Chapter 5

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Soon the exam was in full swing as everyone began to destroy any robots they could find. They used any and every advantage to help them, scouting the area above, or stealing points from students who have already defeated any robots. As this was going on, all the pro heroes who are observing this exam are looking at T.V. screens, which were projecting all the different students and their performance.

They all watch in interest at the potential students who are in the exam. They watch as some of the students show off their quirks, impressing some of the heroes. Most of the students have racked up quite a bit of points for themselves, showing off the fruits of their training. This was their time to shine, to show the heroes what they were made off. The heroes begin to talk amongst themselves, pointing how some students have the potential to be pro heroes.

"There is one that seems to stand out from the rest."

They all nod their heads, knowing exactly which student that was proving to be a prodigy. On one screen, there stood Y/N, who had just finished disposing of a group of 2 point robots all by himself. His eyes narrowed in concentration as he scanned the area around him before dashing away from the scene. The heroes that were observing this could only watch in interest, seeing the boy dispose of his targets with ease. He was racking up quite the number of points for himself. He may even get the most points at the end of the exam.

However there was one question that was going through every heroes head that was watching him.

Why wasn't he using his quirk?

Throughout the entire exam, all of the points he has accumulated was through brute strength and using his brain to his advantage. He was able to defeat these robots with ease, without using his quirk. They heroes couldn't wrap their heads around it. Why wouldn't he use his quirk?

All Might stared at the screen as well, looking at the projection of the young boy. He recalled what he said to him, right before leaving for the exam.

"What do you mean you won't be using your quirk? If you don't you're practically handicapping yourself to an extreme level." The hero said, shocked at what Y/N had just told him. Y/N only rolled his eyes at his response. He explained that if he did use his quirk, most of the heroes and some of the students would know that a vigilante is attending the school.

"I don't want to be interrogated the first day. And I don't want all that attention from the students."

All Might could only shake his head, remembering what he said. 'You won't be able to hide your quirk for much longer, Young Y/N.' The pro hero thought to himself, turning his attention to the young green haired girl. He slightly grimaced as he watched his young successor almost get squashed by a 2 point robot.

Back with Y/N, he was currently running around the mock city, trying to see if he could score more points. If he was being honest, he was having a little bit of fun. He climbed up one of the buildings to get a better layout of his surroundings. That's when he saw someone in trouble. She was surrounded by a few three point robots, and she looked exhausted. Y/N wasted no time and jumped down from the building. He quickly stood in front of the exhausted girl, who looked up at him in surprise.

Y/N ran at the robots, jumping forward and punching one hard enough to break its armor. The others began to fire their lasers at him, but the young teen payed no mind to the pain that he was receiving. He simply grabbed the destroyed robot and hurled it at the group of mechanical machinery. It collided with them, causing them to short circuit and explode.

The girl looked up at her savior in admiration, her golden eyes shinning in amazement. She couldn't believe her eyes. He easily defeated a group of robots all by himself. Without breaking a sweat! Was his quirk like a power boost? Y/N turned his attention to the girl he just saved, and took in her appearance. She looked a lot different from the rest of the girls he had seen. For starters, there was the obvious pink skin, along with the horns protruding out of the top of her hair, which was also pink. "That was sooo cool!! What's your quirk? Is it some kind of strength boost? How were you able to take down those robots without breaking a sweat?!" She said, asking questions left and right. She got real close to his face, causing him to lean away from her.

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