44 Princesses

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            It's as if Colton was turned to stone the moment the Preeminence's words struck him. There was no time for me to experience elation at the Order allowing me to remain Preeminence. No. As soon as the words about his decision left Preeminence Torellae's mouth, it was like I was punched in the gut.

To watch your sibling's dream crumble in front of them is torture—that's the only word for it.

The wine in my stomach turns sour, and I can't imagine taking one more sip from the glass in my hand.

Vienna's eyes are not on Rydersin's father but on the back of Colton's head. She doesn't know what they're supposed to do now.

Glass clutched in his hand, Preeminence Torellae studies my brother, but when Colton says nothing, the Preeminence strides across the room, back to the bar cart, and pours himself another glass. The rest of the Order doesn't look at us. I can hardly find it in me to give them much attention. I told my family not to worry. My fingers tighten around my wine glass. I told them not to be nervous.

When Colton was little, around nine, he used to talk to me and Gwen about how he was certain he'd one day marry a princess, and how she'd be all these various perfect traits he had his mind set on. Ad of course she'd be the most beautiful princess ever. And then it felt rather sudden that he realized there weren't that many princesses in our world, and that if he did marry one, it wouldn't be for love. Even then I knew what was meant to be the truth, that he would be the one to marry an Amoris. It was never to be my responsibility, my parents said.

But Colton didn't know that, and one night Vienna quite literally fell into his life, and he again started to think he could love who he'd marry.

Colton and I have had our issues—plenty of them to be sure—and there are things for which I am frankly not certain I will ever fully forgive him. But I do want him to be happy. I long for it. Just as I do for Gwen. I want them both to know joy.

The Preeminence raises his glass to his lips, sipping on it as if he has all the time in the world now that he has delivered his news.

"Preeminence Torellae," Colton begins, and the Preeminence arches a brow. "If you would allow me to explain the exact details—"

"Your sister does not deserve to have her heir be Preeminence."

Colton's fingers curl over his thighs while anger boils in my chest, and I open my mouth—

"You've never met, Gwen," Percy says all too calmly, considering I'm debating whether words have the power to strangle someone. "Our cousin Erik was, well, less than mediocre at the role. With Gwen it's as if she was born to be Tresais. Her father is the former Preeminence, and her mother is an Amoris. I fail to see how her blood is not just as strong as Jonas's and Colton's." Standing, Percy holds his glass lightly in his hand as if he was having a casual discussion on art. "And her heir will have a parent who is fully Amorian, as required."

"Yes, but what Amorian?" an Order member from the back of the room asks.

Percy tilts his head. "I'm sure she'd be happy to meet with anyone you have in mind or that the Preeminence might. She's always liked to have many options before her to ensure she's picked only the best one."

"Then why"—the Preeminence drags a finger along the rim of the bar cart—"is it that Leorus wants this so much as to reach out to us about your Beta's request?"

Percy's lips flatten, his eyes going to Colton.

Preeminence Torellae sighs. "He wishes it to be Alastairi, right?"

"Well of course, he does," Percy says, and Colton jerks in his seat. Those were Leorus's terms? And Colton agreed to them? "But the final decision lies with Gwen, and Alastairi kept her brother's impending arrest from her. I don't think she'd want to bind her future to someone she cannot trust."

"Currently, I am not inclined to trust Leorus in any of his decisions." Preeminence Torellae turns to my brother. "My advice is if you so desperately have to be with her"—his eyes land on Vienna as he sneers—"marry an Amoris. Have an heir. And once your wife dies, you can marry the human." He sets his glass down behind him on the cart. "Don't look sullen. It's a great honor to have your heir become Preeminence." His brown eyes flash. "I have never supported your sister becoming Tresais—your father knows this—and I will not turn myself into a hypocrite by allowing your sister's heir to one day hold the rank of a Preeminence. Now I suggest—"

The door creaks open, and a man walks inside who looks no older than me. "Forgive my intrusion, Father, Uncles"—his eyes land on Preeminence Torellae—"but Rydersin's here."

Since the Winter Olympics are going on right now, I'm thinking about how Percy's going to be responsible for bringing Elleany to the Olympics.

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