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Today my best friend George has decided to take me out for a walk to feel better. For any dirty minders he is gay:)

George the poop 💩

G: in one I'll be there

B: K I'm outside, you brought your skate right?

G: ofc

B: great see you now
Read 10:41 am

I grabbed my skateboard from the back yard and went outside to wait for him to finally come.
And really in a minute a could she him across the street.

"Hello hello Brooky!" he yelled as he run up to me and gave me a bear hug.

"Oh hello hello George the poop!" I said laughing and we broke the hug, he playfully punched my arm.

"I'm not a poop!" He said and I just laughed.

"Oh yea you are totally one" I said as we started skating down the road, thank god the brats weren't there today.

"I'll ignore you, so how's it going?" He asked me smiling.

"Well... just horrible" I said, you see George is the only one that knows everything that going on in my life except me.

"What did those bitches did again?" He said kinda angry obviously at them.
I pulled up my sleeve and showed him the freak thing.
He gasped as he covered his mouth with his hand.

"Don't be so dramatic it's nothing" I said pulling my sleeve back down.

"It's nothing? Are you kidding me? You see what they have done to you? Because of them you don't eat, because of them you burn your thigh, because of them you hate yourself and now that, this is nothing?" He said looking at me, he was all right, everything that have happened it's their fault.

"Yea you're right about everything, I just can't admit it" I said looking down.

"Look love, you have to be strong to defend yourself, and both you and I know you are, you can't let this keep happening" he said softly as he was holding my hand.

"I hate it when your right" I said and we both giggled.

"Now, I'm starving for ice cream are you in?" He said smiling as we keep skating in the middle of LA.

"Nah, not hungry" I said simply.

"I don't care what you're saying your gonna eat" he said and I just sighed dramatically.

"Okay okay whatever you say" I said rolling my eyes at him and he giggled.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you! I think I found my dream boy!" He said excited clapping his hands.

"Ohh really? Tell me more about him! How does he look?" I said smirking at him as I could see he was blushing.

"He has fluffy brunette hair, tall, amazingly hot body, beautiful green eyes, beautiful smile, basically everything about him is amazing" he said like he was living his dream. I'm happy for him.

"Look who's in love"I said smirking as his brush had become redder.

"I'm I?" He asked confused.

"Yea you are for sure" I said smiling as we stopped at the ice cream store.


After some hours I had to go home for lunch, we skate at home and we said goodbye for today.

I left my skateboard at the yard and walked inside the house. Then I realised that I felt happy after a long time.

"Hello honey" mom said sweetly as she hugged me tightly of course I hugged her back.

"Hi mom, where's Billie?" I said as we broke the hug.

"She's in her room, can you tell her and dad and Finneas to come for lunch?" She asked me kindly and I nodded.

"Where's dad and Finneas?" I asked her.

"They are at the back yard making a table for Finneas house" she said and I nodded and headed to the back yard.

I walked outside at the back yard and found dad and Finny building a table like mom said.

"Hey guys you coming for lunch?" I said at them from the door I was standing.

"Yea in a minute!" Dad said and continued crafting.
While Finneas looked at me with a sad look at his face, and it confused me.

I nodded and walked back inside heading to Billies room. I kinda needed her hug right now.

"Hey bill, mom said to come for lunch" I said and laid beside her as I felt her arms around me.
She just nodded and we both got up from her bed and walked to the kitchen.

I noticed that Billie had the same sad and worried look as Finneas earlier. I can't put it together to think what it may be.

"Come on guys sit!" Mom said happily to me and Bill, and there I noticed that Bill and Finny didn't had the same sad and worried look infront of mom and dad, like they are hiding something.

I sat in the middle of mom and dad facing Billie and Finny. They had that look only when they were looking at me somehow.

Whatever they're hiding I can tell that they are not good at hiding things.


Mom and dad decided to have a family night, and I couldn't say no to them.
Now they are to the store to buy snacks and I'm home with Billie and Finneas. They are at Finneas old bedroom and I am on my bedroom writing random lyrics that I made.

I'm thinking I wanna talk to Billie but at the same time I don't. I just don't know what to do.
I need help from George.

George the poop 💩
B: Can you help me with something important??

G: Of course you know I'll always try to help

B: Should I tell Billie all this or not? I don't know what to do!

G: I think you should tell her, she is your older sister and will always help you

B: Thanks George I'll tell her later I need to prepare myself first

G: 😂😀shut up


We all agreed with Billie to watch her favorite movie Fruitvale station. We couldn't say no.

I was cuddled with Finneas on the left and Billie on my left as mom and dad on the other couch.
I couldn't focus on the movie, my mind was keep sailing on other things.

The only thing I could thought of was Billie and Finneas behaviour, the way they looked at me was different even now, the way they cuddle me right now. I just can sense that something's different.
Then Finneas interrupted my thoughts.

"You okay?" He whispered in my ear softly.

"Huh? Oh yea yea I'm fine" I whispered back to him as I tried to smile just for him.

"You sure? You seemed zoomed out, what where you thinking?" He whispered with the same worried tone like before.

"Oh um.. n-nothing totally nothing" I whispered pulling out a weak smile. He was clearly not convinced.

"Okay, but you know I'll be always be here for you" he whispered back and turned his eyes back to the screen.

I could feel Billie hands caressing my head softly and I leaned on her. As I could sense her smile in her face right now without seeing her.

Before I knew I was asleep...

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