Chapter 30

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"We got a delivery from Tomura!" A very excited and female voice says as she enters the room. Blond hair that was pulled into two buns, and gold like eyes that held a dangerous glint in them. Himiko Toga, a young girl who joined the villain alliance recently begins to tell her companions the news she had just received. "He said that there's enough for everyone, so we should bring it with us." She tells them with a smile, exposing her rather unique set of sharp fangs. A man covered in a dark cloak simply mutters words to himself, "Throbbing... Its throbbing...." He wants to leave now and start their operation. Another person speaks, voice carrying a youthful tone but still male, stating that they were told not to do anything flashy. "Even though he attacked me right after we met, he's suddenly acting like he's in charge." Another says, his lower jaw completely covered in scars that seemed to be made from burnt human tissue. He stands up from his spot, his jet black hair almost covering his eyes as he simply explains that this is just a signal fire. "Those empty heroes will be pulled off their pedestals....To create a brighter future." The man says with a cruel smile, his hands tightening as he walks out of the room.


Anyone who would of seen the state of the teens could safely say that the entirety of Class 1-A embodied the school's signature motto. Plus Ultra. Not one single person was holding back with their training, pushing their bodies to the limit to try and overcome them. Class 1-B soon joined, all shocked to see the state of their sister class. The intensity that they were seeing from them was chilling. With the Wild, Wild, Pussy Cats taking lead on the whole training regime, they each explained their quirks and how they can help with the young students training. They don't have the luxury of taking it easy, so they will all have to be prepared for the most intense training they will have ever received in their lives.

Both classes were separated accordingly, based on the aspects of their quirks. Those with simple power augmentation quirks were assigned to train with Tiger, the only male member on the Pussy Cats. He was currently working with Midoriya, who was trying her best to land an attack on the man. Bakugou was dumping her hands into hot steaming water, opening up her sweat glands and producing massive explosions and repeating the process over and over again. Each student had a rough idea on what they should work on, and how they should improve themselves. Gwen herself was training how fast she can scale the side of a cliff with Asui, while Felicia was training alongside Midoriya against Tiger. "Hold still!" She yelled out in frustration, swiping her clawed hand at the adult who simply dodged the attack. "Too predictable!" Tiger yelled out, before delivering a quick punch that landed. Felicia slammed into a nearby tree, wincing in pain as she stands back up. "Get up and try again!"

As training continued throughout the day, Aizawa would periodically check in with each student and monitor their progress. As he checked in with Todoroki, he heard his name being called out. Turning around, he was met with the sight of Jirou sluggishly walking up to him. "I... just wanted to ask....have you seen Y/N anywhere?" The teen asked, noticing that throughout the day the boy was missing. "He's doing his own kind of training, and didn't want to disturb the rest of the class." Aizawa explained to his student, calling back the small conversation he had with the boy. Well, not really a conversation, more like the kid simply stating to not let anyone follow him and walking away before he could utter a word. And while he trusted the kid to do what needed to be done to improve, he felt as if something was off. "For now, focus on your own training. The days not over yet." As Jirou nodded and went back to training her quirk, Aizawa glanced in the direction of where Y/N had walked to. A chill went down the hero's spine, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of training the teenager was doing.

With Y/N, the boy was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed. Around him where black appendages swaying with the wind, all varying in size. With each inhale the boy took, the shadows around him converge onto his position. And with each exhale, they disperse and vanish into the dark. For the past few hours, he ahs been working on some new moves that he had developed, as well as his stamina. And now, it was time to confront this monster that has been hiding inside of him. Well, one of the monsters that's been hiding inside of him. 'Ok.....time to see what I'm up against.' Taking one last breath, the boy closed his eyes to relax his body and mind. He soon felt himself begin to drift, becoming detached from the real world. Drifting and flowing like he didn't exist. Opening his eyes slowly, Y/N saw that he was no longer in the forest, and was now floating in an endless void that seemed to stretch for miles.

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