Chapter 18

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Y/N looked down at the medal he was given for first place, not really sure if he should be proud that he had made it to the top or disappointed that it had ended to quickly. 'I'm probably just going to throw it out regardless. Don't need anymore garbage at the house.' He thought to himself, tuning out All Mights speech and mostly everyone around him. Looking to his right, he saw Bakugou was glaring at the ground, hands clenched around the silver medallion she was given for second place. 'Guess she really hates losing.' Y/N thought to himself, a little surprised at the face she was making. How did her eyes even do that?

After All Might finished his speech, as well as ruining it, Y/N had started to head to the exit, his sister fast asleep in his arms. Before leaving the premises, someone had called out to him in a rather loud voice. He whipped around, already having a finger to his lips to tell the person to lower their voice. Shiro stirred a little in his arms, her face frowning from the sudden noise, before relaxing in his arms. Letting out a sigh of relief, the young boy turned his attention back to the person who had called out to him, who was looking rather sheepish for almost waking up the small child.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean to disturb your sisters nap." The voice of Mt. Lady said, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you for winning first place, as well as tell you to expect a letter from me. I hope you chose me as the hero you will intern under." The pro hero said to him, a wide smile on her face as she waited for his response. Y/N wasn't to sure if he should actually intern under the up and coming female pro. While her quirk was impressive and stood out, it was the complete opposite of his. She stands out way to much, all the attention on her and her alone.

With Y/N, his quirk relied more on stealth and quick finishes. No flashy moves that made him stand out, and most of all he was discreet. Well, maybe not today. Hidden and never allowing his opponents to see him until he was right where he wanted them to be. It wouldn't make any sense for him to intern under the young woman. "Thank you for the offer, Mt. Lady. I'll think about it." Although he would of liked to word it a bit more harsher, Venom pointed out that he needed to watch what he says around others. So he'll give this 'polite' thing a run. He'll probably just drop it sooner or later regardless. Mt. Lady flashed him another smile before walking away, most likely heading to another food stand to try and get some more free food.

"What a day."


After the Sports Festival ended, the school allowed the students who had participated two days of rest. With nothing to do, Y/N decided to take a stroll around the area. Shiro was still asleep, not surprising since she rarely liked getting up this early in the morning. To busy staying up and playing her games. He made sure to leave her some food for her to eat in case he isn't back in time. 'But knowing her, she would probably just munch on some instant ramen.' Walking down a empty street, Y/N let his thoughts wonder. He wondered which hero he should intern under, or if he would actually just not intern at all. He wasn't paying attention to where he was walking, just letting his feet take him to wherever they go. 'If I do decide to intern under a hero, maybe I could find someone who isn't such a known hero. Then again, I've fought with a bunch of different heroes.' With how he did his justice, there were bound to be heroes trying to look for him and take him down. He stops to look around, now noticing where he had ended up. A secluded hill above a small river, the stream going on for what looks like miles with no end in sight. He could hear the birds sing, their soft chirping making the area more welcoming and beautiful. The lush green grass his feet are standing on top of, the natural sunlight raining down on him, Y/N felt himself relax immediately at the peaceful atmosphere.

Sitting down, Y/N began to look back at the events that has happened to get him here. His run in with All Might being a big factor. If it wasn't for him running into the young boy in the dark tunnel, his life would be so different than from what it is right now. His time at U.A. impacted Y/N, meeting and actually socializing with people that were his age. He didn't think he would actually attend the best hero school in the country. He used to dream about attending there, wondering what it would be like to be a hero and save people that needed help. He couldn't help the laugh that came out of his mouth as he imagined his younger self jumping up in joy at the sight of a hero saving a group of civilians. 'Those were simpler times. When I didn't know how cruel and unforgiving this world could be.' Y/N thought to himself, a sad smile on his face replacing the previous one.

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