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"Who do you think you are, Snake Bite? Pointing your finger all in my chest."


Daishou wandered the halls, not knowing exactly where to go. He was new to this university, much like all the other freshmen were, but they seemed to know their way around.

Probably because they already had friends.

Someone was nice enough to show him to his first class, so he gave them a nod as they walked away. He walked to a random seat and sat down, eyeing the other students in his class. That is, until he saw an unusually familiar face. Maybe he was imagining it?

Daishou shook away the thought as the teacher walked into the class and started his lecture. His next class, that same face. His third? The same face. Every class after that? That same damn face.

It started to piss him off, seeing this familiar face everywhere he went. Though, he never actually saw their face, just the side profile. It bothered him for the entire day. He saw this side profile everywhere, but never saw the front of their face. Why is that?

Was it because he was always a few feet behind them? Who knows.

However, there was another thing that bugged Daishou. There was this unusually energetic person always around the familiar face. Everywhere he went, that ball of energy followed.

And it bugged him.

It bugged him so damn bad.

But he didn't know why.

Until the end of the day, when he found out why it bugged him. It was because that familiar face was none other than his childhood crush... Tetsuro Kuroo. And he had that pesterous, energetic little bug following him everywhere he went.

As Daishou was being a creeper, Kuroo caught sight of the yellow-eyed male. Daishou hid behind the wall and hoped Kuroo wouldn't come over.

Much to his dismay, he opened his eyes to see his longtime childhood crush standing in front of him. "Uhhh..." Daishou muttered, looking around the hallway with panicky eyes.

"Shou? Is that you?" the ravenette asked, leaning a little closer to Daishou's face. Kuroo's long eyelashes fluttered as he studied him.

"Uh, pfft, no. W-Who's Shou?" he stuttered. Kuroo eyed him a little longer before he stood straight up and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Alrighty, guess I was wrong," he said, turning on his heel to walk away. Daishou's eyes widened as thoughts raced through his mind to stop Kuroo from walking away.

"W-Wait!" Daishou called, Kuroo instantly stopping and smirking to himself before dropping it and turning towards Daishou, slightly tilting his head.

"Yes?" he asked innocently, trying not to smirk. Daishou hesitated on whether or not he should fess up. Maybe Kuroo wouldn't care that he lied?

"I-I'm..." C'mon Daishou, now isn't the time to chicken out. You already started. "...Daishou." Kuroo smiled and took his hands out of his pockets, hugging Daishou.

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