you are quite a troublemaker, you do not owe me anything." He shakes his head as his hand is held out stopping me from interrupting.

"Just don't go off on your own anymore alright? You have too many people who care about you." i nodded.

"Yes sir."


I was getting everything ready for Harry's first full moon when i heard a faint knock on the door.

"Come in." i called as i stood up putting down the blankets I had in hand. The door opened and Harry walked in looking a little pale as his hands fidgeted.

"Good evening Professor Lupin."

"Good evening Harry." I waved him on in and offer a seat."You know since we'll be spending the full moons together you can call me by my first name." i said as i turned to put the last of blankets on the floor.

"If I do, I won't be able to hide my feelings for you." Harry said and i couldn't understand what he meant. I turned to face him and saw a single tear roll down his face.

"Harry what exactly do you mean by that?"


Crap! I forgot werewolves had good hearing!

"Nothing professor." i wipe my face hoping I can change the subject. Of all things, i let that slip! I'm so stupid! He'll figure out that i'm in love with him!

"Harry that wasn't nothing. You can tell me anything." he said walking towards me. If only I had my cloak because I just want to disappear.

"No, i really don't want to say anything else." i said looking down, my face flushing which isn't helping.

"You know that once we are in our wolf forms we can read each other's minds." he said. Crap,i didn't know that, now i'm fucked either way. I shook my head and sighed. The clock's chime alerted us as I took a breath, I refuse to look at him,now finding the stars outside more interesting.I noticed the moon was at its highest point in the sky and i could feel the change take over. I could feel my bones rearranging and it was the most painful thing i had ever felt.This while process will, from here on out be the most painful thing I will experience. After a couple of agonizing minutes i opened my eyes and looked over at Remus and saw he had beautiful brown fur and i just couldn't believe how amazing and hot Remus honestly just made me fall in love with him even more as i took another glance.


I was shocked when i heard what Harry was thinking. Harry loves me?! I sighed as i sent Harry my thoughts.

"Harry,a relationship between us will never work out. I'm sorry." i could see the hurt in his eyes and i couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"But why?"

"Because you're a student and i'm your teacher. You're also my best friend's son. I just can't Harry, i'm sorry."


I couldn't believe what i was hearing. Is that really all he sees when he looks at me? That i'm just James Potter's son?

"well , then i better leave so that way you won't have to worry about hearing anything else." with that last thought, i turned and jumped out out his open window. I felt tears start to run down my cheeks as i landed and took off running straight towards the forbidden forest. I could feel my heart break as i thought of how stupid i have been to let myself think there was even a slim chance he'd feel the same way about me as i did for him. As i got deeper into the forest i couldn't help but let out a heartbreaking howl.


A few minutes after Harry had jumped out my window, i heard his howl filled with heartbreak. I looked down and sighed as i thought of what i just done to the one person who saw past my werewolf side and loved me for me. I can't believe i pushed away the person i love! I really messed this up. How could i have been so stupid. I curled up in a ball and tried to not think about everything that just happened.

HPOV:(the next morning)

I woke up in the middle of the forbidden forest back in my human form fully clothed. But i still felt heartbroken and alone. I sighed as i stood up slowly and started to walk back out of the forest. As i walked out of the forest i saw Ron and Hermione waiting for me. As soon as i saw Hermione i felt the tears return and i ran into Hermione's hug and started to sob into her shoulder.

"He doesn't love me Mione. All he sees is his friends son."

Hermione's POV:

"It's going to be alright Harry,it will all work out in the end maybe he was just scared or surprised." i said as i sat down with Harry and tried to comfort him as best as i could.

"No it's not Mione. You didn't hear what he said. He said it would never work out between us, that i was nothing but my dad's sonand that he just couldn't be with me." he said as more tears fell from his eyes. I just didn't know what to say anymore. It hurt my heart to see my best friend this way. I turned to Ron for help and he nodded.

Ron's POV:

As Hermione looked over at me i knew she wanted me to say something to comfort harry. I sat down on his other side and rubbed his back.

"It will work out mate. Just like it did for me and Mione. You just have got to believe it will. Otherwise it won't happen." he sighed starting to calm down some.

"You're right Ron, but right now i don't see it ever happening. He doesn't care for me, i don't think he ever did." i honestly can't believe my best mate is dealing with this. I have half a mind to go give Remus a piece of my mind.

"Of course he did! Otherwise he wouldn't have helped you in your third year." Mione said trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah but that was a teaching thing. He had to do that for my safety."

"Yeah but he still cared enough to teach..."

"Hermione just drop it ok? I don't want to think about him at all!" Harry shouted and got up running towards the castle and i sighed looking at Mione.

"What are we going to do?" i asked feeling helpless.

"I don't know Ron. but we have to do something."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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