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"How long do you think this'll last?"


"Come here, Dai," Bokuto said softly. Daishou slightly flinched at the soft tone Bokuto used. He crossed his arms and hesitantly walked over to him, stopping between his legs. Bokuto gently placed his hands on Daishou's hips, making his skin crawl. "You look... fantastic."

"Bold of you to say that about someone you hate," Daishou said in the same soft tone, Bokuto leaning forward and planting soft kisses on Daishou's stomach.

Someone I hate... right.

Someone he hates... yeah.

Bokuto moved Daishou slightly back so he could stand up and he switched their places. "Sit," he said, and Daishou instantly sat on the bed.

Whoa... what the fuck was that? Why did I just instantly sit like that?

Daishou scooted back towards the headboard as Bokuto got on the bed and took his shirt off, throwing it in his closet. "Holy whoa, that chest," Daishou said quietly.

"What?" Bokuto asked, looking back at Daishou.

"Nothing," he responded quickly, turning his head away. Bokuto saw his ear turn red and smiled. Three points to me. He pulled Daishou's legs to make him lay down and he crawled between them, Daishou's legs resting on his thighs. "Could've just asked me to lay down."

"Where's the fun in that?" He asked with a smile, Daishou rolling his eyes. "Now, did you follow the directions I gave you?"

"No." Bokuto slid his hand under Daishou's shorts. He felt nothing. "Okay, fine. I followed your stupid directions."

"I didn't expect you to actually wear nothing under these shorts."

"And I didn't expect myself to actually go through with wearing nothing."

Bokuto slid off Daishou's shorts and tossed them to the side. "My spit or yours?"

"What? Why?"

"Have you fingered yourself before?"

"Yes." Bokuto raised an eyebrow and slowly lowered his hand. "Wait, wait, stop!" Daishou yelled, grabbing Bokuto's wrist. "No, I haven't." Bokuto kissed his forehead.

"That was all you had to say. I don't wanna make it uncomfortable for you." What is he doing to me? Kissing my forehead and shit... "So again, my spit or yours?"

"That's an awkward question."

"I'm gonna shove my fingers in your mouth if you don't answer in three seconds."






"Three." Bokuto shoved his middle and ring finger into Daishou's mouth, making him gag as his fingers hit the back of his throat. Daishou grabbed Bokuto's wrist and tried to stop the horrid sounds he made. He hated them.

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