Zieg University

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"What is this, Hunter?!". Mrs. Wilson slammed the newspaper on the glass table in their living room.

"What now, Theresa..."

"You stay out of it, Dennis, your son is busy messing around with that basement freak, Anabelle, or whatever her unfortunate name is. I warned you to keep those Robinsons out of our lives but you didn't listen"

Hunter stood up and started heading for the door.

"And where are you going, young man? Come back here and give me a good reason why this article has a lot to say about you being with that girl". She said 'that girl' with so much disgust.

"Mom please, I don't want to talk about it. We'll talk later". He went out before she said anything else.

"Do something about those Robinsons fast or they will dent our image in society. Ella is so mad at me, that she refused to pick up my calls. At this rate, you might lose the election, please do something!"

"What do you want me to do, Theresa? Hunter isn't a little kid anymore, no one forced him to act the way he did"

"I spoke to Giovanni, he said that people will most likely accuse Hunter of being a bratty playboy, our little boy will be called all sorts of names because of this article".

He sighed. "What does Giovanni suggest we do?"

"We shift all the blame to her. She should be the one accused of being a lying tramp who wants to entrap my son"

"Never...never will I partake in such. You should stop all this, the kids will soon be off to college and the issue will die down. Don't hurt that girl's future, I'm warning you"

"Fine. I will let our son get hurt, and your campaign..."

"What will be will be. If I will win, I will win". He walked out, leaving her alone in the living room.

She immediately picked up her phone and made a call. "Is this the Ziegville Child protective services?... Okay, good, I have a complaint..."

2 Months Later

Amy and her parents arrive in front of the grand gates of the university; Above it, was a sign that read 'Welcome to Zieg University.'

After the security guards confirmed their IDs, the gate was opened, and Mark drove the truck into the school.

After patiently following directions given to them by the security guard, they arrived at the hostel. It was a three story building with brick walls.

They got down from the car. AmyClaire went to help to help Mark with the luggage, but Maj had other plans. She held AmyClaire's hands and made her stand in front of her, over the past months, AmyClaire had grown taller, and now towered over Maj. A smile appeared on her face as she remembered all their memories together. "Amy, honey, I want you to know that your father and I are super proud of you. We couldn't have asked for a better daughter" She hugged Amyclaire.

"She's right." Mark seconded from behind them after successfully taking out the three heavy luggage and lined them up in front of him.

"Stop, you guys, I don't wanna cry in front of my fellow students" AmyClaire said she buried her head between her foster parents.

Maj wiped off her tears. "You're right, baby. Cool peeps don't cry" She grinned and went ahead to help pick up her luggage but AmyClaire refused her from picking up any.

They got to dorm 33, which was the room given to her, as it was stated clearly on the paper in Mark's hand. There were two small beds on either side of the room, a reading table in between them, facing the wall. Wardrobes next to each bed, and posters all over the white wall.

"Hey, you must be my roomie" A girl walked in from the corridor. Her red hair was tied in a bun, she wore a pink hoodie and a pair of jeans and pink sneakers.

"Uh, yeah" AmyClaire offered the girl her hand. "I'm AmyClaire Robinson, these are my parents, Mark and Maj"

The girl shook her hand. "Welcome, AmyClaire, I'm Theia" She waved at Mark and Maj, "Good evening"

They returned her greeting.

The girl walked further into the room and sat on the bed on the right. The bedsheets had pictures of hot, shirtless male celebrities on them, the images matched the posters on the wall on Theia's side of the room. "That will be your bed, AmyClaire, do whatever you want with it" She smiled naughtily.

Maj and Mark cleared their throats. "Um, Amy, will you see us off?"

"Sure thing, Mark" AmyClaire replied before keeping her things on the bed and following them back to the car.

"Please, be careful, honey" Maj said in a pleading voice.

"Sure thing" Replied Amy before hugging them both. They broke the hug but she still held on to them. "Thank you guys for not abandoning me even though Ive past the age of foster care.-"

"Shh, you are my daughter, it doesn't matter what any piece of paper says, We will always love you. You belong with us, kiddo." Maj kissed her forehead. "Now listen carefully, stay focused on your studies, make good friends-"

"Maj, I'll be fine" She laughed.

She watched them drive away... Tears pricked the brim of her eyes, threatening to come out. She had never felt so alone, how will she survive without them?

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