Chapter 2: the attack

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Harry's POV: (3 months later)   

i was walking down the street of Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione enjoying the beautiful day out while we can. now that Voldemort has been defeated everyone can finally enjoy life again. we headed out towards the shrieking shack when i noticed something strange and stopped.


    "you alright there Harry?" Hermione asked concerned. i nodded.


"i'm fine Hermione, i'll be right there you and Ron go ahead." i said as i headed up the path. as i got closer to the shack i saw the shadowy figure of Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf who bit Remus when he was a kid. i couldn't believe he was here out in the open. he walked towards the door of the shack and i started to follow him. as i followed him i tried my best to not make a sound remembering what Remus had told me about how good a werewolf's hearing was. suddenly i tripped and he turned around with an evil grin on his face.

    "Ah young Potter, what a nice surprise, i was just going to go look for you." he said as he stalked towards me. before i knew what was happening, he was on top of me pinning me to the ground. i tried to struggle free but he was too strong. he leaned down towards me and i felt his breath on my neck and then his razor sharp teeth cutting into my flesh and then everything went black......

Hermione's POV:

"i wonder where Harry went. he should have been back by now." i said to Ron getting worried.

"we should go look for him. he was headed towards the Shrieking shack." he suggested standing up.

"no we should tell Professor Snape and Remus. they're the ones who brought us to Hogsmeade." i got up from my seat and walked over to where they were sitting. 

"excuse me professors, i'm sorry to bother you but Harry's missing." i said and Professor Snape looked up at me shocked.

"what do you mean mr.Potter is missing ms.Granger? how can he possibly be missing.?"

"well,we were walking here when Harry said he would catch up with us and then headed towards the Shrieking Shack. that was almost ten minutes ago." 

Remus's POV:

    "Severus, we need to go look for him. we both know that there are still a lot of Voldemort's followers on the loose. he could be in trouble." i said urgently knowing Harry would be a target for them.

    "alright Lupin, why don't you stay with the students and i'll go find Mr.Potter and bring him back here." i nodded and Severus walked out of the Three Broomsticks while i took Ron and Hermione with me to go round up the other students to get them ready to head back to the school.

Severus's POV:

    As soon as i left the three broomsticks i headed straight for the shack as fast as i could. as i got closer i pulled out my wand and got ready for a fight just in  case. when i got closer to the building, i noticed a shadowy figure lying on the ground. i ran over and soon realized it was Harry lying in a pool of his own blood. i ran over to him and saw that someone,most likely Greyback had bitten him. i picked him up and ran back to the three broomsticks where i knew Lupin would be waiting. as i ran i tried my best to stop his wound from bleeding hoping i wasn't too late.

Remus's POV:

    i was pacing back and forth in front of the three broomsticks worried about Harry. what if something bad had happened? suddenly i heard someone running towards me. i looked up and was shocked at what i saw Severus was running towards me with Harry in his arms.

    "Remus! Harry's been bit!" he called as i ran over and saw for myself that it was true he had been bitten. i could only think of one person who would do this. i shook my head i can't focus on that now i have to focus on helping Harry.

    "Let's get him to the hospital wing quick, the sooner Poppy tends to the bite the better." i said and he nodded. we ran back to Hogwarts as quickly as we could hoping that we could help him.

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