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Some days have passed since I told Billie everything, she is very supportive and always when I need her she's here for me.

But sadly Billie, mom and dad will be off to New York today for some interviews and will be back home in a week.

The best thing is that I won't be alone for a week and I'll be staying with Finneas and Claudia ar their house. And I really want to spend time with my big brother. Billie was afraid to left me all alone for a week in case I do something stupid. And she was right.

I packed only some essential things to take with me in my backpack and put sharks leash on him. Because he can't stay alone for a week too.

Dad offered to drive me and shark to Finneas house, but first we stopped cause he want to buy me some snacks.

We got of the car and entered the store, I looked for something with no sugar. When after a lot searching a found something, dad paid for it and we left.

After a couple of minutes we finally arrived at Finneas house. I got off the car and took shark from the backseat where he was sleeping.

Finneas and Claudia where waiting for us on their yard, as shark run to play with peaches. I said goodbye to dad and he drove back home.

I walked over to Finneas and hugged him tightly.

"Hello Finny!" I said happily as he caressed my head.

"Welcome home Brooky!" He said and chuckled as I broke the hug and hugged Claudia.

"Hello Claudia! I missed you guys!" I said and loose from the hug.

"Let's get your things settled on your room" Finneas said patting my back. And we walked inside, I already know the house so I know where I'm gonna go.

Claudia went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast even tho I told them I'm not hungry Finneas insisted that I have to eat.


I am currently resting on my bed listening to my random playlist. I was just staring at the ceiling not thinking of anything.

Then I got a text from George.

                           George the poop 💩

G: Heyy Brook! I found a new skating park near here wanna try it!?

B: Yea sure I'm in!

G: Great! Let's meet after lunch!

B: Good, see you then!
Read 10:53 am

I closed my phone and got up to lock the door, right now I just want to feel something. I can't hold myself back.

I fast grabbed my lighter from my backpack that was in a chair. I sat on the cold floor and pulled my pants down.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 okay okay stop" I said breathing heavily as tears running down my cheeks.
This is the longest I've ever burned.

I slowly calmed down myself and now my breaths were normal, I sighed and closed my eyes for a little.

The only thing I could hear right now was my fast heartbeats. I got up eventually and pulled my pants back up and unlocked the door.

I whipped my tears with my sleeve and pulled out a fake smile as I walked downstairs, Finneas was nowhere to be seen just Claudia resting in the couch while watching her favorite show.

"Claudia, where's Finneas?" I asked dragging her attention to me.

"He is walking peaches, you need him with something?" She asked kindly as she turned her eyes again to the screen.

"Nah just wondering, c-can I sit with you?" I said hesitating as she might don't want me with her. I know she loves me it's just my stupid overthinking.

"Of course Brook, don't hesitate!" She said patting a seat beside her. I smiled sadly and she noticed but I don't give a fuck.

I sat beside her and we watched her favorite show which I don't even know it's name.


After we ate, well I didn't I was just pushing the food around the plate with the form but never mind.

I told Finneas that I'll go for skating with George, and grabbed my skateboard from the yard and skated over to his house that was surprisingly very close to Finneas than I thought.

When he saw me he grabbed his skateboard and skated over to me. I got off the board to hug him as he did the same.

"Hello hello Brook!" He said excited a he fixed his hair.

"Hello George" I said kindly.

"So I've read very good critics about this skating park!" He exclaimed while clapping his hands like a five year old.

"Where is it? Is it far from here?" I asked him.

"It's only 10 minutes from here" he said and we started skating down the road like he said.

We are now finally here after fifteen minutes and not ten like someone said.

There was no one here except from us so it was good because the whole park will be ours and it will have silence and not random children yelling and crying because they fell. It sounds mean but it's true.

We skated for hours and hours we laughed at each other's falls and some cold jokes that George made.
You don't wanna hear them.

He of course didn't shut his mouth about that boy he mentioned the other day, and showed me how he looks, he is nice but nah for me.

But sadly it was time to go home because Finny text me that dinner will be ready soon.
We skated back at his home and said goodbye, I saw him entering his house and I started skating my way back home.

Soon enough I was back, I left my skateboard on the yard and entered the house.

Finneas and Claudia were preparing the table.

"Hello Brook, you came the right time" Finneas said and I walked over as we all sit on the table.

"Hey Finn can we watch a movie all together?" I asked hesitating as he may have works to do and don't have time. All I wanted right now was to spend quality time with my brother.

"Yea of course Brook!" He said with a smile and patted my back.

We all three sat on the couch, then I got a text from Billie.


Bi: Hey Brook, how are you holding?

Br: Umm, not that good to be honest..

Bi: oh Brook.. you have to be strong, you know that if you need anything Finneas can always help you, we love you

Br: I know I'm just scared to talk to him

Bi: Do it like you did to me, you know he won't judge

Br: You mean wake him up in the middle of the night while I'm crying my eyes out?

Bi: You know what I mean

Br: Okay I'll try, love you

Bi: love you too bubba❤️

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