Chapter Twenty Two (PART-II)

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The revelation made me feel lost. I didn't know what to ask him next, so he continued telling me everything. And at that moment, I was so glad that he trusted me.

When he witnessed what happened to his father and who did it, he was scared out of his wits. The only person he could confide in, had been Adrien.

They really are the best of friends.

Adrien had sneaked Xavi out of the house that day and listened to everything that he had to say. Believing and comforting him when he cried.

To cheer him up, Adrien had taken Xavi to the party the next day. Iris' birthday party.

He was there, right in front of me and I had no idea.

The eleven year old Xavi was dragged out of the party by his uncle, who figured out that he had sneaked out. The little boy was sent abroad the very next day to stay with his aunt. Adrien's protest had no effect. He promised Xavi to keep everything a secret.

The man, his own uncle had taken everything away from him. His home, his father and even his friend.

I wipe the tears streaming down my face with the back of my hand. Even though Xavi wasn't really crying, it seemed like he was on the verge of it.

I grab his hand, now placing them on my lap as I give it a gentle squeeze.

"You are one the strongest person I have ever come across."

He entangles his fingers with mine, making shiver run down my spine at the simple gesture.

"If only I had come back sooner. So many things I wanted to tell you." 

I blink in confusion.

"What took you so long?"

"Courage. I didn't have the courage until I turned seventeen. That's when I did a background check on my so called uncle, collected proofs about his wrongdoings and affairs and presented it to aunt Caroline. I told her what I saw. I told her that he killed my dad. She believed me. She believed every word that I said. She was the one who pushed me to return back, to get the revenge I had been craving for so long and so I did. The murderer doesn't even recognise me."

I stare at him for long, trying to understand the pain he must have gone through. He does want revenge, it was clear on his face but he also doesn't want to hurt his aunt, the only motherly figure in his life.

I try to drift the topic away from the Principal. I know it was making him mad, hurting him.

"You had my diary. But how?" 

"When I rushed to get you out of the pool-" 

"You were the one who pulled me out?" I cut him off, too shocked at his words.

"Yes. Adrien helped."

Adrien? So it was really a misunderstanding?

"I know what you are thinking. He never pushed you. If anything, he was trying to catch you before you fell, but I understand how you must have felt then."

I simply nod, ashamed at myself.

"About your diary. I wanted to give it to you when I found it by the pool. But my uncle was dragging me away by then. So I thought I would return it to you the next morning, before leaving. I ran over to your house but you were long gone. Your mom had closed the door on my face. I had no choice but to keep it with me since I didn't get to see anyone and I was afraid of leaving it just anywhere. I thought it would be my fault if you lost it forever. I never read through it, I promise. I kept it safe."

I chuckle lightly, tears still glistening my eyes.

"I believe you. But how did you know where I live? Exactly how long have you known me for?"

"You have no idea." 

His answer takes me by surprise but Liam's call keeps me from asking more.

"Yeah, I will be home soon. Sure. Bye."

"You're leaving?"

"I have to. Liam has to go somewhere and I don't have a spare key with me."

I get down from the stool as Xavi does the same. I just wanted to ask him one last question. The question I was dying to ask. 

"Um.. What you wrote on the sticky note, do you like- no, am just being stupid." I shake my head in embarrassment. 

Before I could turn and walk away from him, he grabs my arm, pulling me close. My eyes widen at the sudden action but I don't get the time to comprehend anything as he crashes his lips onto mine.

Pulling apart for a brief second, with his breath fanning and lips still brushing against mine, he whispers, "Seven years. I have waited seven years for this." 

Before pressing his lips back again and closing the minimal distance between us. With our bodies against each other, I lean slightly on the counter with his left hand around my waist and the other caressing my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck, tugging at his hair. His movements grow from soft to passionate and I forget how to breathe. It's not until he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against mine that I finally catch my breath. Both of us panting as he answers my incomplete question.

"I have liked you since I was ten, Alisson."

Oh God.



I can't write a good romantic scene for the life of me, so sorry if it wasn't up to your expectations..



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