Chapter Twenty

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The air was starting to become chilly as he heads home, having looked into something for Hoseok. He pulls his black jacket closer to his body, a shiver running through him.

He lets out a breath, fog following it as the moisture freezes in the air. His phone starts to ring in his coat pocket, making a grumble leave his lips. He reaches a hand inside, pulling his phone out. He slides his finger across the screen, answering the call.

"Yes?" He answers the call, still paying attention to his surroundings. "Are you nearly home?" He chuckles to himself, releasing it is Hoseok on the other side.

"Not too far. Relax.." he breaks the call, hearing something move behind him. "Hyung? Are you still there?" He responds, turning his head to look behind himself. The sun is starting to set, making the temperature drop. Not many people are going to be out in this frigid weather.

He speeds up walking, his free hand sliding down to grip the gun that's in the holster under his jacket. He lets out a breath. "Hoseok?" He cuts off the other who is speaking, making him go quiet.

"Yes Yoongi? What's wrong?" The younger stops in his walk, coming to a standstill in the hallway. Concern suddenly flashes through his mind, wanting to know if his hyung is okay. He hears the older's breath hitch.

"I think I'm being followed." Yoongi finally admits, turning to walk down a alleyway, trying to keep the route to Hoseok's base a secret. His grip tightens onto his phone, having a feeling that the person who's following is one of his father's men. "I think it's.." before he can finish the sentence, the side of his head is hit with something hard. His phone slides from his grip, everything going dark.

"Yoongi?! Baby, what's going on?" Hoseok panics, pulling the phone from his ear and looking down at the device. "Shit." He hangs up, running down the stairs and into the control room. Jimin and Taehyung were not present so he starts looking for Yoongi himself.

He's quick to turn on the desktop, immediately searching for his hyung. He continues to mumble curses under his breath, clicking on the screen continuously.

The door opens up behind him, the two younger ones walking in. "Hyung, what's going on?" Taehyung comes to sit beside him. He watches the screen, seeing that he's looking for Yoongi.

"What happened to Yoongi hyung?" He tries to get the older's attention, who's still looking for any sign. "I think he was kidnapped. His father sent someone to follow him."

"If that's the case hyung, that means his phone will be in the last location they captured him at. But- " Jimin starts, coming to sit at the other desktop. He starts typing in some words and his gaze focuses onto the screen. "He took his gun with him as a safety precaution. He let me put a tracker on it. So, even if he did drop his phone, we can track him down by his gun." He zooms onto a location.

"They have a place in Gwangmyeong. About seventeen minutes from here."

Hoseok watches, always amazed by the work Jimin does. He is glad he took the younger in as their technician. He slides his phone out as he stands up. "Then we need to start preparing."

The two nod, working on finding how many they would be up against.

Hoseok leaves the room, a hint of anger and determination in his eyes. Seems like the Silence want to play a game and he's a very competitive person.


Jungkook puts the kickstand down on his bike, turning the engine off and sliding his helmet off. His mission is to watch the location Jimin sent him, see if the area is the one found from tracking the weapon Yoongi brought with him.

He hides his bike, making sure it isn't seen from a distance. Once he finishes, he looks for a fire escape attached to one of the many buildings around him.

He finds one. He jumps up, grabbing the ladder and slowly pulling it down with his body weight. He pulls himself up, climbing onto the fire escape and continues to climb up to the roof.

He's quiet, making sure he doesn't make any sounds as he approaches the edge. He pulls out a pair of binoculars, the pair being more high tech than simple ones. He zooms onto the abandoned building. It looks nearly empty from the outside, not much activity going on at all.

He lowers his head, looking down at the entrance. There, he sees people coming in and out. It's not many but maybe one or two people. He lets out a breath, lowering the binoculars and pulling his phone out. He sends a quick text to Jimin, confirming his location.

Jungkook puts his phone away, standing back up to head back down to his bike. He's already back down the ladder, heading to his motorcycle when he hears movement from behind him.

A crunch then a breath. He's quick to pull out his gun, turning to face the person behind him.

Two people stand there, their arms raised. His own eyes widen a little, confused by the two.

"Kihyun and Jooheon? What are you doing here?" He whispers, confusion laced into his voice.

"We want to help," Jooheon explains, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

"That doesn't explain why you're here. And following me."

Jungkook keeps his gun aimed on the two, his expression not faltering. Kihyun sighs, pointing to an empty building. "We will explain in there."


Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

The sound of water dripping from the ceiling is going to drive him insane. His head is throbbing, making him squeeze his eyes closed. He occasionally wiggles his fingers, trying to regain some feeling into his hands that are tied behind his back.

It's cold. Very cold in the room he's being held in. His mind keeps flashing back to the encounter, being knocked over the head with something hard, his vision going black. He already knows who captured him. It's a very easy guess.

The sound of approaching feet has him slowly peeling his eyelids open. He moves his head up, seeing the familiar face of his father. The man has a very burn marks on his face, but doesn't stop him from smirking at the sight of his son.

"I hope you know that you'll lose, Yoongi."

That draws a small chuckle from him, making Min Sung confused. His son shouldn't laugh, but he is afraid. He's trying to frighten him, not encourage him.

Yoongi lets out a sigh, tilting his head to the side. "I hope you are ready to lose, father. Hoseok doesn't go down without a fight," he licks his lips, the smirk returning. "And you've made him mad now."


Word Count: 1,150


I have introduced some new characters, Monsta X. It will be explained why because I am doing a spin off from this book, based on them. I hope you are all enjoying this. 💜

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