1: Well a very good morning to you too.

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"Up early?" I could hear a set of jingling keys coming from the entrance. I groan and inch over to my phone, the night's events becoming palpable by the second.

"it's 2 pm, Ely. On a SUNDAY; not everyone is a psychopath that wakes up at 6!" I stretch and slowly sit up, trying to recollect what I did or rather, what I DIDN'T do last night.

Shit. This is quite the headache. I guess it's been a while. I rub my head trying to alleviate the pounding. I can see Ely passing me a glass of water and a paper bag. "Here, I bought some Tylenol." As I'm about to take a sip, I freeze and look around. Hold on, my apartment looks different than I remembered.

 Hold on, my apartment looks different than I remembered

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I quickly realized that I'm definitely not at home. "Oh shit. This isn't my apartment OR my couch Ely." Ely chuckles. "Well good morning; or I guess afternoon to you too then Y/n." I smile guiltily and drink the pill, relishing the feel of the cold water going down my throat.

We sit in comfortable silence as I watch Ely do things around their home. After a couple of minutes I ask, "Uhh, Ely? How did I get here? Last I remember I was at my place." or was I? Damn, I think I only remember until the middle of the party.

I wrack what little brain cells I had left to figure out how'd I get here. Until I hear Ely sigh, "You were a building short Y/n. I was on my way down to get a package until I heard you at the entrance." Ely starts shaking, seemingly trying to hold back their laughter as they continue, but ultimately failing. "You were slamming your keycard on the door trying to figure out why it doesn't work. Little do you know that your keycard is for the NEXT DOOR building! How do you miss an entire skyscra–"

"Ok nope!" I quickly interrupt them exclaiming, "That did not happen. I am a heavyweight and can hold my liquor, thank you very much! I'm pretty sure you just missed me, so you kidnapped me and brought me here."

Ely smirks and slowly raises their eyebrow in challenge. "Are you sure about that?" I look at them in fear. "Uh oh. What did I do?" Ely raises their phone and plays a video of me, clearly beyond intoxicated, attempting to tap my keycard on the accessibility lighting next to it instead of the sensor. I look up to Ely, struggling to hold back their laughter.

"Seriously?" I scowl at them. "Shh keep watching there's more." I look back to the screen, and sure enough, I start banging the card on the door and swiping it in between the gaps. I watch the video for another minute until I see myself fall down to the floor. I pause the video and glared at Ely. They smacked me in the arm in protest.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that, at least I was the only one who saw you," Ely says as they throw up their hands in defense. "Ah well, what's the worse that could happen."  I chuckled, defeated.

I noticed Ely's smile dropping. "Y/n, last time you were this drunk I had to take you to the hospital. What if your tendencies resurface again? What if y–" "Ope!" I hold my hand out in front of them. "I'm gonna stop you right there. I won't regress, okay? You don't need to worry about me."

We sat in silence, multiple thoughts racing through my head. I was trying deeply to suppress them until I was snapped out back into reality. I heard Ely softly utter as their head slowly bowed down. "I just don't want to lose you y/n."

I sigh, placing my hand on their shoulder in assurance. "You won't lose me, Ely. I promise." I smile softly towards them.

Ely smiles back and sighs, "Well bitch, that's enough serious talk. If we keep going our wrinkles will show and I am too hot to experience that sadness. What was the party last night for anyways?"

I shake my head and laugh, glad to have this Ely back. "Ah! Well, Tony Stark and Director Fury hired me to be part of Shield; said they were impressed with my background, and Tony wanted to put me on some of his secret projects. So he invited me to an impromptu party to celebrate." I retell proudly.

"Damn! Did you meet any new avengers? Does this mean you ARE one?" Ely gasped, amazed.

"No, and not quite." Tilting my head up, scratching my head with brows furrowed. "Fury said I'll help around with the tech side of things or any new developments that can help the team, so probably more of an agent-mechanic-developer-person, I think." I shrug, looking back at them.

"And no one was available that time because they were out on a mission, but I think Tony wants to throw another one" I added, chuckling.

Ely laughs and nods, "She's really moving up in the world, Eh? Make sure you don't forget me!" Ely winked and I chuckled. "Of course, I won't. We go way, way back remember?"

After some time of catching up, I asked, "Do you mind if I use your shower? I need to wash the night off me."

"Yeah sure, go ahead! You've still got clothes 'round here from the last time you stayed." He said as he gestured towards a drawer near the bathroom.

"Also before I forget, your delivery is coming soon! Don't forget to retrieve it later." I hear them shout from across the room

"Solid. Thanks, Ely!" I yell, retrieving the clothes before heading in.

"No problem Y/n." They respond.

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