Chapter Three

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"Pixie! Wake up! You're going to be late!" My mother yelled from the other side of my bedroom door, shaking the handle, shocked I'm still in bed. I groaned, rolling out from under my covers, my bare feet landing on my side rug. "I'll be down in a minute or so!" I yelled back to her while going over to my dresser, opening the drawers. I pulled out a shoulder-less, long sleeve, white skintight shirt with thin black stripes. A black, tight leather cropped tank to go over the long sleeved one. I opened another drawer, pulling out my rust grey skinny jeans with patched holes.
I pulled off my yesterday clothes, dropping them into a pile on the floor beside me before pulling the jeans up my pale long legs. I opened a small drawer, pulling out black, biker, fingerless gloves, slipping them on before pulling the long sleeved shirt over my head, my beanie falling to the floor. I smiled as I looked in the mirror over my desk, noticing how the shirt defined my curves and chest. I rolled my eyes before pulling the leather tank top over my head and zipping the side. I bent down, picking up my dirty clothes and black beanie before dumping them on my bed. I fixed the beanie over my red curly mess of hair then throwing the other clothes in my laundry basket near my door. I went to my sock basket pulling out a pair of similar socks.
I went downstairs to see Cora waiting for me. I sent her a smile before moving to slip on my boots as she grabbed my bag. "Sorry. I had a fight with Puck last night." I mumbled pulling on my trench coat and buttoning it. She seemed shocked and worried as she took a glance at the stairs. "Where is he?" She asked as I looked down, ashamed of myself. "He went back to college." I mumbled, trying to push my insecurities to the side. "Oh. What did you guys fight over?" She asked as I stood up. I shrugged, not knowing how to explain to her about Bix.
"You shrug a lot." Cora pointed out, changing the conversation as we made our way outside to the sidewalk as the cold charged at us, trying to get under our coats. "Mom wants me to go visit Keith." Cora mumbled after a couple minutes of silence. I looked at her, shocked that her mom would try to get her to go visit her dad, Keith, in jail. "No." I stated, glaring at the ground, trying to stay calm. "I think I should, just not by myself." Cora mumbled as I felt her eyes turn to me. "I'll think about it, but if I do go it's for you. I hate him." I told her as we got to our bus stop.
Everyone either shunned or stared at us when we got there. Cora glared at them till they turned away as I plugged my headphones into my phone, leaving one ear bud out so I could still listen to Cora talk. "I. Hate. People." she stated while glancing at the crowd around us. Three popular girls, four jocks, two nerds, a gamer and five average ones stood around in the dreadful cold, waiting for the yellow bus that would take us to a large building for six hours to 'learn'.
"Same." I mumbled as someone else showed up in a black, familiar sweatshirt and dark jeans. The populars immediately looked over as he ignored them all, just glaring at everyone till those grey eyes landed on Cora and I. Bix. I smiled as I watched him make his way over to us. "Hey, Pixie. He spoke smoothly as everyone stared. "Hey." I mumbled as I glanced at Cora, nervous. "I'm Cora, Pixie's friend." She spoke, eyeing him up and down. "Cool. I'm Bix, Pixie's acquaintance." He told her, smiling at me. "When did you two meet?" Cora asked. "Yesterday. At the book store, before we ran into each other again." Bix answered, gently touching my hand with the back of his.
I blushed as Cora raised an eyebrow, curiously. "How well do you guys know each other?" She asked, moving closer to me, for some odd reason. "Not very well, but I hope she'll let me get to know her better." Bix stated, sending me another sweet smile. "Oh. Cool." Cora mumbled as we all heard the yellow bus roll up the street. 'Why haven't I ever noticed him here before?' I thought as Bix smiled once more in my direction, before climbing the bus steps, disappearing from view.
