Dear future mother-in-law, you suck.

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Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into days. Hunter and Amy's love grew with each passing time. Who would've thought that the guy she loathed being around— would turn out to be the one she couldn't live without?

  Before the holidays came to an end, Amy was called back by the University. They offered to conduct an exam for her so she can catch up with her mates. Everyone was happy for her, it seems Hunter's efforts paid off; #bringbackAmy was a success! However, Hunter's dad shamelessly took all the credit, claiming that he had told the school to bring her back. This helped him a great deal in his political campaign. It was more or less a win-win situation.

A few days before her resumption, Amy got to the diner. It was supposed to be her last day working there even though Gerald didn't look too happy about it. She put on her apron and started to serve the handful of customers who were seated. It was a day like any other day, boring, and uneventful. Up until a certain someone walked in. Gerald ran to the woman at the entrance and welcomed her warmly.

"Mrs. Wilson, it's an honor to have you in my diner." He almost kissed the sole of her feet with his phony pleasantries.

Theresa looked around with a look of utter disgust on her face. It was clear as crystal that she could never belong in such a place; Her expensive clothes and accessories were a dead giveaway. "Get me Miss Robinson." Those were the only words she said to Gerald before she took a seat at one of the tables.

Soon, Amy came out of the kitchen. As usual, Gerald had to piss her off with his insults. As soon as her eyes landed on Theresa, she subconsciously adjusted her apron and walked slowly down to the woman's table. "What can I get you, Mrs. Theresa?"

Theresa gestured that she take a seat. "Amy darling, how are you?"

Amy couldn't believe her ears, did Theresa just call her 'darling'? I guess things are looking up! "I'm fine, thanks."  She comported herself so that she sat upright like the classy woman opposite her.

"My son told me you are now his girlfriend" Theresa stated matter of factly, without beating around the bush.

Amy almost choked when Theresa said the word 'girlfriend', knowing how much she despised her. Why would Hunter be so quick to share this with his mom? Oh well, the cat is out of the bag now. "Yes, Hunter and I are together"

Theresa grinned, revealing her perfect teeth. "Who would've thought?" A rather rhetorical question, but Amy could sense the underlying displeasure. Theresa proceeded to place her hand on Amy's, an action that put the latter at ease. "You must be excited to return to school"

Amy smiled like a child on Christmas. "Yeah, it's nice to finally be able to continue my studies. Thank you for asking"

Gradually, Theresa's gentle touch on Amy's hand turned into a squeeze. "You must be happy about being in the same school as my son, right, Amy?"

"You misunderstand me, ma'am" Amy tries to pull her poor hand out of the grip of this vicious woman.

"Shut up! If you think I'd let you slither your way into my family, You are so darn wrong!" She stretched out her other hand and pulled on Amy's ponytail. Unfortunately, no one else in the diner noticed the harassment that was taking place, or maybe no one cared. She continued: "If you dare return to the University, I will make sure Mark loses his job"

"Let go of my hair!!" Amy barked, forcing Theresa to release her hand and hair. "Don't you threaten me"

"Mark is an under-qualified piece of trash who parades himself as my husband's employee. In reality, he is nothing but an errand boy living off the crumbs that fall from the Wilsons' table. If he loses this job, I can assure you that he won't find a better one easily, and all your siblings will be sent off to new homes. Is that what you want?"

"Mr. Derek will not allow it"

Theresa burst into a peel of laughter. "My husband is too busy with his campaign to notice what happens in the company. It'll be my word against Mark's, who do you think will win?" She picked up her purse from the table and stood up. "I have said all I need to say, the choice is yours." Then she walked out toward her black car. The driver ran out and opened the back door for her, after she settled in, he returned to his seat and drove off.

"Hey! Back to work now!!" Yelled Gerald From behind Amy. She begrudgingly returned to her work. Mrs. Theresa's words rang in her head the rest of the day.  "The choice is yours."

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