Chapter Twelve

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"How many casualties?" Hoseok questions, standing outside one of the hotels his mafia has the rights to. A jacket is draped over his shoulders, his arms crossed over his chest.

A firefighter still works on putting the fire out, the top of the building in pretty bad condition. "A bunch of the hotel staff was injured and at least two guests were killed in the fire." One of the managers tell him, a blanket over the person's shoulders. He pinches the bridge of his nose with one hand, his eyes shutting tightly.

"The reason why?" The manager shakes their head. They didn't know yet. "I'm going in." The mafia boss states, clearly not worried about the condition of the building. It's nearly three in the morning, the slight breeze blowing through his hair. He much rather be at the base, in bed and asleep. He's here, instead.

He looks down at his right hand as he lowers it. The faint blood stains still there from earlier. When he got word about the hotel, he quickly left. He's on his own as the others figure things out at home.


Taehyung and Jimin both stand next to each other, a gun in each of their hands. It's around three in the morning, the time the next shipment would arrive. Jimin would guard the younger as he goes in.

He already explained it would be easier to knock one of the guys out and take him hostage. Taehyung did not agree, saying it will be easy to get into their database. This small gang that worked for the Silence had a small setup close to the dock. They just have to get inside. Easier said than done.

"Taehyung, are you sure about this?"

The younger puts a hand over his mouth, giving him a look to shut up. A group of men walk by them, guns in hands as they approach the end of the dock. Jimin watches, his grip tightening onto the pistol in his hand. He slowly feels himself slip, his second personality coming out to play. He lifts up his free hand, lowering Tae's hand down. "Come on. We have a game to start."

He gives him a small smirk, a glint in his eyes. Taehyung knew then he is safe and they will accomplish this mission at hand. It will just be a bit more messy than he intends.


The entire place is quiet, not a single soul awake or walking around the premise. Yoongi finds it easy to slide into the control room, the window being unlocked. That makes him let out a sound of disappointment. He quietly shuts the window, sliding on a pair of latex gloves. He logins into the computer and thanks the heavens above that he knows how to hack into information.

Min Yoongi knows a thing or two about this group. He did his research. He was not surprised when Namjoon cornered him that day, saying he knows who he is. He knows Taehyung isn't the least bit dense when it comes to protecting his work. That is why he took care of riding of the security device in the past few days. His mind traveling back to everything.


It was about a week ago when he made the second step. While the group took care of some errands, Yoongi slips into the security room. Taehyung and Jimin were out, something about wanting to prepare for their trip to Busan. Hoseok had went out to take care of something the Silence did.

Namjoon was at the hospital, visiting Seokjin at work. It could not be any easier. He slipped into the room, searching the desktop for anything that would set off. He smirks, seeing a small device that could possibly be triggered if someone else logins into it. He undoes it, putting a virus on it with one of his spare phones. Once he's finished with it, he erases any evidence of him on video and sneaking into the room. That makes it easy for him to leave, unnoticed.


He hates it. He hates that he's doing this. He enters a flash drive into the CPU, working on opening files and finding what his father wants.

"One last mission than I'm free."

He keeps whispering to himself, quickly downloading and hurrying the process. His hand freezes when he sees the last thing.

"Compromise with the Silence, try to regain their trust. Help them stop with the devious ways."

The smile leaves his lips, suddenly feeling the urge to throw up. It won't work. His father is too far gone in this game. He slides his phone out, taking a picture of the screen. He clicks off it, takes the flash drive out and deletes his face off the videos. He puts the security device into the CPU, knowing it will suck for them in the morning. He turns everything off, leaving it as he found it and quickly makes his exit.

He makes sure no one is coming before he climbs out of the window, making sure he didn't leave anything behind first. He closes it and jumps down. He pulls the face mask up closer to his face.

He makes it down the sidewalk, keeping an eye out for anyone who seems like they might be after him.

He unlocks the car door, climbing inside and starting the engine up. He sits there for a moment, pulling the flash drive out and staring down at it. Was it worth losing his sunshine over something so simple? He puts it into the cup holder and puts the car into the gear. He doesn't think it is.


He runs his fingers along the wall, pulling them back to expect them residue that follows. "It was a bomb," he mutters quietly to himself. He stands back up, looking into the cabinets in the room and looking for anything else that seems suspicious. Once he finds nothing, he comes to a conclusion. This was a diversion.

Shit. His walks out of the storage room, making his way down the stairs and into the lobby. He slides his phone out, clicking on Namjoon's number. Pick up, joon.

After a few rings, the man finally answers. "Hobi? What is it?"

"Don't question and go to the control room! Now!" He shouts into the phone, scaring what employees are in the room. He walks out to his car, throwing the door open and stepping inside. There's a bit of shuffling on the other side, probably the youngest sliding his glasses on and sitting down at the desktop.

"Um.. Hoseok .."

The mafia leader taps his fingers on the dash, an anxious breath leaving him. "Let me guess. There's a virus on the desktop?" The hum of acknowledgment is all that it takes. He tells Joon to go to bed and he will be home later. He hangs up, throwing his phone into the passenger seat.

He didn't want to believe it.


Jimin slides himself into a seat, smiling up at the two boys.


"What the hell are you?" One questions, being taken aback by a pretty, handsome man sitting in front of them. They have no idea how he managed to walk in, undetected. "You might need to call for a medic. The men up front don't look to well."

They all look at him with confusion. A smirk forms on his lips as he sits back, crossing one leg over the other. He just knows he has to distract these men and keep Taehyung safe. Not too hard.


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Word Count: 1,261

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