Her first dance.

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" H-Hinata? What are you doing here? How did you come inside? "

Young Uchiha couldn't believe his own eyes. She was standing there in a cute, lavender apron with empty bowls in hands. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, an alabaster skin was softly glowing from sweat. Hinata was embarrassed, what Sasuke easily red from the huge blush covering cheeks.

" I-I thought that would be n-nice, I-If I'll prepare something for you after t-that long mission. Sakura told me where you keep another pair of keys and... I-I prepared a diner for u-us "

Listening that, Sasuke turned his head, trying to hide the rising blush. Hinata put the bowls on table and said.

" Everything will be ready in ten minutes. I-I hope you'll like it. "

" Sure, I want to change first. "

Sasuke decided and Hinata nodded agreeing. He left, peeking at her.
As Uchiha get into a bathroom, he sighed heavily. It was nothing like his plan, that all happened too sudden. But, he had to take his guts together. A shower with hot water on helped him relax and think clearly. Later was easier - put some clean clothes on, use one of the best perfumes he had. Sasuke didn't do it often, but now he wanted to present... well. After brushing still wet hair, he was ready to face her.

When Hinata heard the door closing, she took a deep breath. " Everything should be alright, there is nothing to worry about" ~ She thought, trying to control the thoughts spinning in head. She did all her best, willing to thank him for that night - without his help, her life could end too fastly. As he came in, Hinata felt a weird wave of heat running through her body. Then she understood why so many women fell in him. Hyuga bit her lower lip instinctively, but stopped before he could notice that. Pointlessly. Sasuke was glad that for one moment he was the only one in her head.

" I have some good wine there. Wanna have a drink? "

He asked enlightened.

" Y-yes, sure. "

She accepted shyly. Hinata wasn't used to drink, only for special some occasions. But wasn't it one? All she had to do was watching out for an amount, knowing that she is a weak drinker.
Sasuke placed a bottle and glasses on the table and sat in front of Hinata, who put in front of him a bowl with soup.

" It smells really great. Itadakimasu. "

Sasuke could never expect how great her kitchen was. Naruto talked about it a lot, but still the truth was beyond his expectations. She was peeking at him, looking for an answer. He noticed that.

" I haven't eaten anything better lately. Thank you. "

Sasuke couldn't hide a light smile saying that, what made Hinata joyful.

" I'm so glad you say that, Sasuke."

She responded, also smiling.

" You have a really pretty house, Sasuke-kun. I... I thought about tidying it up, but everything was so clean. Nice change to always messy Naruto's flat. "

She laughed awkwardly, thinking about her first visit there.

" Sounds really like him. "

He summarized, also knowing how messy his friend's place can be.

" I was always tought to discipline myself, my father always watched over it. "

" Mine too. "

" Eh... Strict fathers with high expectations. "

For a moment both of them got lost in their thoughts, staying in awkard silence. Hinata felt that was the time to change the topic.

" Sasuke-kun... Thank you for helping me then. "

" You're welcome. I need to ask you... What happened that night? And did you get there? "

Hinata was silent for a moment, turning the gaze from him.

" I... Barely remember anything from that night. I wished to, but I don't. Only some things, like a forest, your house and... You, Sasuke-kun. "

These words made his heart stop, but all he did was turning the sight on the wine bottle.

" Pour you some? "

He asked opening the bottle and after her agreement he filled her glass.


After a few glasses the atmosphere cleared, they both got a better mood and turned out that they had a lot of topics to talk about.

" And believe me, Hinata, after that Suigetsu had no entrance to any bar in town, even if I told him not to take her on the dance floor. Karin had no mercy to him, so finally guards took them both outside. I was so annoyed then. "

Hinata laughed and took another sip of wine. After thinking, she said.

" You know, It that was reckless, but quite cute. Maybe I would consider it myself. "

She said it more like a joke, not expecting what was about to happen.

" You say so? Let's do it then, Hinata. "

That completely surprised her, she had no idea what to think about that. He stood up and reached out to her, looking at her intensively. A huge blush covered Hinata's cheeks, but after a second or two she took his hand. On Sasuke's handsome face showed a smirk, expressing how intrigued he was. He smoothly helped her stand up and took to the other room.

" We'll have more place there. "

" S-Sure. Sasuke-kun, but I-I have never danced before. "

Sasuke looked at her surprised. "Why this dumbass Naruto have never asked such a woman for a dance?" ~ he asked himself, also seeing positives in that fact. He was glad to have her first dance.

" I'll show you everything, Hinata. Just... "

He delicately put her hands on shoulders and his own laid on her waist. Sasuke wasn't sure if that was just a night breeze or the cold wave came through his body as she got closer. He had to take a deep breath, willing to control fast heartbeat. The soft moonlight was spreading through the dark room with a view on the lake. They started moving slowly. Hinata looked wonderfully, her eyes were glowing like stars in the dark. He tried to turn the gaze, feeling slightly embarrassed, but he just couldn't. The heat coming from him was intoxicating, all of... Him. Hyuuga knew she had never felt like that with anyone, even with Naruto. Uchiha turned her around and lift, holding tightly. She looked into his dark like night eyes, completely taken by the moment or... maybe something more. Sasuke delicately put her on the ground, still keeping the eye contact. He was about to lift hand to take hair behind her ear, when suddenly the phone in Hinata's pocket rang. Surprised, she took it. After a moment she hanged out.

" I'm sorry, It's my father. H-He wants me to come back home. "

" Sure... I'll walk you there. "

He suggested and she nodded. After drinking what was left in their glasses, she took her things and they left. They walked in silence, both occupied by thoughts. After fifteen minutes they stood by Hyuuga's manor.

" So... That's here. "

" Yes... Thank you for a dinner. "

" You're welcome, Sasuke-kun. G-Goodnight. "

" Goodnight, Hinata. "

Hinata looked at him until he left in the darkness.

None of them could fall asleep that night.

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