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She spent the next couple of weeks avoiding Him in class. Unfortunately, they share a class or two, but due to the busy schedule of the University, they barely have time for themselves.

One evening, after Mr. Fallon's class, students were returning to their respective dorms. Amy was walking with Thea and some other girls when Hunter blocked her way.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked exasperatedly. When she noticed the other girls were ogling him, her face turned red with embarrassment.

"Hey, Handsome. If she's not interested, I am" Thea's friend, Dana said seductively. This earned a chuckle from Hunter.

"You all can go. I'll catch up." Amy was fuming.

When the girls had gone a good distance, she turned to Hunter. "How dare you smile at her like that?"

He grinned. "Are you jealous?"

"Phtew! What? Why would I be? In case you haven't noticed, you're no longer the cutest guy in school!" She folded her hands on her chest in defense.

"Oh... you thought I was cute?"

She wished she could slap that corky smile off his face. "Other girls used to say so, not me"

"I see" He drew closer, making her suddenly feel hot. "I want us to talk, AmyClaire"

"About what?"

"Come with me" He offered her his hand which she hesitantly accepted. He led her to a table in front of the cafeteria. "Sit," He said gently.

After they were both sitting opposite each other across the small table. "Go on" for some reason, she was curious to know what he had to say.

He took a deep breath before continuing. "I took the holiday to reflect on my life, and the bad choices I made. AmyClaire, I want to apologize for being a jerk back in Highschool. I was a bully, a meanie... I'm sorry".

This took her by storm. Never in her wildest dream would she have thought that Hunter Wilson would apologize for being a jerk. "I- it's okay. Apology accepted"

"You sure? You can hit me if you want"

"Who are you and what have you done with Hunter?" She asked with skepticism in her tone.

He laughed richly. "I'm the real Hunter"

She mirrored the smile on his face. "I'm proud of you. Asking for forgiveness is one the hardest things to do, this means you are a changed person"

"So, friends?" He offered her a hand.

"Friends" She accepted his handshake.

It was getting dark. He escorted her to her dorm and left as soon as she entered her room.

Still confused by the strange evening, Amy walked into her room with a huge smile on her face. Not paying much attention to Thea's side of the room, she walked to her bed and dropped her backpack. Her face read like tomatoes as she remembered the kiss they shared at prom night. True, the circumstances were not nice, but looking back, it feels magical.

"Daydreaming about my boyfriend? You little tramp"

Amy froze at the unpleasantly familiar voice that she heard behind her. She turned around slowly as her mind tried to convince her that it must have been a figment of her imagination. "Ju-Julia?"

Her archenemy sat on Thea's bed. Three pink suitcases stood beside the bed, accompanied by two Prada bags and a pair of boots that matched the short black dress she had on. "Miss me?" Julia grimaced.

"What are you doing here? Where's Thea?"

"She's been sent to another room. What? You don't like your new roommate?" She stood up and took slow strides toward Amy. That was when Amy noticed that she had dyed her hair brown, exactly like Amy's hair color. "We're gonna have so much fun, Roomie".

"Stay out of my way, and I won't have to beat the devil out of you!" Amy retorted.

"Ooh, I'm so scared. The little Basement freak is becoming bold?"

"Don't call me that!"

With a playful smile on her face, Julia retreated to her side of the room. "I'm tired from my journey, I'm not in the mood to deal with you tonight, basement freak".

"Whatever" Amy returned to her things. She made sure to hide away any important stuff. At first, it was Hunter she was worried about, but now, the she-devil followed her here.

'Sleeping with one eye open' has never been so literal.

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