Chapter 15~Moody Mondays

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I hate waking up early on Mondays, to make it worse it's my work full shift day.

I flutter my eyes open, suppressing a yawn.

I rolled to the other side of the bed and that's when my stupid alarm rang.

I harshly hit it but it didn't stop. Out of anger, I threw it across the door.

Stupid alarm

Why did I think of getting one by the way?

I hope it hasn't broken though, in case I need it for important days.

I lazily rose from my bed, trailing straight to the bathroom.

I took off my nightwear, applied my face scrub then brushed my teeth slowly.

I take my time bathing, scrubbing my face, and brushing my teeth.

It's just part of me, I step under the shower, turning the knobs of the water.

The lukewarm water relaxes my nerves, I wash my hair with my strawberry-scented shampoo.

After thirty minutes in the shower, I finally came out.

I can't afford to be late for lectures.

Not anymore.

I dry my hair and pack it up into a bun, before wearing a grey off-shoulder top and boyfriend jeans matching it with White Jordan Airforce.

I apply mascara to make my dull eyes bright.

I coat my eyelashes and apply a little glossy lipstick.

I gather my books together and put them inside my tote bag.

I look at myself in the mirror before running out of my room.

My phone buzzes, it's Melanie.

Beverly is still sleeping because she had a night shift yesterday.

I meet Mom downstairs sitting in the dining.

"Morning Mum" I chirp drawing her attention to what she was doing.

"Morning Cassie" she smiles warmly.

"Why are you up early?" I ask curiously.

"I couldn't sleep"

"Oh- okay, are you okay?" I ask sounding worried

"I am fine don't worry, go before Melanie starts with the horn," She says dismissing herself with her hands.

"Okay, bye Love you Mum" I waved and opened the door.

I walked up to the car and pulled it open.

I shook my head when Melanie danced in her car, she looked crazy from afar.

She locks the door and I slip in buckling my seatbelt.

"Must you always act crazy" I hissed.

"When I am with you" she winks.

I roll my eyes at her, stretching my hand to switch the radio station before buckling my seatbelt.

"Rude" Melanie snapped and spanked my hand.

"Ouch," I winced rubbing the spot.

"What the h-"

"Hell, you know I was listening to that and you just changed it without asking" She hissed switching it back to the previous station.

"Seem someone is in a bad mood this morning. Easy tiger jeez".

"Shut up" She gives me a hard stare.

"That reminds me, you owe me an outing for ditching me the last time" Melanie glanced at me briefly.

"Oh! come on, not again" I groaned.

"Yeah babe, on Friday at 8, don't worry we will come back early" she smirked

"You are making it sound like a prom date Ewww" I mumbled.

"Think whatever you like"

"Pick you up at 7:30 sharp" she sang.

"I never said yes" I hissed.

"I don't need an answer, it's an order dummy" she winked.


After a torture session of Melanie singing Easy on Me, I am surprised I can still hear clearly. Melanie packed her blue BMW at her usual spot.

She unlocks my door and I climb down and tap my phone screen to check the time, it reads 8:30.

I have twenty more minutes till the lecture starts.

Melanie and I don't take some lectures together, so she goes to her class and I remain outside the school premises, my legs lead me to the field and I sit under a mango tree. I solved some physics questions but I didn't attempt them well.

I found myself flipping through my notes trying to attempt another question.

I become frustrated when I don't get the calculations well.

I stood up and went for my lecture, on my way to class someone bumped into me causing me to clash my elbow into a wall.

"Ouch shit" I yelp

"Oh jeez!! I am so sorry, are you badly hurt? Should I take you to the clinic"? The soft voice spoke.

I thought it was a girl, I was about to push her back but it was a tall guy with brown hair.

"Are you blind? You want to break my hands" I raised my voice at the guy.

"I am so sorry, please let me have a look" he pleaded.

"Hell no, watch where you are going next time" I hiss storming out not waiting for a reply.

Now I know how it feels to be a victim of colliding with someone.

That shit is painful, man.

I flinched at the spot where my elbow got hit.

I hope it won't affect my work today.

I make it to my class and take a seat next to Fiona Ferguson, one of the members of The Genius Science Students Group in my school.

The Genius Science Students are students who are very intelligent and get very high scores in their results and they compete with other schools during competitions.

They are highly respected and are role models in school.

I am qualified as a member but I am not ready to participate in different activities, not this term.

"Hey," She grins at me.

"Hi, I haven't seen you around for some time now, what's up?" I ask curiously.

"I have been busy with a lot of group meetings".

"We need new members, when are you going to join us, Cassie?"

"I don't know maybe next semester" I muttered.

"The door is open widely".

The lecture starts, as usual. Further maths is boring and I can't wait to leave this site.

I hastily leave the class when it ends  I spot Fiona and waved.

After lectures, I linger beside Melanie's car.

She spends almost an hour before she comes out.

I give her a dirty look before slipping into the car.

Melanie drops me off at Work after talking about her encounter with Percy.

"Bye babe, don't forget our deal," she says with a straight face.

"Sure, sure" I roll my eyes.

She winds up the window and zooms off.

I pushed the door open and as usual cool air greets me making my body feel cool.

I strolled to the changing room and dressed up, I walked to the hostess station.

I was about to grab a menu card from the hostess station but stopped at my track when I saw who had just walked in.

A/N: who could it be?
Find out in the next chapter.

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