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When they release Iris from Odette's cell is when the Veil unchain me from the chair. They don't remove the gag and instead of freeing my arms, they only unchain my hands from the chair to secure them together by my wrists behind my back.

On the screen before us, Iris is held by two Veil. From this chamber we were able to hear everything the two said to each other.

Iris is still standing.

She didn't allow herself to crumble before Odette, the subject of her nightmares.

Leorus Moretti tilts his head, observing me as if this whole setup was to study me and not Iris. That in hurting her, their intention was to hurt me.

If fate was kinder, I'd kill him.

"Ungag him," Leorus orders, and a Veil works to undo the knot at the back of my head.

I stare back at Moretti, letting him read my Expiration Date in my eyes. "Bastard."

Leorus leans back in his chair and takes a sip of his amber liqueur. "Oh would you like some?"

"If you want to hurt me, then hurt me. Leave her out of this."

Another sip.

"Whip me. Stone me. Whatever you want. She deserves none of this."

Another sip. His eyes regard me coolly. "I was planning to free the both of you, but if that is what you really want . . ."


He passes his empty glass to a Veil. "I made a deal with my son. It seems he refuses to marry Gwen if I have her brother killed."

"My khaleedessa?" I breath. "I don't want her wrapped up in this."

"Even if it ensures yours and that girl's life?"

"Gwen is being forced to marry Alastair?"

"Nothing of the sort, but I can't imagine she'd refuse his offer."

"You're allowing us to go home?"

He nods. "Stripped of your title."

The ground lurches under me.

"If you wish to return to Elleany as its Preeminence, you'll have to convince the other Orders to reinstate you. Or you can go home now and marry your bride in disgrace."

I don't want to lose my title, but I fear losing Iris more.

"I'll give you a chance to think it over."

Three Veil lead me from the room to outside the prison and into the vehicle that brought Iris and I here.

She's inside, and all I want to do is wrap her in my arms and never let go.

Her eyes lock with mine. We can go home. We can marry.

A Veil unlocks my handcuffs while another shoves me inside and the third slams the door behind me.

Iris takes my face in her hands. "Are you all right?"

I grasp one of her hands. "Am I all right? What about you?"

She closes her eyes before nodding. "Yes. I—I think I needed to see her. To face her."

"Did they hurt you?"

Exposed [Book 4 in the Expiring Series]Where stories live. Discover now