2: New Company

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Natasha's POV:

I was heading back to the tower after my mission until I heard my phone ring in my pocket. Quickly fishing it out, I answered. "Hello?"

"Yo Romanoff! you heading back to the tower?" I heard Tony speak on the other line.

"Yeah, I just finished. I'm boutta start my bike, what do you need?" I questioned as I placed the keys in the ignition.

"Get me a cheeseburger pleaseee I'm hungry!" Tony whined.

"Seriously? you couldn't have just ordered it from your phone?" I chuckled. God, this man is such a child.

"Eh, you're already on the way here. It'll be quicker!" He reasoned. "Plus you can drop by Y/n L/n's place. See what she's up to" Tony shrugged.

"Ah. New hire?" I asked. Tony hummed and continued, "I'll send you her address. See you soon Romanoff! Also, make sure it's a double cheeseburger!" He exclaimed. I laughed and shook my head as I opened the text he sent me. Oh, it's 30 minutes away from the tower. I guess this'll be quick. I thought to myself. I wore my helmet and drove over to the location.


As I walked into the lobby, I was welcomed by a blonde woman wearing a white suit. "Hi! I'm Natasha, just here to visit Y/n L/n." I greeted.

"Good Afternoon Ms. Natasha, Ms. L/n is on the topmost floor. Just take the furthest elevator to your left." She smiled and pointed down the hallway. I thanked her and made my way to the elevator.

When I entered I noticed the elevator only has 3 buttons. One goes to Y/n's floor, the lobby, and the basement. I pressed the first button and waited as I saw the doors slowly close. As I was ascending, the walls of the elevator turned clear, showing the scenery surrounding the building. I looked out in astonishment until I heard the ding, signaling my arrival.

I walked towards the front doors and rang the doorbell. I faintly hear a woman's voice through the walls. "Ely, you have a key. Just open it!" She shouted. "You mistake me for someone else, Ms. L/n!" I respond, smiling and waving at the camera above the doorbell.

I hear her tread to the door, my breath quickly being taken away by a woman wearing a black hoodie and gray sweatpants.  "Hello! Sorry, I thought you were someone else. How can I help you?" Y/n exclaimed.

"Oh, Uh... Hi! No, no it's fine! Sorry for the surprise visit, I Uhm, just got back from a mission and wanted to drop by to welcome you to the team." I stammered, taken aback by the figure before me.

She tilts her head confused, smirking and slightly raising her eyebrow. "Thank... you? Heh. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but, who– who are you? I think I'd remember a gorgeous stranger if I gave her something as big as my address." She winked.

I laugh embarrassingly as I raise my hand for her to shake. "I– I'm Natasha Romanoff. We'll be working together at the Avenger's tower." I stuttered. Jesus! Pull yourself together Nat! I berated myself in my thoughts.

"Ahh, So you're the famous Black Widow everyone's been talking about. Nice to finally meet you in person." She replied as she shakes my hand.

"Name's Y/n L/n, but I'm pretty sure you already knew that. Would you like to come in?"

"Would be a pleasure to," I smiled as she swung the door open wider. I took a deep breath to collect myself. As I look around her apartment, I see her slowly becoming worried; subtly trying to arrange things around her.

 As I look around her apartment, I see her slowly becoming worried; subtly trying to arrange things around her

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