"I don't trust him." Cora stated while following me to our usual front seat. "He seems really nice, Cora. Puck doesn't like him, though..." I mumbled the last part as she stared at me, hoping she couldn't hear me with the noise. "How does Puck know about him, already?" She asked, hearing me, as I played with my fingers, nervously. "When Bix and I ran into each other, the second time, I had fallen and dropped everything. He helped me pick everything up but also got my cell number. His younger sister called and we joked but when I said his name, something in Puck snapped and he grew wicked overprotective." I mumbled, refusing to glance at her disapproving gaze. "You two fought over Bix?" She asked, slowly, trying to get my story straight. I nodded, watching out the window, wondering guiltily about Puck and our fight. "I think we should trust Puck's judgement , and Bix's scars are terrifying. I don't get how you don't shiver in fear." Cora stated as I sighed looking over at her, anger that no one trusted my judgement.
"Give one good reason why you care about my relationship with Bix." I growled, wanting her to trust my judgement. " I care about you, Pixie. I don't what to see you get hurt." She whispered, sending me a sincere smile. "Then why can't we give him a chance?" I asked, glaring at her, hoping she'll trust me. "Fine, but when he hurts you, know I'm here for you." She stated, before turning to look out the front window, regret covering her face.
I turned back to the window to watch the houses move by till we get to school. After awhile, I felt like I was being watched, and turning to look for the source, I locked eyes with Bix, his grey ones holding my gaze for a moment before turning to the window as the bus slowed to a bumpy stop. 'We've arrived to school.' I thought, grimly as Cora and I stood, climbing down the steps as quickly as we could.
She leads the way to her friends, my forced ones. They smiled at us, minus a few that smiled at Cora and glared at me. I know they don't like me very, 'I'm an attention seeking bitch' as they call me behind my back but Cora was my friend first and always be, and they know that quite well. The tall started talking at once with me on the edge of the group that they've formed around Cora.
"Hey." I heard a low voice say from behind me as I turned to lock eyes with Bix. "Hi." I mumbled, moving away from the group of chatting girls. "Those your friends?" He asked, nodding towards Cora's group. "Cora is but the rest of them are forced to be my friends." I mumbled as he glanced at my hands in the leather gloves. "Why do you wear gloves?" He asked changing the topic completely. "To hide my scars." I mumbled, remembering how the other kids stated at me when I had forgotten to wear my gloves last year. "Do you mind if I see them?" He asked, gently locking eyes with me. "I guess not. I'm not embarrassed by them, but they make others uncomfortable to the point I had to leave school early." I stated, pushing up my coat, unbuckling a glove before pulling it off, gently, before revealing my palm to Bix.
My burn scar is the most obvious of the group, then the seven long cuts covering my palm I thin lines, almost identical to the ones on my other palm. He gently touched them as I clutched my glove in my other hand. "How'd you get the burn?" He asked, softly, while running his cold finger over my scarred tissue.
Memories of that night twelve years ago at the Masons' when Keith screamed at me, my glass shattering as the purple liquid sank into the white cushions. His tight grip as he yanked my hand over their fire palace, holding it in the scorching flames. My tears and screams mixing with his threats and voice along with Cora's cries behind me.
"I don't feel comfortable to talk about it here." I told him, trying to yank myself away from the flames as I slipped my glove back on, recovering my past in the black leather once more. My coat sleeve falling past my wrist once again. He went to say something else it the warning bell cut him off and forced us to go inside and out separate ways to lockers and homeroom.
Cora sat beside me as we waited for Mrs. West to take attendance. "I saw you taking with him. Did he ask about your gloves?" She asked leaning towards me, glancing down at my hands. "Yeah but I'm not embarrassed by my scars, just their origin." I told her the truth, which she already knew. She nodded, just as Mrs. West called, "Pixie Gardens?" I sighed but stated, loudly for her old ears to hear, " Here." She nodded before continuing down the list. We waited till she called out, "Coraline Masons?" Cora quickly replied with, "Here, but it's just Cora." Kids in the back laughed and snickered but Mrs. West ignored them like always, causing me great anger and frustration, but I ignored it, also. This is going to be another long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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