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I sat on the kitchen table as Billie sat across me, i can't help it but just stare at my plate filled with food.

Waffles used to be my favourite kind of food for breakfast when I was a little. It clearly didn't lasted for long.

"Don't be scared, I'm here with you" I heard Billie saying softly as she patted my hand.

I could look up at her, I continued to stare at the food thinking.

Slowly I took the fork and pick up some food of the plate. My hands was trembling, I mean my whole body was.

I finally managed to look up at Billie, and she nodded. With that I started eating slowly, I could feel the food go down to my stomach, it was getting bigger.

Billie noticed and she started talking to me about random things.

"So what is the place you want to show me?" She said smiling.

"I can't tell you Billie, it's a surprise" I said to her and she sighed.

"Oh come on tell me" she particularly begged me to tell her.

"No" I nodded negatively and she finally gave up.

"Is it beautiful there?" She asked again.

"Yes it is very beautiful, you'll see" I said and imagined the  forest with my fairy little house in the middle.

"Okay, I trust you" she said and I giggled a little.

Then I looked down and I realised the I had eaten at least the half of my meal. Omfg

My eyes widened at the sight and looked back at Billie shocked.

"See, you did so well, I'm proud of you" she said happily and I smiled looking down.

Then Billie took both our plates and placed them on the sink as I got up.

I started walking to the door and Billie the same behind me. She unlocked her car and we both got inside.

As she was driving us to the forest I was telling her which way to go cause of course she didn't know.

All of sudden I felt my phone vibrating. I picked it up and it was a message from George.


G: hey bitch do you wanna go out later?

B: Yea sure bro

G: Nice see you then

B: See ya
Seen 10:11 am

I have a weird feeling about that, I know him really well and I'm sure he's up to something.

Anyway I'm not gonna worry about that time instead I'll spend quality time with my sister.

"You brought me to a forest?" She said disturbing my thoughts. I looked at her for a moment before answering.

"That's just the outside wait till we get in there" I said and smirked slightly.

She seems really excited about that, and it made me giggle a little.

We both unbuckled ourselves and got out of the car facing the tall forest.

I guided her inside from the dirt path to the fairy house.

I glanced over at Billie and she seemed stunned from that view, it reminded me of myself the first time I ever came here.

"No one's gonna kidnap us right?" She said like in a dream tone not looking at me.

"I don't think so" I said and laughed at her silly words.

"You were right, this is really beautiful" she said amazed.

"Yea I know it's not something you see every day" I said looking at her.

"Come on follow me" I said to her and she nodded as we both walked up to where the fairy house was.

We stopped in front of it, as I glanced over Billie her eyes had widened.

"This is so unreal, you found this?" She asked shocked and I nodded.

I grabbed her hand and slowly leaded her inside. The  interior was not that interesting as the outside was but it was still something beautiful.

We sat on those spare chairs on the small balcony facing the forest. I was used to that view but for Billie it was something else.

"I come here when I feel sad and anxious, it's like a second safe place for me" I said looking down with fidgeting with my fingers, breaking out silence.

"And what the first safe place?" Billie asked a bit confused.

"You" I said and looked at her.

She placed a big smile on her face and came to hug me tightly.

"I'm so glad to hear that"

I know this part is small and I had no inspiration at all that's why it took that long. The next it'll be better I promise <3

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