The night with a blood sign.

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That night didn't seem to be much different than other nights in Uchiha's district. Until late hours Sasuke stayed by the desk, filling papers after the last mission. The tiredness was showing its signs, he couldn't stay focused, so his thoughts turned on things he'd never confess to. Even same thinking about them spreaded that weird warmth... Sasuke was feeling angry and annoyed by himself. It was happening much often than before.

Uchiha Sasuke thought he had everything. After a longer time the villages accepted him and forgave his crimes. Had a girlfriend, Sakura, whose dream was becoming true. He had friends, on who he always could count on.

But still - It was happenining. Every night, even during the day. He started avoiding his best friends, even Sakura, who was worried about him. Sasuke excused that he just spent the time by his own... But the truth was different - that way he tried not to let these thoughts run faster. Pointlessly.
Uchiha wished to come back to the times, when she was almost invisible to him. Wished not to suffer so much, dealing with the thoughts about her. He didn't understand what was happening to him.

It was middle of the night, but Sasuke didn't closed his eyes even for a moment. The cold breeze stroked gently his bare, muscularted chest. "Enough. I have to have some sleep" Angrily he said to himself. Young man was hoping that would happen. And almost did.

Suddenly, he heard quiet knocking to the door. At first he thought that wind made it. The knocking repeated, but each time was quiter. The weird feeling didn't leave him. Unwillingly he stood up and checked.

That view he could never expected to see.

She was there.

Hyuuga Hinata.

All covered in blood, she looked at him with misery in eyes.

" Help me, please. "

She whispered before falling.

Sasuke managed to catch her. He couldn't say even a word, completely terrified. Second time in his life. All the traumas flooded him, all the helplessness and fears. After the shock left, he started talking to her, trying to keep awake. With shaking hands, the man placed Hinata on the couch, trying to call the hospital, later Sakura. Noone responded. Trying to think clearly, he analyzed Hyunga's wounds. The biggest one was on her head, the blood was soaking her long, raven hair. He pressed it with a blanket nearby. The first time, truly praying to gods to save her life. They took everyone. But not her. The tears were falling from his eyes.

Suddenly, the hospital responded. With a shaking voice, Sasuke said all he knew. After twenty minutes medics appeared, placing the weak, female body on gurney. The medical ninjutsu let Hinata get some awareness back. As they left the house, Sasuke didn't even think about going back to his bed. It didn't take him a moment to put something on and follow the medics.
Waiting. Then Sasuke realized, how hard it was to wait. Hyuuga was in ICU, medics struggled with her wounds another hour. Uchiha was sitting in silence and thinking about what happened. The view of Hinata falling by the door frame, her weak body in arms that still were dirty from the blood. Her blood.
After some time, Sakura and Naruto arrived and did everything to receive a clear answer. The pink haired woman decided do join the medical team, leaving Sasuke with Naruto in the corridor. Uzumaki walked from one corner to another, not saying a word to his friend. He was shaken, looked like a vulcano about to erupt in one second - all tensed, red, with tears filling his eyelids. Sasuke had never seen him in such a state.
Sasuke had a weird feeling about that all, asking the most important of the questions - What the hell happened? Who did it to her and why?
" Sasuke, go back home. I'll tell you if anything changes."
Naruto said and sat on the place next to him. Sasuke didn't respond, just changed the position of sitting. Crossing his arms and resting his back, closed his eyes. Then he realized how tired he was, but the thought of Hinata fighting for her life by next door... Naruto started talking to him about his absence, but these words didn't come to him.
At 4:02 a.m. the door opened. They both stood up, watching medics leaving the room. Naruto ran to Sakura, asking about his girlfriend's state, when Sasuke's gaze found the hospital bed and Hinata resting on it.
" (...) her condition was very serious, but we stabilized it. Just we need to wait for her to wake up. "
Days were passing slowly for Sakura, who helped in the hospital and Naruto sitting in Hinata's room, waiting.
But not for Sasuke. He couldn't sit there, doing nothing.
Blow of a wind made the window open. Slightly, but enough to slip between. There wasn't anyone else. Just two of them. Hinata's sleep wasn't as calm as before, what Uchiha fastly noticed. He used to visit her during night, sure that wouldn't meet anyone. Sasuke had enough of the questions he couldn't answer himself.
Hyuuga's moved up and down rapidy, nervously. His hand instinctively took hers, stroking it softly and leaving blood on her alabaster skin. She moved, slightly. The heartbeat was racing like crazy. Suddenly, Hinata opened her eyes.
Sasuke stopped breathing for a moment. Their gazes crossed. The pair of shining in the moonlight Byakugan eyes was looking at him sleeply. Despite all emotions he was feeling at that moment, the young man stayed calm.
" That's just a dream, Hinata. Go back to sleep. "
Before she said something, Sasuke helped her fall asleep with his genjutsu.
It was better that way.

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