(Training?) Feeling better? Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s quirk is acting up. Katsuki helps (Y/N) to deal with her quirk and keeps it a secret, but there are questions that need to be answered. (Y/N) agrees to train with Katsuki although she is scared of the questions that might come her way. This training session is a little different than regular spar training it doesn't end as Katsuki planned. 


This chapter contains sexual activities and quirk usage.

Chapter text:

(Narrarator's POV):

It was a calm class hour when (Y/N) feels like she is being watched, she doesn't need to turn her head to see who was staring at her, Katsuki was digging holes behind her back with his glare. Too scared to look (Y/N) started to panic she knew why he was glaring at her, she could feel her quirk tingle under her skin with the thought of Katsuki staring at her.

The class ended shortly after, Aizawa has dismissed everyone and left the class. Katsuki got up from his chair making his way over to (Y/N), but (Y/N) had other plans, she calmly got up and walked to the door, once there she bolted not realizing that Katsuki was chasing her, luckily the hallway wasn't as crowded as she thought it would be, this made it easier for her to run towards the emergency staircase. Once she opened the door she got pushed further in by an angry blonde, they both got in the staircase (Y/N) releases her quirk, and turned around locking her eyes with Katsuki, jumped on him, pushing him to the door closing it. She grabbed onto the back of this head and neck gluing her lips to his. Her action surprises Katsuki but he didn't resist, all he did was kiss her back, he wanted this, no, he actually needed this, he wanted to feel those soft lips on his once again, he wanted to feel her warmth on him. Why wouldn't he? He felt relaxed with her, he felt warm like he belonged there, between her arms. He felt disappointed when he realizes that she wasn't kissing him because she wanted to, they were kissing because (Y/N)'s quirk is acting up again. 'She doesn't want you, it's the quirk' he reassured himself getting back to his senses.

He wraps his arm around the girl's waist pulling her closer and keeping her in place, the other trailing her leg trying to find unclothed skin to release his quirk, if he doesn't he know that (Y/N) will soon go in heat and things might not end peacefully. Katsuki lifts up her skirt and places a hand on her thigh pulling her leg up to his hip releasing his quirk, (Y/N) moans softly into the kiss. Katsuki feels his dick twitch in his pants when suddenly (Y/N) pushes Katsuki back ''Enough, we are at school'' she says as she falls to the floor catching her breath, her eyes are turning back to her original color. ''What? You were the one who pounced on me like a mad dog!'' His voice had a little disappointment and a little anger to it. ''Anyway I came to talk to you'' he says a little calmer ''We are training today after school'' he opens the door making his way out of the staircase ''Oh yeah, no I don't have plans thanks for asking, sure I could train...'' ''Its wasn't an offer we are training together today end off discussion'' Katsuki growls making his way back to the class leaving the girl behind.

(Katsuki's POV):

It's getting harder not to think about (Y/N) and what she was keeping from me and everyone else, fuck them extras, she is keeping a secret from me. Why? What is so important, I already know that she is the daughter of a villain, what else is there to hide? These were the questions that were eating me for the whole weekend. Luckily I came up with a way to get her to talk. The day went by faster than usual with my mind full of questions. On the other hand (Y/N) didn't look so stressed out, she actually looked more energetic than usual. This was bothering the hell out of me, little does she know that I am determined to get answers, there is no escaping me. 

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