Chapter Two

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"Yoongi Hyung?" His eyes widen in realization, finally noticing who the man is in front of him. It's been years since he lost saw him. Of course, the older is just as handsome as he was when they were younger.

He didn't have much baby fat left, his jawline surprisingly sharp. The raven hair looking freshly dyed, making his eyes look even more memorizing. A sudden sad smile forms on the mafia's leaders lips, finally seeing his Hyung after so many years.

"Yes. It's me." The older meets his eyes, finally making that long awaited eye contact. The only thought going through his mind. "I'm going to break my sunshine's heart again."

He lets out a deep breath, standing up and opening his arms up. The younger hesitantly steps forward. He rarely shows this side of him, usually being ruthless to strangers. He doesn't let that shield down because he didn't want to be hurt again. Yoongi reaches forward, gently grabbing onto the younger's waist and pulls him in. His own body relaxes, finally feeling the younger is his arms after so many years.

He's happy. A rare emotion.

Hoseok is a bit taken aback by the sudden action but immediately relaxes. He's finally able to hold onto him again. The hug doesn't last a super long time, a sudden shout ringing through the club.

"Hey! Put that gun away! This is a safe territory!" It was Namjoon. The man was standing up, a glare penetrating the person across the club. There was figure standing there, a gun in his hand with it aiming at a woman. "I'm simply doing my job! I was told to take care of this whore and this is a good place."

The leader lets out a sigh, stepping back and eyeing the elder. "Well, business calls." Yoongi smiles sadly, patting the younger's shoulder and shooing him off. He watches as his mission walks away, seeing the ruthless personality take over him once more. Hoseok makes his way over, grabbing the man by the arm and twisting it behind his back. He grabs the gun, turning the safety on and handing it to one of his men who walks up.

He brings his face close to the other's ear, the look in his eyes deadly. "This is a no fight zone. If you have business to take care of, take it elsewhere." It makes the man let out a groan, nodding his head in agreement. "Good. You're dismissed." He lets him go, sending him off. "Alright everyone. Return back to partying."

The leader lets out a sigh, looking to the bar to see that Yoongi had left. He returns back to his friends, his mood suddenly depressing. "I'm ready to go home." Namjoon approaches him, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder. "What is it?" Hoseok looks up to meet his second in command's eyes. "I'll tell you later."

The group returns back to the base. Their leader didn't speak up once, staring out the window on the way back. A very distant look in his eyes. He watches as trees pass by, his mind elsewhere. He tries to remember of any signs that led to his friend leaving him that day. He never was given a real reason of their sudden departure.

His father explaining the mafia world shortly after that. It was a lot to take in. He had to though. He had to get used to it. Before long, he had to take over the reins of ruling the Eternals.

Hoseok lets out a sigh, climbing out of the SUV once the reach the mansion. He doesn't bother saying a word to anyone as he walks inside. The sun had long set, the night sky on full display. The moon was full, lighting up the sidewalk as he walks to the front door. As he steps inside, he's greeted by a member of the mafia.

He looks up, questioning the man. "There's been a problem." He nods, following the member to his office. He pushes his hair back from his face, seriousness covering it. It didn't matter the time of day or night, he was willing to work to make every person is safe from the crimes of the other mafias. If that means less sleep, so be it.

Taehyung helps Jimin out of the SUV. They were the only two who drank a lot but both held their liquor well. Jimin holds onto his hand, waiting for Namjoon to get out. Seokjin said he would meet them there, wanting to stay the night at the mansion.

The eldest finally steps out, having been on the phone with someone. "Hyung, what's going on with Hobi Hyung? He seemed like something happened back at the club," Jimin questions once they start walking inside. The taller of the three steps inside, sliding his jacket off. "I'm pretty sure I know what it is but I want to speak to him first."

The two youngest nod, worry etched onto their faces at the words. They are approached by someone else, telling them to go to Hoseok's office, that it is important. The three immediately set off, knowing it is probably related to work. It's never a break around here.


Hoseok sighs, leaning forward with his hands on the desk. He overlooks the pictures in front of him. Multiple members of his mafia have been murdered in cold blood, all because they wanted to right the wrongs of this world. They wanted to stop the drug routes but ended up dead instead.

His grip tightens onto his desk, feeling the overwhelming emotion of anger eat up inside of him. He knows who did it. He just doesn't want to admit it allowed. They are winning. Their enemy is a step ahead. He had dismissed the man to go retrieve his friends so he is alone at the moment. He takes his hands, letting out a yell of outrage and slides the pictures off.

They hit the floor, the sound almost deafening. His chest lowers and rises quickly, his breath uneven. He's angry. At them. Himself.

He doesn't hear the door open nor does he hear anyone approach him. A hand is placed onto his shoulder. He knows that touch. It's joon. He turns to face the younger, who's giving him a look. "Hoseok, follow my breathing." Namjoon takes the other's hand, placing it onto his chest.

The leader copies him, breathing in deeply then letting go. He feels his breath slowly even out and his body relaxing. He needs to calm down so he can focus on getting things back in line.

What he doesn't know is that things are about to get even messier. It was guaranteed when he set eyes onto Min Yoongi at the club tonight.

The Silence is always watching. They know what Yoongi means to the mafia leader, that his feelings have not changed once for the elder in the years they were apart. That is why Yoongi's father decided on the task for the boy. The reason why Yoongi's heart was being torn to pieces once more.


Word Count: 1,187

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