Never that way.

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The rest of the day passed Hinata calmly - Naruto took her on a walk, they talked about everything and nothing at the same time, behaved like an ordinary couple. He was happy to finally spent some time with her after long days of studying. Hinata was truly happy for him - after long years of fighting, Uzumaki got the chance to become a hokage. People loved and admired him, his role was significant during the Great War. With Sasuke they beated Kaguya and saved them all. She was so proud of him. Of them both.
Even if Hyuuga tried, she couldn't get Uchiha out of her head. That look of dark and rinnegan eyes, his touch, smell, voice... Still had in mind that all, feeling just helpless. He was so different than Uzumaki - calm, mysterious, intoxicating. Someone, who with one sight can make heart stop, see all the hidden inside. Someone, whom every woman crave for and now Hinata knew why.
Hinata with her boyfriend entered the hot springs and separated by the changing room.

" Oh, I forgot, Hinata! These are coeducational hot springs. See ya! "

" N-Naruto!!!"

Hinata shouted after him, but he closed the door. She was in big, big troubleS.
She had never shown her body beside girls and Naruto. Hyuuga was shy and deeply embarrassed - if he told her before, she wouldn't agree. That's why he did that, making her angrier than ever. After changing, she peeked through the door. Not convinced, Hinata decided to find seperate place for her.

" I'm sorry, but I can't give you private room only for you. There must be over two people in one. "

" G-Girls should appear soon. Can you give me the key now? "

" Only when all people sign in. "

That was too much for Hyuuga, who stood there for twenty minutes, covered only with a towel. Freezing, desperate. She didn't even hear when someone stood behind her and said.

" You'll catch a cold here, Hinata. I'll go with her. Where should I sign? "

Hinata didn't know how to react, when she heard that voice and saw written " Uchiha Sasuke " on the card. She looked at him surprised, when he smirked to her and added.

" I'll wait for you there, Hinata. "

Before Hyuuga could answer, he disappeared in a changing room. She didn't believe what actually happened. Was it exactly what she thought? Or was it just a not funny joke? Hinata came back to the room, where she showered. Her whole body was shaking nervously, she wrapped herself even tighter.
Even Sasuke couldn't believe, what actually happened. It was an impulse, not planned at all. He started regreting that, but... What could he do then? That was too late.
He entered as first. The room was steamy and hot, the candles were placed around a small pool, filling the room with flowery scent. "Quite romantic" ~ Sasuke thought, smirking to himself. After taking off towel from hips, he got into hot, cloudy water. As he sat, he leaned his arms on the edge and closed eyes, trying to relax. But the waiting couldn't let him.
Then, she entered and Sasuke swallowed loudly. Hinata was covered only with a towel she squized hardly, hiding breasts with hand. All blushed, running away with gaze. Her skin was glowing, pale and delicate. Indeed, she was the princess. The Byakugan princess. Then, she looked at him embarrassed and with shaking lips, she said.

" S-Sasuke-kun, p-please c-close your eyes. "

He swallowed loudly, knowing what was about to happen. Respectfully, Sasuke turned his gaze, feeling how cold sweat runs through his body. Unwillingly, he peeked at her slim back, noticing its every detail, hanging gaze on perfect curves. The heart raced in chest and excitement showed in lower parts. As Hinata turned, Sasuke fastly closed eyes back, sure that no woman before affected on him that hardly.
Hyuuga sat by the opposite side of the pool, trying to control the breath and floating, big breasts. When she was ready, Sasuke got the sign to open eyes. But, the look he gave made her feel even more helpless. Hinata couldn't turn gaze from the strong, muscularted body, that handsome face.

" I didn't want you to stand there and catch a cold. But, if you want, I can leave, Hinata. "

" N- No, that's alright, Sasuke-kun. I just... I didn't want Kiba-kun, Shino-kun and everyone to stare at me. "

" That's alright. I was also pissed off, when I realized that.
Naruto is a jerk. "

" N-No, Sasuke-kun... "

"  Don't defend him, Hinata. He acted like a total asshole not saying about that. I would never do that, especially to the woman like you. "

Uchiha couldn't hide his mixing annoyance and embarrassment, so turn the gaze. They were silent for a moment, until:

" W-What do you mean - the woman like me, Sasuke-kun... "

She asked shyly, not sure what to think about that. Sasuke came closer, lifting a small chin to make her look at him. After a deep breath, Sasuke looked straight into her eyes, talking lower, quiter.

" You really have no idea, how beautiful you are. If I was him, I wouldn't never let anyone else see you like that. "

Hinata's heart suddenly stopped hearing that. They didn't notice how close they were, until she felt his hot breath on skin. Her lips were shaking, gaze couldn't turn from Sasuke. She seemed helpless, he - completely enchanted. So pure, tender, but strong at the same time. That woman had a hidden power to get any man she wanted. Make him drown in these milky eyes, tangle with silky, raven hair and addict to the sweet, rosy lips. Melt the heart as cold as Sasuke's. The mind was becoming blank, eyes softly closing, ready to take all what would be next.

Suddenly, the door opened widely and Sakura entered the room. Hinata and Sasuke ran away fastly, before the woman could realize what was happening.

" Hinata, with girls we took a separate room... Oh, Sasuke-kun... "

Pink haired girl blushed seeing her boyfriend with another woman, naked  in the pool. She swallowed hardly in confusion. The awkard silence finished Hinata.

" I-I will b-be going. Bye Sakura, bye Sasuke-kun. "

She looked the last time at Uchiha and left the room.

Between Sasuke and his girlfriend staid an emotional silence. He felt guilty of making her see them in such situation, making her feel that way. Sakura had always been his friend, their relationship what was all she dreamt about. But the reality was much different than that dream.

" We haven't seen with me for days, you respond me rarely. I don't even know when we made love the last time. Did I do anything wrong? Tell me Sasuke - when we became so distant... "

" It's not your fault, Sakura. The time did it all. Nothing goes as we planned. "

It was hard to Sakura not to show tears.

" So that's it? All that relationship was just a part of some weird plan? Guilt the time for that state? "

" That's not like that... "

" So how do you see that? No even small contact with each other and now I see you with a naked woman in the same pool. In addition with your best friend's girlfriend. Am I not enough for you? "

" It's not about you, Sakura. Maybe just We aren't ment for each other. "

After these words, Sakura became silent. Her cheeks were covered by tears, she was shaking. Sasuke never wanted to make her feel like that. He got out of the water and before leaving, he laid his hand on girl's shoulder and said:

" I'm sorry, Sakura. "

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