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"Well, damn, Daishou, who decided to make a meal outta you?"

"Hurry up before we're late!" Kuroo yelled from the front door.

"Almost ready!" Daishou yelled back, his voice muffled from being on the other side of the dorm. "Can you hide these a little faster?" he whispered.

"Stop talking and let me concentrate. I have to match this to your skin first," Bokuto whispered back, holding different shades of makeup near Daishou's wrists.

"You know what, I'll just change into a long sleeve. Gripping my wrists so tight for, anyway," Daishou said, walking out of the bathroom and to Bokuto's closet with Bokuto right behind him.

"Me? Your nails are still on my wrists. Not to mention, you were blissed out of your mind."

"Yeah, and whose fault was that?"

"I'll gladly take credit for it. That's a compliment. It means I was fucking you good." A shiver runs up Daishou's spine as he pulls down the hoodie. "And that's my hoodie, by the way." Daishou paused and looked at the hoodie he's wearing.

"Who fucking cares, let's just go before Kuroo beats us black and blue," Daishou urged, pushing Bokuto out of the room. Kuroo glared at them before he opened the door and they left the dorm.


"I can't believe you two almost made us late," Kuroo complained, not bothering to look at the two sitting beside him. "I should get copies of the dorm key made so I can leave you two the next time you decide to pull this shit." Daishou and Bokuto look at each other in hopes to find the words to say in this situation.

"Um.." Bokuto starts, Kuroo snapping his head in his direction with a scowl. They both flinch at how much anger Kuroo has in his eyes. "We're sorry..?" Bokuto shrugged with a high-pitch voice and dopey smile.

Kuroo tried to hold his scowl but it soon faded away as he sighed and turned back towards the front of the class. "Yeah, okay." Daishou let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and turned towards Bokuto, grabbing his shirt and yanking him towards his face.

"The next time you think it's a good idea to make me 'blissed out of my mind,' make sure it's on a Saturday and not Sunday," Daishou whispered, hitting Bokuto on the chest with his free hand.

"You didn't seem to care about what day it was. What now, you're gonna make sure the bedsheets are soft enough for you?" Bokuto fired back, a glare from Daishou being shot at him.

"Daishou and Bokuto," a voice said, the two darting their heads to the front of the room with wide eyes, the whole class looking at them. "If you don't mind, I have a class to teach."

"Sorry, Professor Beckingham.." they say in unison, sinking down into their seats out of embarrassment. The class, including Kuroo, snickered, returning their attention to the professor. Daishou and Bokuto even facepalm in unison. "Nice going," Daishou muttered.

"Shut up, cock warmer, it's your fault, too," Bokuto muttered back.

"Cock warmer? What the actual fuck."

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