Chapter 17~Neutral Neglect

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I can't wait for this dinner to end so I can escape the torture of Sabrina caressing me under the table with her legs.

She doesn't get tired of touching me.

I am seriously getting disgusted with her constant touch and craving for sex.

She not making it easy for me right now, her legs are touching and rubbing my crotch.

Oh, God!!

She knows what she is doing that's why she has a wicked smile plastered on her face while drinking her wine.

"Sabrina, how is work?"Jeanette asks gazing at her.

Sabrina wasn't paying attention to what Jeanette was saying, she was too busy caressing e me under the table.

"Sabrina, I ask you a question" Jeanette declares drawing her attention.

"Sorry, What did you say?"Sabrina asks looking confused.

How would you hear, when you are watching me like a hawk?


"I asked how work is?" she repeats.

"Oh.. work, work is good, thank you" she smiled at Jeanette.

I drank my remaining wine quickly, before getting up from the chair "Excuse me"

"Are you okay Jamie?"Jeanette asks looking at me with a concerned look.

"Yes, I just need some air, "I say flatly.

My feet carry me to the balcony, I admire the color of the sky.

I breathe in and out and place my gold in my arms on my chest.

A few minutes later, I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist, caressing me.

I frowned and withdrew from the touch knowing who it was.

"Stop it, Sabrina, can't you just leave me the hell alone"I snap frightening her.

But I couldn't care less, I am tired of everything she does.

She rubbed my arm, but I withdrew from her touch"Why are you talking like that baby?, what have I done wrong?"

She looks so pained but she masked it up with a smile.

"Everything, I am tired of you Sabrina please leave me alone"I yell.

"You are tired of me, you didn't say that last week when I was on your bed" she scoffed.

I smirk and leave her dumbfounded "That was a big mistake, I wish it never happened baby trust me"

"That is a big lie, you can't live without me" she yelled after me.

I shake my head at her stupidity.

She is a dreamer and I can't believe I keep up with her.

I have moved on since.
Just because we sleep together often, she thinks something is going on.

Hell no

This is always the problem with women, they think you will always beg them, which I don't do.

When it comes to pursuing a romantic interest, I believe it's important not to waste time and energy. I trust my instincts to know when I feel a deep connection with someone.

But I don't feel it with Sabrina anymore, she is boring me and I am tired of her.

I have tried nicely telling her before, but she didn't take me seriously now I have told her the harsh way and she is upset.

Damn her

"What happened to Sabrina?"A voice spoke softly.

"Like what?"I asked pretending to be clueless.

"She is upset and she left saying she is sick"

Really, sick? oh please!!

"What did you say to her?"

"I communicated to her that our relationship was over and I requested that she respect my decision and give me space," I said with a hint of frustration in my voice.

Jeanette asked stunned"Really"

"Yeah, it's better that way, I have tried telling her so many times but she never takes me seriously"

"Goodnight Jeanette, "I say quietly and walk to where she stood then peck her cheek.

I leave the balcony and assemble in my room.

I sigh loudly, strip off my shirt, and lay on my bed.

I sent a text to Frederick asking him if we could hang out tomorrow morning.

Thank God it's a weekend, I need to have some fun.


I woke up late today and got ready for my jug.

I plug my AirPods in my ear, scroll through my phone, and click on First Class in my playlist.

When I was done, I did some stretches.

As I walked back home, an idea popped into my head.

I haven't seen Cassie for a while and I miss seeing her beautiful face.

She is so pretty and it's surreal.

I stood in front of Caligola and pushed the door open.

As I walked in the cool air greeted me and I scanned the restaurant searching for her.

One of the waitresses walked up to me and smiled.

"Good morning sir, please take a seat, what would you like to order?"

"Muffins and Cookies"

"Is that all sir?"


She was about to leave but I stopped her.

"Is Cassie not working today?"I cock an eyebrow at her.

"No sir, she's off today"


"Yes sir" She walked away and I quickly pulled out my phone and sent a text to my P. A and asked her to help me with my secret assignment.

I smile knowing to myself.

A/N: Hello,
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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