45 Erik Tries to Break the Fourth Wall

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Rydersin's body is taut against mine, the bones of her hips digging into my skin, and her chest is smashed against my own. Though I can't see her, I know her lips are only inches from mine, both of us breathing hard. My back digs into shelves full of wine and champagne glasses I was only able to see from the flash of light caused when we slipped inside the closet. Rydersin tightens her hands into my shirt as if she's trying to keep herself in place.

I turn my head to the side, stare into the darkness, and channel my forlorn cousin Enzo, who half the time thinks life is a movie—you're probably wondering how I got here.

I on the other hand only act like it is.

            This is a story that starts with a baby crying, his tufts of blond hair utterly adorable; however, I'll save the baby pictures for when there's tea and instead I'll fast forward a few years, bypassing any clowns, until there—in the middle of the gym—the most angelic child—really he should have received a reward for how well behaved he could appear to be—trained with his cousins to hit a target with a bullet. One of his cousins with black hair complained that archery was easier and received a slap to the back of his head from their cousin with red hair. Which cousin with black hair? He had far too many. So take your pick. They all liked to complain.

            But maybe that particular memory isn't important. The ones that are are the ones I don't want to relive.

            So, I'll jump ahead to a very recent one. One where Rydersin sat in the middle between me and Karn in the back of a car, while Meilin drove and Xioazhi was in the passenger seat.

            "You really don't have to come, Erik." Rydersin glanced out the window on Karn's side at the lake we passed. Her fingers tightened in the folds of her dress.

            "I never say no to revenge." I scrolled through the tablet she had handed me, reading over info on each of Acquaellia's Order members. "It's a form of extreme entertainment for me."

            Despite my glib attitude, the moment Rydersin's family's home appeared on the horizon, dread curled in my stomach. What if this time the Preeminence was prepared and took us all by force? What would he do to Rydersin's Veil? Veil of Acquaellia who turned their back on the Preeminence.

            The sun had already long since set, and lights shown from the windows of the mansion, the only lights for miles, giving the stars reign to sparkle across space as if a jar of silver glitter had been spilled.

Rydersin's hand brushed against me—I think merely on accident—and I have to stop my hand from taking hers. What would her father do to her?

Meilin pulled right to the front and center of the driveway and parked. As the five of us approached the door, attendants spilled out of it, their expressions frazzled. Rydersin thought it'd be best not to give the exact time and date of her arrival.

We followed her through her childhood home as she headed for her father, her dress billowing around her legs. I don't know how she knew where he was, or who passed that information onto her, but it was if she was being guided by a beacon. There was no hesitation in her steps.

And once it became clear her destination was a door ahead of us, Karn went before her and pushed it open so she could glide right through and straight into the lounge where the Order and her father were gathered.

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