49 This Time It's Tea They're Drinking and Not Alcohol Despite Jonas's Wishes

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"How do you take your tea?" Preeminence Tomen pours a steaming stream of clear water into Iris's teacup where dried leaves and flowers wait. From the way her eyes crinkle, I know she isn't sure how to answer him. After all, she and I know there is nothing at this table that can be added that will make her like the tea she's about to drink. Iris likes her tea as red as can be, and if there aren't at least four sugar cubes dissolving in it she'll make a face. To be clear, she'd still drink it, but she wouldn't like it, at which point, if he were present, Eli would lean over and ask if she just wanted juice.

Meanwhile, I'm content with enjoying the cleanliness of the hot water with the barest earthy hint of the shriveled leaves coming through. There's nothing quite like it.

You mean rainwater? I can almost hear Iris ask in my head.

"I'm easy to please, Preeminence," she says to Tomen. "However you like it shall be fine with me."

As Tomen looks down to retrieve a sugar cube, I make a face at Iris. She kicks me under the table. At my wince, Brielle stifles a laugh.

Gossip breezes around the tearoom alongside the clinking of ceramic dishes. Lush white wisteria hangs from the ceiling and frames the window where our table overlooks the chasm between two of the mountains the city is built on. Though we're in the sun's shadow, the tearoom's lighting feels natural, as if we were in a glen in the afternoon.

Preeminence Tomen's Order has yet to arrive. I didn't mesh well with them last time I was on Amoria. But I'm finding that I don't mind Tomen's company at all. He reminds me a bit of Brydan. I didn't think that my wedding might be the last time I got to see him.

I let out a slow breath, careful to not let Tomen or Brielle notice. Sebastian would scold me for missing Brydan. He has yet to forgive him for going behind my back with Colton and Erik. And at this point Sebastian probably never will.

Tomen finishes with Iris's tea and moves onto pouring mine as I try to sort out why my chest aches. Not everyone will get along. Isn't that something I know well?

"Is tea very popular in Elleany?" Brielle asks Iris.

"It's—not really." Iris plucks a small cake drizzled in harden berry syrup the color of a wilting red rose. "Before I met Jonas, I'd only had it a few times."

Brielle shakes her head. "I can't imagine anything that makes me feel as good as a warm cup of tea."

I can't see whatever look Tomen gives her, but it causes her cheeks to flush the same color as the cake's syrup.

Tomen, a Preeminence—not just like me, even if my title weren't hanging in the balance. Why is that if an Order member of Amoria wants something they only need the Head Order's permission? They rarely must consult the other Orders, and they never have to consult Elleany.

And though Rydersin is having to gain the votes of more than just the Head Order, she is not an Order member—yet. And Elleany will not be one of the Orders whose vote she needs.

What would happen if we stopped going to them for permission? Would they remove us from power?

I raise my cup to my lips, hoping neither Tomen nor Brielle can sense my wavering focus.

Borilia would remove us from power without hesitation. They did it to me.

But I was one person. Could they do it to all twelve of us? And if they tried, how far would they go? War? It'd expose their brethren on Earth.

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