Chapter 2~Sassy Stranger

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I cleared my throat and lowered my head trying to compose myself but failed miserably. I didn't even realize I held onto him.

What the heck!

When I looked up, his smokey gray eyes connected with my soft hazel eyes, sending cold chills through my body.

What in the world is wrong with me?

But he is unbelievably handsome, I found myself unable to look away. His appearance was reminiscent of the male models often featured in glossy magazines, with striking features and a notably robust presence. jaws, a high chin, full plump lips, and muscular arms.

Oh, my...!!

Quit checking him out, Cassandra.

Right, right!

His tousled brown hair was swept back, with some strands in the front curling upwards.

I entwined his hands gently from my arms and shyly perked up at him.

"Oh My God!!!, I am so sorry Sir, I have never ....."I wailed, beholding the damage I cost to his suit until when my eyes landed on his white shirt all soaked with coffee.

I wish I could just vanish!

"Jes.. I am so sorry sir, let me get you a napkin..."I gasped

I can't tell what came over me but what I just said was very dumb.

You see, "It can't dry unless you remove the shirt, so why are you getting him a napkin?

Smartass Cassandra" My subconscious mocked.

Okay, that was stupid of me.

"Damn it!! Are you blind?" His husky voice filled with anger.

God, that voice sexy !! Stop daydreaming Cassie, snap out of it.

You just poured coffee on him and he is yelling at you.

Yeah, that's true, that's true.

His scary bodyguard was already standing by his side.

"What can I do sir?"I panicked.

What is with me asking dumb questions today? I'm usually not like this.

"I will be right back" I didn't wait for a reply before dashing to the kitchen and grabbing two napkins that lay on the counter.

"What happened Cassie?" Heather asked.

"Hmm. I accidentally poured coffee on...the.... floor. I need to get a napkin."I stammer.

I ran back to where he stood with his bodyguard.

He was seated, gazing at his shirt, while rhythmically tapping his foot on the solid concrete floor.
"Hmm, sir I have gotten a napkin for you."

What the heck is wrong with me today?

He looked up at me and ignored me.

Oh, men!

"Sir, I have bought you the shirt you asked for." the bodyguard with blond hair mumbled handing him the white shirt.

"So you want me to change here, what is wrong with your brain?" The handsome man yelled

"Sorry sir," he said quietly.

"Shut up" He barked.

But it's I he should be yelling at, not his bodyguard.

Or maybe he mistook me for his bodyguard.

I stood there looking like a lost sheep, It then dawned on me that I hadn't given the coffee to the Indian customer.

It smelt like I'm in big trouble!

"Cassie, why didn't you serve the customer his coffee, and why are you standing here when you have a lot of work to ...." Heather stopped her statement when she saw what was in front of her.

"Good morning sir, hmm, are you okay?"

"Do I look okay" he snapped at Heather.

"I am so sorry sir, I didn't realize, I must have...-" he silenced me with his hands held up.

I took a short survey around the restaurant and noticed we had gotten the attention of all the customers.

"Oh, come on! What the heck happened?" Heather enquired!

"I mistakenly poured coffee on him," I murmured.

"Oh no"

Man, this guy must be extremely rich just look at his shoes.

I couldn't help but admire his stylish Gucci shoes. And let's not forget about his wristwatch – it was a real wonder to behold. The shiny silver stones on the side added an extra touch of elegance.

It is worth a fortune.

Okay, I am not the only one checking out this hot guy.

That's a good thing

I gazed at him again dreamily, he was getting up from the chair now.

He gave me a dead stare which made me abruptly lower my head in a remorseful way.

Storming out of the restaurant with his bodyguard trailing behind him.


Three hours later, I was still running around the restaurant, once in a while wiping my sweaty forehead.

I hadn't taken water since morning and I felt like I was about to pass out.

My face must have looked like that of a zombie.

But I care less. Every time I saw Mr. Dickson, I froze and ran into the kitchen because It seemed he was going to call me into his office.

It relieved me when he didn't look my way... My silent prayers worked!

I can't afford to lose this job, it would be a disaster!

My Sister is working in a boutique and here I am working as a waitress which makes me feel sick when I think of it.

I just couldn't wait to finish college, so I could get a better job.


I can't remember taking it anymore, I am so worn out and very thirsty.

I trudged wearily to the kitchen, longing to quench my thirst with a refreshing bottle of water, when suddenly Heather materialized beside me, her voice breaking through my thoughts as she delivered the news that the boss was asking for me.

Oh God I am in big trouble

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