(Didn't mean anything) Feeling better? Chapter 1

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(Y/N) is feeling sudden changes in her quirk. Her quirk gets stronger and she has trouble controlling it. Her quirk losses control after a sudden sexual desire and suddenly she finds herself wanting more. Lucky for her Katsuki is at the right time and at the right place to help her out with this problem. 

Unfortunately (Y/N) doesn't ask for consent. But eventually, Katsuki does give consent.


This chapter contains sexual activities, quirk usage, and rape.

Chapter text:

((Y/N) POV - Monday morning)

I was walking down the long hallway to the classroom feeling hazy from last night... what really happened on the weekend was like a roller coaster ride. Everything happened so fast I still can't comprehend till now. Did...we really...? Oh, am losing my mind aren't I?

(Back to Thursday night)

I was on my way to the common area to get a drink from the kitchen and I saw him... sitting on the couch. Leaning back legs slightly spread one arm on the back of the couch, and the other elbowing the armrest, head resting on his hand, and lost in thoughts. I could tell that he came down here for the same reason as me. He had something on his mind that kept him up and he came here just to get out of the train of thoughts. But why was he sitting alone in the poorly lit common area if that was the case?

''Suuukiiii'' I said trying to sound like I am there just to annoy him. Katsuki hates when I say his name like that. I never considered him the type to be up so late past his bedtime. I really enjoy annoying him. Ohh and once he is fuming with anger I would just get really close to his face. His cheeks slightly turning pink... god he is so adorable when he blushes like that. But something wasn't right. ''HM'' Is all he said. Not even looking in my direction. He never ignored me when I called him Suki, he'd normally fist my shirt screening at me, ranting that he'll kill me if I ever said that name again. And obviously, I would never take those words seriously. ''Can't sleep?'' I said making my way over to sit next to him. The dim almost orangy light was hitting his face...god... he has no idea how good he looks right now, even his skin looks smoother than normal. 

Was he always this good-looking? I placed myself on the couch with one leg under me, full-body facing his way. I unintentionally get closer to him, leaning with my face closer to his. I am so close to him I can almost feel his breathing... almost. Visibly annoyed by my actions, this time he turns his face to lock eyes with me and in his lowest voice he growls ''You're dangerously close'' Keep it together, keep it together. I repeat to myself slowly trying to calm my thoughts. ''I can't sleep so I came down to get something to drink. What are you doing here?'' Not waiting for an answer, I got up and walk toward the kitchen ''I-I'll make myself some hot cocoa w-would you like some? Y-you know what I-I'll just m-make some for y-you anyway. W-what do I have to lose? Right? He He''. That was so pathetic, I sounded so pathetic. Why am I acting all weird right now? ''I don't want that shit'', ''Wow, that was harsh Bakugou you could have just said no'' I said in a serious tone turning in his way.  ''Tch'' he whispers while standing up and walking in my direction. ''Huh?'' is all that came out of me before pushing me lightly to the counter. 

Hands-on either side of me leaning on to the counter he whispers to my ear ''I don't want cocoa... I want... you''. Wait, what? This is a dream, right? No no, it c-can't be happening, right? ''w-w...'' But before I could say anything I feel his lips crash into mine. My thoughts are fuzzy I can't think straight, my legs are feeling weak, I just give in to the kiss. I put my hands on his shoulders and glide one to the back of his neck keeping him in place so he doesn't escape from the kiss. God, he tastes so good. I could feel hands wandering on my back, I moan a little into his mouth. Just as I settle into the new sensation he breaks the kiss and continues to kiss my jaw and down to my neck. ''W-what are you... ahh...doing?'' is all I could whisper trying not to sound so desperate for more. Ohh no... no no no, this should stop but...god...this feels so good ''More...I...I need more...please'' I say pushing him back looking at him with lustful eyes.

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