Chapter 4

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Blossom's POV

"We're here, sir." The driver said. Brick simply nodded, thanked him and started getting out of the limo. My legs were healed from the car ride, so I tried to get up myself.

As I dangled one feet out of the limo, Brick carried me up again.

"I can walk on my own now, you can put me down." I said to him, unenthusiastically. But, he shook his head and grinned. "I promised you that I'd carry you until you've seated on the train. I'm not breaking it now."

He held me with one hand and carried both our backpacks onto his back with the other. After he was done, he held me in his arms with two hands and carried me into the station.

It was so embarrassing. People stared at us, mostly in confusion and disbelief. Some thought we were dating, some thought we were "being too open". I tried to get off his arms, but he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, "Ignore those stupid remarks, princess.. They're jealous that I have you in my arms."

It gave me a little more comfort as I slowly reached my arms out, wrapping them around his neck. I laid my head by his chest, listening to his slow, soft heartbeats. They were soothing and relaxing..

I blushed and moved my head away from his chest. 'How could I say that??' 'That was so embarrassing!' 'He's just your partner, Blossom!' Just thinking about my remarks on Brick's heartbeat embarrassed me. No one heard it or anything, I just embarrassed front of myself.

He carried me into the train and placed down our bags on his seat. I expected him to put me down, so I started getting off myself.

I felt a strong grip pulling on my arm, making me lose balance and falling. I found myself back into Brick's arms.

"I'm on the train now, I can sit down on my own seat."

"Don't forget, I haven't rested you on your seat yet, so I still get to carry you." He teased, smirking.

'I really need to be more specific..'

"Brick, I'm just sitting beside you."

"I'd rather you sit on my lap, Princess~"

So it was obvious. He still thinks that I'm going to be another one of his victims. He's just going to flirt and "win my heart", have sex with me, then go find another girl.

"No thank you. Just let me go." I insisted, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes and slowly let me down on my seat. "Fine, You're such a buzzkill." He said, lowering me down onto the chair.

"They hired you for a mission to accompany me to find the missing girls, not to flirt wth me and expect me to give myself in to you."

I was slowly losing my patience as Brick had been flirting non-stop, since yesterday. 'I hate him so much. I just want all of this to be over.' I thought to myself.

Brick suddenly gave a frown as he stared at me, silently. He stared out the window of the train, crossing his arms. "Whatever." He muttered.

Finally feeling at peace, I rested my head against the chair and drifted to sleep.

Author's POV

Brick stared out the window, memories gushing and pouring in in a hurry. The same words played themselves on repeat. "Fuckboy", "Sex doll"..


Blossom's words stabbed him like a knife. His memories did not want to leave him alone. They have been haunting him for as long as he could remember.

That one incident must have really laid an impact on Brick. At least..maybe a small impact?

His mind raced with negative memories, he couldn't handle any of them. He decided to get up and clear his mind by finding a sex victim. But, he looked at Blossom.

She slept quietly, rather peacefully. She rested her head by the chair and breathed slowly. His negativity began to wear off as he looked at his princess, sleeping.

Blossom began to groan, possibly from a nightmare. She felt uncomfortable and moved a little. She frowned and tried to feel comfortable again. Brick sat back down and rested her head on his shoulder. Blossom stopped frowning, moved closer, and fell back into a deep slumber.

Brick smiled and thought to himself, 'She must've slept late and woke up early..Just like the old times..'

6 hours into the train ride

Blossom's POV

I awoke and looked around. I had nearly forgotten that I was in a train for my mission. I realised that I was lying my head on something..soft. 'I don't remember receiving any pillows..'

I looked up to see..


He was leaning on one arm by the window and resting his head on his hand. He was looking at his phone on his other hand, staying still.

Without realising, I had accidentally moved, catching his attention. I closed my eyes shut, hoping he didn't notice me.

Brick turned to look at me before sighing. "Still asleep, huh Pinky? You must be exhausted.." I kept my eyes closed and listened. I felt his hands stroke my hair gently. I decided that I should wake up by then.

I groaned, slowly opening my eyes. Brick flinched and immediately turned away. I woke up and looked at him. He was awkwardly looking at his phone while leaning against the window. He didn't even look casual, he was really stiff.

I sat up right and looked at Brick. "How long have I been asleep for?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know..6 hours?" He replied, not making eye contact. I stayed silent and simply just nodded.

"We will be arriving in our next destination in: 5 minutes."

I got up and started to walk away. "Wait." I felt a strong grip on my arm. I stopped and turned around. "Where are you going?" Brick asked. "Out the door of a moving train." I said, sarcastically. "Why do you care?"

He rolled his eyes and let go. "I don't. You could jump off this train for all I care."

I walked away, groaning in annoyance. "So fucking annoying." I mumbled.

"Train stopping..."

I walked out of the toilet and back to my seat. I stopped on my tracks to see Brick carrying his bag and holding my bag in his hands.

He handed my bag over to me, saying, "Take your bag. We're about too alight."

I frowned and snatched the bag out of his hands. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

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