The taste of paradise.

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Uchiha Sasuke was waiting by the gate. The guard didn't let him in, leaving without any particular reason why. All he could do was assume. As he analyzed the probable reasons, none of them were good enough to break through. Of course, Hinata's voice tone worried him a lot, but he had to control himself. She responded him, told to wait. Even if Uchiha knew that something happened (he had known her for too long), he had to respect the rules.
After a few minutes the old, wooden gate opened, making his heart beat faster. He moved in the shadow, approaching the lady shining in the sunlight. She smiled to him, but nothing could hide the signs of her crying - the view of red cheeks and teary eyes constantly made him burn in anger. He lifted her chin, closely looking at the woman he cared about. Hinata felt ashamed of herself.

— Was it that dumbass again? — His voice was cold, Hinata's sight only made him sure.

— Sasuke-kun, p-please leave it. — She held his wrist, stroking it gently, not sure if she calmed him or herself down.

— Alright. — He said after a few deep breaths. For that moment he could postpone this. — Are you ready?

— I do, but still... I don't know where are we going, Sasuke-kun.

On his face showed a smirk and patted Hinata's head, gently stroking soft, raven black hair.

— You'll find out soon, princess.

Hinata didn't know how long they were walking through the forest, surely they went far from the village. They didn't hurry, talking and enjoying the time. That place calmed her, took mind away from the problems inside the village and these hiding in her heart. Sasuke enjoyed watching her so relaxed, usually she was nervous, shy and all tensed... He even catched himself staring at her with a grin. "Stop it man, she'd think you're a pervert", he thought mad at himself. Hinata started chuckling at that, his face turned beetroot red and did his best not to show it.

— I hope we'll go back before dark. — she said, realizing that finding the way back would be hard even for her.

— Don't worry, I know this place very well. I'll never let you get lost, Hinata.

He said that not sure if it was only about the forest. They stayed quiet for some time, but none of them felt uncomfortable in that silence.
Their journey finished as a big waterfall revealed in front of them. This scene looked like taken from a fairytale - the water was shining in the sunlight, reflecting it to many colours and shades, cream foam settled on old, green from moss rocks surrounding the river, which flowed water far away. Hinata catched herself staring with mouth wide opened.

— Do you like it, princess? — Sasuke asked.

— It's... Marvelous. — She answered completely enchanted by the view.

— There is a hot spring nearby, to the water is always warm there.
Want to try it?

Uchiha asked with a smirk, slowly undressing himself. For this view Hinata blushed ready to look away, but suddenly the man.. Stucked. Things like that happened to him from time to time and doing it with one hand was one of more difficult tasks. Still, he didn't get used to the lack of an arm. Angry at himself, he fighted with a long sleeved shirt, until...

— Wait, Sasuke-kun... I'll help you.

These words made him blush shyly, Uchiha was ready to protest, but as he felt the touch of delicate, but cold like an ice fingers, the goosebumps revealed instantly. They both were embarrassed by this situation, but they didn't go away from each other. Hinata felt millions of butterflies fluttering their wings in the belly, she had never been so close even with Naruto. The tension rose, her hands were going higher, softly stroking hard muscles on the stomach and the chest. When the shirt landed on grass, Sasuke looked at her lovely, softly flushed face.

— Thank you, my princess. — Sasuke smiled to Hyuuga, hardly resisting her charm.

The look in her eyes was different than before, under the barricade of embarrassment shined unknown playfulness, enchantment, the sign of rising fascination. Of course, Hinata was afraid of that, but something in him was telling her that it was right.
Pants and shoes fastly joined the shirt on grass, staying only in boxers Sasuke got into the water. As he got used to it, he turned to Hinata, who still was standing there in her clothes. It was her turn. After a moment Hyuuga turned around and piece by piece she started undressing herself. The corset, blouse, skirt... All of them fell on the grass next to his things, then she turned to him only in cute, lavender lingerie. Hinata did her best to hide with shaking hands.
Sasuke couldn't stop looking at her with bated breath. All his body reacted on the apetizing view in front of his eyes. With a smile on face he reached out and said:

— There is nothing to be ashamed of, believe me.

These words seemed like the most honest of truths. Hyuuga could hear the heart beating fastly, the hands revealed the attractive curves. It wasn't like in the hot springs - this time Hinata showed herself by her full agreement. She even catched herself thinking that this man was the only one right to see. Byakugan lady took the offered hand, Sasuke helped her join. Even if the water kept on the line of his abdomen, Hinata was immersed to the full breasts.

— You have to stand in a shallow part, I can't be that short! — she laughed seeing that difference between them.

— Hn, for sure.

Sasuke smirked and pulled the woman closer, but suddenly theyslipped on a rock and immersed all. Fastly he found the balance, but it was too late. Their hair got soaking wet, Hinata's bang almost covered her still surprised eyes. Loud laughs echoed through the forest, Sasuke gently stroked woman's head. When they calmed down, Hyuuga looked at him. Drops of water slowly ran down through his muscularted, full of scars body. There was one bigger on his chest, she wanted to touch it, but hesitated. Sasuke saw it, he took hanging in the air hand and pu on his skin, but not for long. Hinata felt blood boiling in veins, he took the palm higher, fingers kept touching his skin until they find place on the cheek. The thumb softly stroked the lower lip, her own rosy red mouth opened, she was like hypnotized. Uchiha leaned over her.

— Do you want this, Hinata?

He whispered, incher from her lips. His hot breath tickled her skin, making shiver. Hinata didn't want him to to wait, so she gave the answer.

— I do...

She whispered in his lips and kissed.
Softly, sweetly, slowly.
Like the very first time.
Hinata knew it was irresponsible, reckless. Not fair to Sakura, Naruto, herself. She was aware of consequences, the hard decisions to make.
But deep inside, the woman felt that falling in Uchiha Sasuke wasn't the bad thing.

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