Chapter Seven

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Yoongi is sitting down in front of the fire, a blanket wrapped his small body and a cup in his hands

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Yoongi is sitting down in front of the fire, a blanket wrapped his small body and a cup in his hands.

Shortly after Hoseok had brought him inside, he was offered some dry clothes and a warm cup of tea. He still isn't quite happy with the fact why he's here. He focuses on the fire, his mind full of thoughts. Many that included the younger. Only if the two of them didn't grow up in the mafia lifestyle. If they were two normal adults, maybe he could be with him. Something more than just a friend.

He's torn away from his dark thoughts when someone sits on the other end of the couch. He looks over, seeing someone that isn't Hoseok. "So you're Yoongi." It wasn't a question, but a statement. The person knew he was, that much was obvious. He won't break though, keep his posture straight and mind strong.

"Yes. Who are you though?"

The man meets his eyes, one of his eyebrows lifting. "You would figure that you did your research before showing up here, Min Yoongi." He lets out a breath, putting on a look of confusion.

"Why would I do that? This is Hoseok's mafia. It isn't my business to snoop into his affairs," he states, which is true. Other than knowing about Hoseok's dad and the younger is the new leader, he doesn't know anything else about the group. He tried not to snoop too much because that would definitely give him away. That doesn't seem to matter though. This person, sitting a few feet away from him, seems to know something.

"Kim Namjoon, second in command of the Eternals. And you, Min Yoongi, are not just here to see Hoseok."


Taehyung follows the older out of the bedroom, something about orders from their leader to go take care of something. "Jimin, where are we going?"

The purple haired man doesn't answer, making his way to garage. He walks down the steps, opening the door to the room full of vehicles. Taehyung sighs, shutting the door behind him and grabs a set of keys from the hook. Jimin opens the trunk, throwing his bag into the car. He lets out a breath, looking up at the other. "We are going to Busan."

That immediately sets off bells in the other's head, knowing that's why the older is acting strange. He will be lucky if he can keep him sane and in the right mind. "What reason?"

"Big Bang." That's all he says, taking the keys from Tae and going to get in the driver's seat. He sighs, going around to get in on the passenger side after shutting the door to the trunk.


"Namjoon, stop bothering him."

Hoseok walks over, taking a seat beside them on the loveseat. "If there's other reasons why he's here, he will let us know." The elder lets out a sigh of relief, glad that the leader walked in and stopped Namjoon's constant picking. That means Yoongi has another concern, this man will figure out who he is and why he's here.

He puts his gaze back onto the fire, biting down on his bottom lip as he watches the flames. He really doesn't want to take away someone who's important to Hoseok. He already made arrangements with Ji Sub. If he has to make another one leave, he doesn't think he will be able to handle the outcome.

"I came to inform you two that dinner is done if you want to eat. SeokJin hyung fixed some for everyone." Namjoon gets up, letting out a sigh and heads for the dining room. Hoseok stays, looking over to Yoongi.

"So why are you here? And don't lie." The look he gives him is serious, not breaking away. Yoongi looks down at his lap, thinking of an excuse that seems reasonable. "I want to join."

The other looks at him with confusion, tilting his head to the side. "Hyung, why the hell would you want to join us?" He laughs internally. Hell, if the other only knew what he had done. That he's part of the group that the Eternals hate so much. It's almost funny, that Hoseok doesn't want him to be part of his group.

He truly doesn't know who Yoongi is. The older sighs, pulling his legs close to his body. "I want to be able to be by your side again, Seokie. If I'm apart of your mafia, I'll finally be able to protect you once more." He watches as his old friend goes through different emotions, his face easily betraying each and every one of them.

Worry. Anger. Sadness. The last one being happiness. It takes him a while to speak up, needing a moment to gather his thoughts.

"You'll have to prove yourself worthy of being a part of this mafia first. You already know there is guidelines when it comes to join a mafia. It's common sense," he leans back, his body relaxing into the cushions behind him. "So, tell me Min Yoongi, are you worthy of being a part of the Eternals?"

No. I'm not, but you don't know that.

He straightens his posture, meeting his gaze straight on. "Yes, I'll prove it to you. Take me on the next mission and I'll show you."

A smirk creeps onto Hoseok's lips as he leans forward, his face being inches away from the older. "Then you have a deal, Yoongi."

That moment made the elder realize something. He's really fucked up this time.


"Did you achieve the goal?"

He lets out a sigh, hearing the voice on the other side of his phone. He leans back into the couch, a glass of wine in one hand and his phone in the other. Once he dealt with getting let on the next mission, he returned home. He sits in his apartment, next to the window in the living room. The voice on the other side being none other than his father.

His grip tightens onto the phone, wanting to hang up and just end everything. He won't have to deal with the pain that's going to come with this.

He finally clears his throat, answering his father. "Yes. I'm supposed to prove my worth on the next mission with them." His father makes a noise of contentment and approval. He goes through the usual guidelines, listing off what he needs to do in order not to be discovered.

Yoongi knows them by heart now.

Don't bring your personal phone, bring one of your spares.
Don't bring anything that will prove you know something more than just everyday tasks. For example, bringing your gun will definitely give up your identity. Play it safe. If you need to contact me, find a pay phone or return home.

He finally lets out a breath once the calls end. He sits the phone down, his gaze going to linger on the street lights outside of his place. When will he be able to quit this life and finally be happy? Be able to walk out on the sidewalk and not worry about being shot on sight. He shakes his head, downing the rest of his wine and gets up. He will sleep tonight and worry tomorrow.


Word Count: 1,209

I promise things will start to make sense soon.

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