10: Friends Old Yet Unknown

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After I dropped Clint off at the jet, the team decided to meet at the entrance of the main building before we continued. Hulk, who now returned to normal, stayed with Clint to treat his injury. I parked a little ways away from the rendezvous point, letting me discreetly configure the last milliliters of my MINI to go overdrive in holding off my blood loss.

"About time you showed up," Tony ribbed, pausing Steve, who was in the middle of laying out plans.

"had to drop off Barton, the jet isn't as close as you think it is ya know." I shrug, trying to cover the significantly darker spot on my side from the others.

"Ok well, you're here now," Steve spoke, thankfully distracting Nat as she brought her attention back to him.

I take a shaky, deep breath, struggling to keep my consciousness as my vision slowly hazes and Steve's voice begins to muffle as he continues discussing. Fuck, this mission better end quickly. I thought to myself.

"...find the blueprints, the scepter, and Strucker. Y/n?" Steve calls, "Will you be fine on your own?"

"Hm? Oh yeah! Yeah, I'll be fine." I replied. Wait, what am I doing again?

Steve hummed, his eyes shifting in concern. "Alright... Remember, blueprints are in the basement, Strucker's probably on top."

Everyone nodded, taking note of their new roles in finding the bastard. There was only one unsealed entrance to the building, so the big three— Thor, Steve, and Tony charged in first while Nat and I followed close behind.

We climbed the steps and inched closer to the huge dark gray doors, everyone sharing a glance for the final fight. The guys broke the door off its hinges, crashing it down with a loud metallic thud.

The dust settles and we're immediately greeted by none other than the man of the hour himself.

"Strucker, what a pleasant surprise." Tony greets, his repulsor aimed directly toward the mad scientist.

"The Avengers..." he mocks, his Sokovian accent thick on his tongue. The conceited tone once present changes into curiosity as his eyes gaze over to me. "and their new plaything... I've heard a lot about you Y/n."

"Good things I hope. Although I can't say the same for you," I snickered, the comment souring in his ears as he scowled in anger before smoothing out his clothes to compose himself.

"I thought you'd at least recognize my face, after all, we knew each other quite well in the past."

"I would never be friends with the likes of you!" I spat, unsheathing my blades with a satisfying 'schwing.'

"Okay. As much fun this little reunion is, your time is up, Strucker." Tony buts in irritated, lowering his arm as the front of his helmet flipped up to reveal his face.

"I suggest you come with us," Steve adds, squaring up his chest ready in case of a fight.

Strucker paused before turning around and looking over his shoulder. "On the contrary Captain, I think my time has just begun." He grinned, pulling a pin on the wall that generated smoke on the ground and disappearing.

"HO SHIT!? Where is he?" Tony coughs as he swats his hand in the air.

"He's in the basement, Sir." JARVIS pipes in, Tony's helmet closing to display a map of the building with a red blinking dot on the move.

"Y/n! Go after him. Thor! Tony! Reinforcements are incoming. Nat, stick with me."

"Gotcha." "Alright." "Copy." Tony, Thor, and I said in unison, rushing off to our respective duties.

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